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About Vaeros

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    "Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law"

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  1. Thrash or Groove metal and Grunge.
  2. Vaeros

    DOOM 6: Trailer 1 Analysis & Discussion

    As much as I’m a sucker for medieval-themed stuff. I’m getting a bit tired of the direction this concept is taking in the franchise, especially in the main lore... It doesn’t feel like Doom anymore. Cool weapons showcase I guess but I'm not fully convinced with the Serious sam-ish gameplay... fucking dragon flights and mecha fights in a Doom game feel so unnecessary though.
  3. A bit late for me to say this in 2024, it was quite unexpected but I'm very happy to realize that we received a runner-up cacoward. Big kudos to all the contributors of the project and I'm very glad that we could create something great together, You guys really deserve it. As for the next updates, I’m taking a little break because of my responsibilities, but they will come in the future. I still want to make sure that everything is fixed and polished as it should be. Happy new year, wish you all the best.
  4. New update to 1.5.6 Changelog: -MAP30 renamed to MAP99 due to strange GZdoom's monster telefrag behavior. -Minor MAP25's update. -Mid-textures lumps corrected, hopefully this might be now fixed. Download in the front page.
  5. Another update to 1.5.5 Changelog: -Map15 skytransfer's texture glitch fixed. -Texture lumps fixed. -GLnodes junk that causes crashes on DSDA removed. -BFG flash visuals fixed. -Minor visual changes on some maps. It seems everything is working nicely now, all tested on the latest DSDA-doom sourceport. Download in the front page.
  6. Alright, here's a quick update to 1.5.3 Changelog: -MAP19 and MAP26 Updated. -MAP09's secret exit level fixed - changed to MAP32 instead of 31. -MAP33 and MAP34's sky textures implemented. Download link in the front page. I'm assuming some anon in the thread is fixing the texture problems, so probably another update will come soon.
  7. Hmm. Hate to say that unfortunately we discovered several texture bugs in this release, we're now fixing them. A new update will come soon. i'm very sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO, THE FINAL PHASE IS OUT BOYS. -AD MORTEM - ''PHASE 3'' Update: -New weapon sprites replacement (Special thanks to Chopblock223, ViolentBeetle) -7 new spooky maps! Important Note: Unfortunately I've just noticed there might be some broken mid textures in some maps after a 'cleanse' in the wad's file... please let me know if you catch some of them so I can fix them in a later update. Download link is on the front page! Happy Halloween everyone.
  9. Yes, this will be the final phase. now it's a complete mapset of 34 maps.
  10. Guys! I regret to inform you that unfortunately we have to delay this new update to 31th October. We will need a little time to make some changes. The good news is we have new 7 cool maps for this update, I'd like to share a few screenshots of the newer maps, please stay tuned!
  11. Of course! A new update and some new maps will come out on October 28th.
  12. Vaeros

    Another ridiculous post about the future of Doom

    Big yikes: the post
  13. Vaeros

    Doomcute thread

    Time to play Doom.
  14. Vaeros

    How to get good in Doom

    Shoot them until they die.
  15. Vaeros

    Thrash Metal appreciation thread

    Pretty underrated band in my opinion, everyone saying that Pantera 'ripped them off' but I personally think that's just stupid nonsense. I would say they just got influenced by them after they dropped their fucking 'Glam-style' image (which it's a good thing for Pantera in a way lol). Overall. their styles are pretty much different, both bands are great but I wished Exhorder was more recognizable too.