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About Desdinova

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    Artist, Writer, Map Creator

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  1. Weird to think that one year ago, I released BALEFIRE. Time is going to fast.

  2. Desdinova

    Doom 64: Revelations

    Going to be doing some map creation and drawing streams on my friend groups YouTube channel, if any of you would interested here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/@thebackfatfadpad
  3. Is there a way to change the GZDoom icon in the taskbar when running a WAD?
  4. Desdinova

    my first "complete" wad

    I had a lot of fun with this, I really liked the architecture in Dead City and the elevation in Ravine. There was a good split between open combat arenas and more condensed areas. However I do have 2 criticisms. 1. There was no music (I don't know if that was a bug on my end or not) 2. There was some misaligned textures in Map 3 specifically (In UDB, you can press A and Shift+A to realign on the X and Y axis) Other than that, for a first map, this is incredibly well made, I'd give it a 7 or 8 out of 10 :)
  5. Desdinova

    my first "complete" wad

    By the screenshots alone, I can already tell its better than my first map. I'll check it out!
  6. Desdinova

    Doom 64: Revelations

    Not at all, here is a Google Drive folder of a couple photos of Maps 2 and 3, I don't want to post anything new of Map 9 because its a pretty stark departure from the rest of REV, there's a small portion of it below from a few months back. Google Drive Folder I might also update this folder every once and a while, I'll make posts about it along with the checklist.
  7. Desdinova

    Doom 64: Revelations

    Hey everyone. Sorry it's been a while.. I've been busy with some other personal projects that came before REV, but development has resumed and things are going pretty good, I've almost finished all of Map 3 in 4 or so hours! I've also updated the Demo for Map 1, so if you want to check out the new version you can right here! Every post I put under this topic now will have a small checklist of progress on REV. Here is the current progress. ~Checklist~ REV01 - Done REV02 - Done, Revisions Needed REV03 - Unfinished [50%] REV04 to REV08 - Unfinished [0%] REV09 - Unfinished [75%] I hope to send one of these posts out every 2 weeks or so. REV's release is still planned for the end of summer [Late August/Early September], However I still cannot guarantee it. See you all in 2 weeks!
  8. Desdinova

    Doom 64: Revelations

    Plannin on trying to get REV out by summers end, no idea if I'll hit that goal, but thats what I'm shooting for.
  9. Desdinova

    Music fade out in one specific area

    It worked, thank you
  10. Desdinova

    Music fade out in one specific area

    It's telling me that the identifier has not been declared.. Any solutions for this?
  11. Is there a way to make my main music track fade out in one area and then have a new one fade in, and vice versa when exiting? Using UDMF
  12. Is there any possible way to make my main music track fade out and another fade in, and vice versa when leaving said area? I'm using UDMF
  13. Desdinova

    Doom 64: Revelations

    Small question for anyone following this thread, should I keep the sky blue? I considered changing it to orange earlier today.