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About Michniko

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    In space, there are no sleeves...

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  1. Nothing's been mentioned, but Gamescom and Quakecon are both in August so if they're going to announce anything it'll be there.
  2. Where is Doomguy on the dragon? Is he riding it or inside the turret somehow? It's hard to actually see him in the trailer.
  3. It's always possible. Eternal had that fake staged infighting that would happen every so often, but it always felt more like a reference than an actual mechanic. Let's hope!
  4. "Is there anything really specific about DOOM 1 and 2, like that you- when you-" "Projectile speed." "You strafe to aim in 2016 and Eternal for sure, but it's mostly just like- keep moving, keep moving. I think in the original DOOM, in the opening hours, we all remember it." -- "Instead of constructing a multitiered arena to keep you moving, we ground it, slow down the projectiles, make them hit harder and create patterns in the space, that's the jungle gym you're gonna move through." "It's almost like a three dimensional shmup." "They did 20-30 years ago and it really worked." This is all so awesome to hear from them directly.
  5. disregard my previous stupid message they literally say it in this video
  6. I'm definitely not the first person to point this out and take it with a grain of salt because this is all speculation built on a 2 minute teaser trailer -- but- The lack of emphasis on vertical movement, plus noticeably bigger crowds of enemies may be an attempt at adapting the playstyle of DOOM & DOOM 2 to the tune of 2016 & Eternal? Fast and grounded, less mechanics centered around strategy and more bulldozing? That's how Hugo was describing this game in the past wasn't it? I personally don't think id's modern games play anything like their older ones and that's a good thing, they should have separate identities. That being said I'd like to see them take some of the lessons learned from OG DOOM and apply them to the new stuff, also... deathmatch...? :)
  7. Michniko

    Update 6.66 Information (Fall release)

    I know it's a pipe dream but I'm really hoping to one day have Slayer on Slayer deathmatch in Eternal. I can't even bring myself to complete the weekly battlemode challenges anymore, there's nothing for me to really sink my teeth into when it comes to battlemode, it just kinda exists.
  8. Michniko

    The weapons of doom in real life!

    This is a very cute post.
  9. Michniko

    Whiplash concept?

    Wouldn't you like to know.
  10. Michniko

    Multiplayer idea that could've been awesome...

    I've recently been craving a Quake 3 but with Doom Eternal's gameplay. I know id said they're going to work on a complete Battlemode overhaul but I really hope they eventually add a Slayer-only Deathmatch mode, if they did it right(Map Weapon Pick Ups, Frag Oriented Game modes, Actual leveling reward system that isn't tied to Events) I could see myself playing that for a long time. It is no secret that Battlemode is far from fun right now, most people only play it to do the challenges and then neglect it until there are new challenges. It's a shame that id was scared off of doing another deathmatch mode after 2016, cause the best we have right now is Quake Champions and even that doesn't really fill the void.
  11. Michniko


    Not even gonna try to understand how this works but god damn it's cool!
  12. I'm picking 3 for each cause choosing is difficult work. DOOM: Nobody Told Me About id Sign of Evil The Demons From Adrian's Pen DOOM II: Running From Evil Into Sandy's City Opening to Hell Everybody's a fan of the faster tracks like Nobody Told Me and Sandy's City but it's always nice seeing the slower, quieter tracks that leave you wandering the level scared some love.
  13. Michniko

    The map you thought would never end

    I remember feeling similar feelings when playing Thy Flesh Consumed and some sections of Doom 2 when I was younger. Just endless enemies, low health, low ammo, just trying over and over to gain that one inch over the demon onslaught. It's such a good feeling when you finally get over that hurdle.
  14. Michniko

    Key bindings for weapons

    It may be possible to do it in the console but I'm not 100% on that. Even if you can't, you could always bind the weapons to more unconventional keys. I have the Heavy Cannon bound to MW DOWN and Chaingun to MW UP, having extra buttons on your mouse also helps but that isn't a luxury everyone has. Think about what keys around WASD that you don't use but aren't so far away that it's uncomfortable.
  15. Michniko

    How are you playing DOOM?

    The best way.