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About namsan

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    frail member

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  1. namsan

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    I actually haven't listened Angry Chair by Alice in Chains until today. Yeah it's a good song...
  2. namsan

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    I especially liked King of the Hill.mid
  3. namsan

    Chaingun or BFG9000?

    I don't think I have the strength to hold, or even lift a BFG9000 so yeah I would choose the chaingun. It probably works better with my weak arms and physique.
  4. namsan

    what is wrong with people who like snow

    Snowy landscapes are generally beautiful and cool...
  5. namsan

    The story behind your custom avatar

    I like fat yoshi from Super Mario RPG because they are inherently goofy
  6. Perfect Dark was probably the first M-rated (in the west) video game I have played. It was the Japanese version, so there were no blood splatters on walls or floors though. My parents got horrified after I was gunning down unconscious enemies or civilians (you can take down them without killing if you use fists) to death.
  7. namsan

    Opinions on Devil May Cry?

    I never played DMC but a Doom mod called Demonsteele (very DMC-esque gameplay mod, according to some) was fun.
  8. namsan

    What are you currently reading?

    Well, I'll be honest. I haven't read books for years. ...but I love reading many online dictionaries to learn new words or the origin of the words I already know.
  9. namsan

    What's your Doomfolio?

    I think I have officially published two maps so far, MAP13 of Japanese Community Project, and E1M4 of The Joy of Mapping 6: Joy Eternal. I also can remember there was an attempt to make my own episode-long IWAD in 2018 or 2019, but I only completed two maps and I got burnt out.
  10. namsan

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    Does anyone have good sound files for "Health-based player pain sounds" (DSPPAI25, DSPPAI50, DSPPAI75, DSPPA100) for Nugget Doom? I probably can extract sound files from random GZdoom mods and use them, but I wonder if anyone already made .wad file that contains them.
  11. namsan

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    yay, new version of Nugget Doom
  12. namsan

    Favorite level theme?

    Snowy maps, Egyptian maps, or snowy Egyptian maps.
  13. namsan

    What are you?

    Human who is frail and sickly but knows things a lot, like Hellknights and Barons of Hell won't infight much
  14. namsan

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    JellyCar Worlds, it's a kiddy (you drive a jelly car in the world made of jelly) but also very fun and deep game.