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About monkeymaster69

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  1. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    alright i wrote the number 44 in the SNDEQ its in the old screenshot i took so i have to place an object with the tag 44? what object is it the sound sequence thingy the ones at bottom? bc in every tutorial i saw about scripting a sound it didn't mention any "object" :,) edit i followed the doom wiki to do this triggerable looping sound
  2. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    so i have to put a tag to the object? to trigger the script i tought you write the script and trigger it using a linedef with "script execute"????
  3. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    i already tried ambient sound and it worked but the issiue with it is that the player or BJ is supposed to turn off the alarm with a switch kinda like in the other games like return to castle wolfenstein if i remeber corectly or kinda like a farCry game kinda that idea of alarm edit i found a tag of 44... ill see if ill change it if it works afterwords edit of the edit it didnt do nothing :,)
  4. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    yes its the tag in soundinfo has the "ALLARMSTOP" and "ALLARMSTART" file but SNDSEQ dictate its number which is 44 like in polyobects and such
  5. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    i tried what you just about now and the sound still doesn't trigger altho the massage appears it just doesnt trigger the sound
  6. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    its supposed to be an loopable alarm that activates an ambush that can be deactivated afterwards
  7. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    yes edit its the name of the sound entry that should trigger not the file
  8. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    okay so i did what @Shepardus and @magicsofa said and also followed your advice but the sound itself doesn't play but the massagge when script is triggered appears
  9. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    tried that still doesn't work for some reason ive written ATTN_NORM bad but even with that correction it still doesnt work
  10. monkeymaster69

    i found out how to do a looping sound but TID doesn't work

    nope still doesn't work even with only the number edit it works its just me being a dumb ass but now theres another error "missing ")"" which idk how?
  11. so ive been trying to add an alarm loop sound during an ambush and used scripting and found how to use Playsound but the TID doesn't work ive tried many times rewriting it but it says "TID: Identifier has not been declared" any idea why doesn't work? bc ive put the sound tag and its 44 in slade but doesn't triggeret any suggestions? #include "zcommon.acs" script 1 (void) { playsound(TID 44,"ALLARMSTART",CHAN_AUTO,fixed volume = 1.0[,bool looping = true[,fixed attuation = ATTN_NORM,[,bool local]]]]); print(s:"BJ: fuck an ambush!"); }
  12. hello so i was developing map06 of my mod and i wanted to add a part where you trigger an allarm and you have to deactivate the allarm to procede so i found an allarm sound and tried using SNDSEQ but when i add these sounds and try start the map it has an error does anyone know how to add custom sounds when activating a trigger and deactivate it and how to resolve this error script? :AllarmStart Playloop ALARMAMBUSH end :AllarmStop Play ALARMSTOP end [AllarmAmbush environment 35 0 AllarmStart 1 AllarmStop 2 AllarmStart 3 AllarmStop ]
  13. monkeymaster69

    why is my story text glitchy?

    ohhhhh now i get it thanks sorry im not english speaker soo i didnt understand thank you very much
  14. monkeymaster69

    why is my story text glitchy?

    okay soo i need to put both texts in one cluster? correct thank you a lot i was blocked for hours map MAP03 "theater of the castle" { sky1 = "SKY1", 0 next = "MAP04" music = "d_countd" } cluster 1 { flat = flat1 music = D_READ_M entertext = "june 1th 1941 i've infiltraded the castle HQ was talking off", "i've stole some documents about some project being research", "up north in another base it seems like this is very top secret", "project that not all officers know about it i need to go in", "that base and seek what ever this egg heads are working on", "shit seems like the ss are everywere in the city they are", "problably on me ill try to be stealthy but stealth ain't", "something im very good at." } map MAP04 "boom boom on the roofs" { sky1 = "SKY2", 0 next = "MAP05" music = "d_runni2" } cluster 1 { flat = Flat1 music = D_READ_M exittext = "june 1th 1941 i got captured by the ss", "they say their gonna take me to a special place", "ill need plan if i want to get out of here." } heres both story texts i tried but still doesn't work