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Everything posted by ⇛Marnetmar⇛

  1. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Self referencing sector help

    I am back with the Map of Doom(TM) again, which is included in an attachment to this post. I'm attempting to implement a couple of "invisible-door" windows using self-referencing sectors. The setup is as described in tutorials I've been able to find: the self-referencing sector itself is encased in a border sector that's 1px wider on all sides, and the self referencing sector's ID is one higher than the encapsulating sector: In LZDoom (haven't tried other limit-removing ports), the setup works exactly as intended: The problem, however, is that this map isn't supposed to be for LZDoom, it's supposed to be for Crispy Doom. As you can see, in Crispy Doom, the setup breaks (in chocolate doom it simply shows up as a Hall of Mirrors effect): Not only that, the monsters on the other side of the invisible door are somehow able to see the player and are alerted (which is not the case in LZDoom). So what am I doing wrong? IWAD is TNT, slot is MAP13, with the player start moved to the relevant location hydroshock.zip
  2. Lmaaaooooooooooooo
  3. 1. You can expect a chunk of a few levels of episode one that will demonstrate how the hub system works. Expect a good deal of programmer art. 2. Certain assets from Doom 2 like the super shotgun and certain decorations are used. Since Doom EU is for Doom 1, it checks for the Doom 2 IWAD and loads those assets if the IWAD is present. Otherwise, replacement assets in a file called ExtraArt.wad are loaded instead. @hfc2x can explain more about this. 3. Standalone levels use regular colored keys for progression while larger chunks of the world map are locked behind world keys which include the Officer's Pass, Colonel's Hand, Engineer's Pass and so-on. Some levels are technically enterable at first but are locked from the inside and require the player to find another way in through the other levels. 4. Certain weapon slots have two weapons, and they turn green when you have both weapons with you. 5. The score system is used for extra lives, and in addition, certain sections of the world contain upgrade stations ala System Shock 2 where points from collecting treasure are spent which allow you to upgrade your ammo capacity and so forth. This replaces the backpack mechanic from the original Doom, and the backpack item itself is now used for a completely different purpose, but I'm not sure if hfc2x wants me to spoil it yet or not lol
  4. This just occurred to me: am I nuts or does Gotcha! Feel an awful lot like a Marathon map? I can't articulate why, but it does.

    1. taufan99


      It does have lots of platforming, which is just reminiscent of Marathon maps, I suppose.

  5. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Random Video Thread

  6. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Random Image Thread

  7. Post your absolutely most very obviously true Doom facts in this thread Did you know John Romero designed levels for the Bethesda game "Doom"?
  8. I would be E1M7 because I'm complex and full of toxic waste
  9. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Is there an equivalent of Doomworld, but Half-Life related?

    If there ever was, it would have been Facepunch forums, but that place is long gone.
  10. Hot damn this is great news. As an aside, at first I thought the titlebar in the last shot said "1,692,432 graphics men and 7,485,176 other men" and wondered what horrible tragedy had befallen them
  11. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    DOOM 4 (Hell on Earth) Concept Art Findings

    Thanks for all you do @Wad overdose, you're doing the Doom community a great service by finding and archiving this stuff
  12. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    DVIIPAL (Minor update of DM2PAL)

    Hey, terribly sorry for the necrobump. Urthar's not been online for a while and I was wondering how to get a hold of them. I'd like to release a few of my own palettes using DVIIpal as a base but the permissions for doing so aren't specified anywhere
  13. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    I wonder if id was originally going to reboot Quake 1 but decided instead to retcon it into the Doom universe in order to preserve Quake as a multiplayer-only IP.
  14. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Liminal spaces in doom, what even is it ?

    90% of all retro FPS maps are liminal spaces
  15. https://bardyard.bandcamp.com/track/cuts-you-up Instrumentation by Dethsoul, vocals and mixing by me. From the Gothy Spring Sing 2024 EP.
  16. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    grungo head art archive thread (ART IS SLOW BUT HERE)

  17. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Steve Albini dead at 61

  18. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Hot Dogs

  19. The invisibility sphere is actually the superior reaction image because, being red, it's complimentary to Doomworld's blue color scheme. Everyone ought to be using it instead of the soulsphere



  20. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Bizarre Special 18 Bug

    edit: map provided in post #4 (PT 1) This setup worked perfectly fine until just recently, when it suddenly stopped working after no modifications from me. This switch makes this water sector raise up to the height of the sector pointed to with the red arrow I've confirmed that this part isn't the issue, but for extra information: this line, which the player crosses later, lowers the floor back down. Now, here's where it gets weird. When the initial switch is pressed, the water sector attempts to raise, but something is preventing it from doing so, so the floor stays lowered while the floor raising sound plays perpetually. Now, I know vaguely that in vanilla (crispy is not vanilla and probably does not have this limitation, but I digress), there's some limitation to how many lines a raising floor sector can have before the engine shits itself. Okay, we'll split the sector in half and add an extra highest floor sector to make sure it still works: Now the left half works fine, while the right half doesn't work. So evidently, the problem lies somewhere in the right half: Let's move the split. Hmmmm, left side still works: Left side still works. The problem clearly has to lie somewhere in the neighboring sectors on the right, right? Think again! The problem doesn't have to do with the adjacent sectors, but rather, it has something to do with the latitudinal line highlighted in red: As we can see, when the split is south of this line, the left side works: TO BE CONTINUED IN NEXT POST DUE TO ATTACHMENT SIZE LIMITS. IGNORE THE SPOILERED IMAGES, I CAN'T GET RID OF THEM FOR SOME REASON ---------------------
  21. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Bizarre Special 18 Bug

    Well I'll be damned, that's about the strangest engine bug I've ever heard of. Thanks @plums!
  22. ⇛Marnetmar⇛

    Bizarre Special 18 Bug

    Here's the map. Map is 13, IWAD is TNT, intended port is crispy. Just tested in DSDA Doom under -complevel 9 and it works as it should, so evidently it's a vanilla engine limitation. Any ideas for a fix? hydroshock.zip