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About glu

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    Warming Up

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  1. glu

    What games have you beaten/started recently?

    The Old Blood is fun, it has a off-beat/more comic side compared to The New Order which I like, enjoy! Otherwise, the most recent game I started is Gone Home, an indie story based game from 2013. Knew it for years and finally decided to begin it. Last game I beat recently is the solo campaign of Titanfall 2 which was very good. Game's often cheap on Steam sales, I recommand buying it and give it a go.
  2. Living in Elden Ring's universe should not be fun
  3. glu

    Should DOOM 1 have achievements?

    I think most people just play the game without caring about the achievements and after completing it they decide to get more or get them all. Why? Because it's fun in my opinion. And I think that people who begin a game by reading all the achievements and focusing on them as much or more as the game itself are a minority. And I also don't think that achievements harm people. If you don't care about them, just ignore them. If someone wants to get achievements because they find fun in it, good for them. Achievements do not really make a game better, but they add something that can please certain players. And I don't understand how that can be bad.
  4. glu

    What are you listening to?

    Thank you for this amazing discovery! The album sounds like it was recorded from an old cassette tape, with that lofi sounding frequency spectrum, saturation, narrow stereo field and the constant hiss in the background. I like this, I think that it adds something interesting to the songs (although it probably wasn't done on purpose). Good original coldwave sounds with nice compositions and a slightly raw side. Plus I read it was from Croatia (Yugoslavia at that time) which is rare, and that south-east trait can definitely be heard. This album really has something special. As for me today:
  5. glu

    New Piece - "Interweave" for Brass and Woodwinds

    Wonderful piece of music! It made me live a little adventure. I love the twists at 3:00 and at 3:50 . Great job!
  6. Overall, I prefer playing WADs thant anything, but I realize that lately I've been spending more time watching Doom videos than actually playing the game. I also like to make maps for fun from time to time, but I'm bad at it and don't really have the motivation to improve myself for the moment.
  7. glu

    What are you listening to?

    New Dismiss Yourself & Layer22 release, "Cyberia Collection Vol. 3" (compilation)
  8. glu


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