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Everything posted by Alex!

  1. Alex!

    Speed Doom Mod

    I decided to get back into doom modding recently. So I made a quick mod in about 4 four hours. The Mod is simple you have a timer and if it runs out you die. It works on pretty much any doom engine game! It works in ZDoom and GzDoom and you can adjust how much time is added/subtracted to the timer in the options menu! I think it works in multiplayer but I'm not 100% sure. Mod download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1705N6gCoIgMT_RSuDKwX3ztO1sZdwcY9/view?usp=sharing Youtube Video:
  2. Alex!

    Speed Doom Mod

    UPDATE 1: Added some more options Added the ability to overwrite level time Added the ability for enemy kills to give time! Added clocks for people who want to make maps like time trials.
  3. nevermind I figured it out.
  4. I have been trying to get the skybox to move with the player so I can have a level that is moving like a train, boat, etc and I am using the skybox to portray a tunnel. could anyone help me. (I am using GZDOOM builder)
  5. I recently have started getting into doom mapping again and have made a deathmatch wad for people to play on (the wad is for zdoom sourced source ports) I have made it in 2 hours I hope you all enjoy! WAD:Doom II Open ME.zip
  6. So when I open build.wad I get no errors but GZDOOM keeps crashing I don't know why Build.zip
  7. I am trying my best for the wad I am making using the ZDIALOGUE script in slade? can someone please help me!
  8. Alex!

    Trying to make dialog in zdoom.

    I know was about to add that thanks! and i will start from scratch next time and get better help! thanks for the health
  9. Alex!

    Trying to make dialog in zdoom.

  10. Alex!

    Trying to make dialog in zdoom.

    let me fix that
  11. Alex!

    Trying to make dialog in zdoom.

    thank you so much man
  12. Alex!

    Trying to make dialog in zdoom.

    ok here ya go mate https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wcSMdB6xXOxW1c0a6A3VR8WbbB-DSLZX/view
  13. Alex!

    Trying to make dialog in zdoom.

    I can't seem to get it working want me to send the wad?
  14. Alex!


    I hope he had fun!
  15. Alex!


    I am making a keybind in Zdoom for a custom attack and I am new to creating keybinds so I don't know how to make it do something!
  16. Alex!


    No I am trying to make a custom attack like kicking not a console command
  17. Script error, "Maps.wad:DECORATE" line 16: Unexpected '.' in definition of 'tiny' Here is my script ACTOR Tiny: PlayerPawn { Speed 1 Health 75 Radius 8 Height 23 Mass 50 PainChance 255 Player.DisplayName "Tiny Sized!" Player.CrouchSprite "PLYC" Player.StartItem "Pistol" Player.StartItem "Crowbar" Player.StartItem "Clip", 50 Player.WeaponSlot 1, Crowbar Player.WeaponSlot 2, UZII,Wand,Pistol, Player.WeaponSlot 3, Shotgun, SuperShotgun, Drumgun Player.WeaponSlot 4, Chaingun,NaziChainGun,FireCrossbow Player.WeaponSlot 5, RocketLauncher Player.WeaponSlot 6, PlasmaRifle Player.WeaponSlot 7, BFG9000 Player.JumpZ 5 Player.ViewHeight 23 States { Spawn: TGUY A -1 Loop See: TGUY A 4 Loop Missile: TGUY A 12 Goto Spawn Melee: TGUY A 6 BRIGHT Goto Missile Pain: TGUY A 4 TGUY A 4 A_Pain Goto Spawn Death: TGUY B 5 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinDeath") TGUY C 5 TGUY D 5 A_PlayerScream TGUY E 5 A_NoBlocking TGUY F 5 TGUY G 5 TGUY H -1 Stop XDeath: TGUY B 5 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinDeath") TGUY C 5 TGUY D 5 A_PlayerScream TGUY E 5 A_NoBlocking TGUY F 5 TGUY G 5 TGUY H -1 Stop AltSkinDeath: TGUY B 5 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinDeath") TGUY C 5 TGUY D 5 A_PlayerScream TGUY E 5 A_NoBlocking TGUY F 5 TGUY G 5 TGUY H -1 Stop AltSkinXDeath: TGUY B 5 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinDeath") TGUY C 5 TGUY D 5 A_PlayerScream TGUY E 5 A_NoBlocking TGUY F 5 TGUY G 5 TGUY H -1 Stop } }