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  1. Leileilol you can lie what you want, all stuff for R3D is original made by me. Long time ago I say you are an idiot and now I still think the same. I still making stuff, never say stop with it. also still make stuff for UFO. alien invasion. so go fucking someone else with your lies.
  2. sitters

    New Risen3D?

    Thanks. :)
  3. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    The source from Quake2 evolved is available http://www.quake2evolved.com/news.htm
  4. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    Yea it was fun, maybe I start mapping for quake2 evolved. That port is totally rebuild and looks like doom 3 and has bump mapping, per vertex lightning system, real water, etc etc etc. Great stuff. :))
  5. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    I make maps for fun, and when I have fun building stuff it is not for naught. I have make maps for Half Life, Quake2, Quake 3, Unreal, Far Cry and Chaser. Just for fun.
  6. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    Agh who knows what the future brings.
  7. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    I need speed,3D floors ,slopes, 3D lines and model collision and interaction. No port on the moment can give me that. So it is no use to send in my maps for only speed testing.
  8. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    The source is ask and I sent it, maybe it must still be done. I only know I sent it, for attach it by the package.
  9. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    I have run my maps on gzdoom and jdoom to test it. 25 till 40 FPS on an pentium 4 3GhZ with 1GB intern memory and an high speed graphic card. So any older PC cant play it any more, to much lag. With R3D 120 FPS.
  10. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    It is included by the bins of r3dglbsp
  11. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    They cant handle my maps, the rendering speed is to low. The FPS is dropping death, with much dynamic lights and models.
  12. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    No, same country as Yagisan
  13. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    The team was : Graham : coder. Abbs : game play, tweak-er. Hawkwind : Tester, improver. Sitters : modeler, mapper. Edit: of course Abbs did a lot of more
  14. sitters

    risen3d licencing discussion

    BTW I am number four, deep is not an member of the team anymore, for an long time. I am the mapping and modeling member. :)