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Slipgate Tourist

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About Slipgate Tourist

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    Forum Regular

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  3. Slipgate Tourist

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  4. Slipgate Tourist

    Marrow, a brand new episode for Blood

  5. Slipgate Tourist

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    Just discovered this neat little youtube channel
  6. Slipgate Tourist

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    This place feels familiar
  7. Slipgate Tourist

    Turbo Overkill

    Too bad it runs poor for you but I find it's pretty well optimised and good looking, especially for a Unity game. I can run the game in 4k with locked 60 FPS on an i5-11400F with 3060ti. All settings maxed except for AA, TA and Depth of Field. Loading takes about 20 seconds.
  8. Slipgate Tourist

    Turbo Overkill

    A new patch has been released, supposedly addressing the issues with the broken difficulty settings. edit: It is fixed, the Serve Me Pain difficulty provides a decent challenge again. Patch notes are available now: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1328350/discussions/0/3807283698654417156/
  9. Slipgate Tourist

    Turbo Overkill

    No, sadly the update didn't fix the difficulty, but the developer is aware of the issue and is looking into it. I'm also not sure if all difficulty levels are affected. I restarted the first episode on the hardest difficulty and the game became enjoyable again. On that difficulty enemies move faster, their attacks are deadlier and there are no health pickups in the levels. You can only regain health by killing certain enemies that drop it and by killing enemies with your chainsaw leg if you have the required upgrades installed.
  10. Slipgate Tourist

    Turbo Overkill

    Awesome game, but the difficulty seems broken to me. Perhaps the developer accidentally released a build intended for game journalists. I found the demo to be much more difficult and therefore a lot more satisfying than the release version. Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1328350/discussions/0/5590708606431258345/ edit: Steam just started downloading a 6.47GB update
  11. Slipgate Tourist

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    The Height of Gaming Excitement Groovy
  12. Slipgate Tourist

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