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Richo Rosai

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About Richo Rosai

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  1. Richo Rosai

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Doesn't that make the monsters just stand there and shoot like arachnotrons whenever you're visible though? I seem to recall it being kinda silly. I prefer to use a dehacked file that cuts health and ammo to about 1/4th the original amounts. Then I'm forced to play conservatively, use the berserk and chainsaw, and getting hit is a big deal.
  2. Richo Rosai

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I don't think normal people are supposed to be able to seriously beat the whole games on Nightmare mode. I for one consider UV to be annoyingly too easy as a modern player but the few times I've actually given Nightmare a serious shot it always ended after 5 minutes of bemusement. In Doom 4, incidentally, Nightmare is a very reasonable and rewarding difficulty.
  3. Richo Rosai

    The only thing that bothers me about the new DOOM is...

    It almost feels sarcastic. Like, you guys bitched when we tried to focus on horror, so fine, we'll give you what you want. Still, in terms of gameplay alone this feels like the... Mario Galaxy of FPSes. I feel sad that I played it twice in a row and there's no more to play.
  4. Richo Rosai


    Since I resolved to make the transition away from shut-in this year and I haven't been doing very well at it, I guess I'll take some benzos and go to a bar and watch everyone have fun and then go home and be like at least I tried.
  5. Richo Rosai

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Doom 2016 related, but I didn't know you had to equip runes until near the end of the game. And I was playing on nightmare, so when I realized my mistake the game instantly became much easier.
  6. Richo Rosai

    The only thing that bothers me about the new DOOM is...

    I use gritty. Still, the monster colors and designs just seem more comic-book like than horror. It works fine for what it is and it's an amazing game, but the way it's just a series of battles and never gives you the atmosphere of something like E2M2 or E2M6 or Doom 3 seems a shame to me.
  7. Richo Rosai

    what is your prefered control scheme?

    I also have trouble imagining playing some of the really hard maps with keyboard only. I'd be interested in seeing it done. Having played keyboard only for a while I remember it being really clunky. But come to think of it I might have been using the default "Stafe On" controls, which would have made it even worse.
  8. Richo Rosai

    Arachnotron in Kadingir Sanctum?

    Of course, but that's what would make it a cool easter egg. I accept the consensus that it's probably a (cyber-)mancubus and I did consider it and looked in the model viewer before making this post, but it seems to be a little different from the mancubus in the final game. There's no segmented green legs sticking out of the bottom of the mancubus for example, and the visible armor has some differences. Maybe the object in the level was made before the enemy was finalized or something.
  9. Richo Rosai

    Why havent you played Doom 2016?

    In terms of difficulty the ability of monsters to lead you with their projectiles makes up for the hitscanners for me. Both are cheap in their own way, but at least with the leading you can theoretically be vigilant enough to almost always avoid it.
  10. Richo Rosai

    Why havent you played Doom 2016?

    Severe depression due to which I do nothing for months at a time except work and sleep--never leave the house, can't even be bothered to watch movies or play games. And so I stopped following games for long enough to not know it was out. I was shocked to learn it was released and immediately played it about 15 hours a day to finally finish UN on day 4 or 5. So technically this is about why I hadn't played it, not why I haven't.
  11. Richo Rosai

    The only thing that bothers me about the new DOOM is...

    The story and to a lesser extent the atmosphere. It's taking itself too seriously in spite of being inherently silly. Every time they start talking I just roll my eyes and zone out. I would prefer that they scaled back the story and kept some of the horror atmosphere from 3, and maybe muted the colors closer to Quakecon demo to make it less cartoonish.
  12. Richo Rosai

    Arachnotron in Kadingir Sanctum?

    Is it just me, or does that corpse near the beginning really look like an arachnotron? I mean, if you ignore the fact that there seem to be ribs in it, it's got the brain and the green mechanical casing and legs visible.
  13. Richo Rosai

    what is your prefered control scheme?

    When I first got a computer and switched from keyboard only, I remember just setting it up in a way that felt natural and it was WASD. Then when I came online and realized something I had made up was already a thing to everyone else it was quite amusing. After a couple of years though I became controller only. Even for really complicated games that shouldn't be possible without a keyboard I always find a way to map it out so I can use a controller. I spend almost every non-gaming waking moment with a keyboard and mouse doing work, so I don't feel like sitting in that same position when I'm trying to enjoy myself as well. And since I only play single player games, I don't need the edge a mouse provides. Never come across a mapset I couldn't beat on UV with my gamepad.
  14. Richo Rosai

    Things about Doom you just found out

    That the switch in the alcove opposite the mega armor in the room with the blue key in map26 apparently does nothing (and yes, this is a roundabout way of asking what it does without starting a whole topic for it).
  15. Richo Rosai

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Yeah, I seem to remember you could tell what level and sometimes even what room he was talking about most of the way through the book.