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About Klickach

  • Rank
    Multiplayer doom fan

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  1. Klickach

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    Is it possible to disable mouse input in menus?
  2. Klickach

    Thoughts on Doom from a 7-year-old

    I love how child's perspective on different things is very often different from adult's perspective (well, because child had much less experience in life) and it is always interestiing for me to read posts like this. I wonder what your kid will think about building levels
  3. Klickach

    oh hey. i'm new & in love

    Welcome to the community! What did you play at this point? What ports did you use?
  4. Klickach

    How is the average Doomworld user?

  5. Klickach

    How is the average Doomworld user?

    Two ends of spectrum: 30 year old heterosexual christian man Or 15 year old *insert any sexuality here* atheist femboy
  6. Klickach

    How is the average Doomworld user?

    As a certified young kid (zoomer), I can say that this happened by accident. Maybe because for long time I had crappy pc and I got into "retro" somehow
  7. Klickach

    How is the average Doomworld user?

    So much fun!
  8. Klickach

    What do you call Doomguy?

    Normally I call him doomguy, but SOMETIMES I like to call him just space marine
  9. Klickach

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Eric, what are you watchin?
  10. I use DoomRunner because it works well and looks great
  11. Klickach

    Freedoom needs more attention

    Totally agree with you this OST is pretty good (It also sounds pretty awesome in ArachnoSoundfont)
  12. @Zulk RS GZDoom on Earth sounds menacing
  13. This is already a thing. It is called Knee Deep in KDiZD
  14. I played nuts.wad so yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah