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About Fletcher`

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    Shut the fuck up I'm experiencing childlike wonder

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  1. Fletcher`

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    Essel won't shut up about Mapgame so that counts :P
  2. Fletcher`

    Share Your Sprites!

    You can probably get away with mirroring the sprites for the throwing animation. There's 8 frames for each and the vassago is symmetrical so you'd never notice the difference.
  3. Fletcher`

    dsda-doom v0.28.0 [2024-08-10]

    Current version crashes on the menu if freelook is enabled and you move the mouse before entering the playsim
  4. Fletcher`

    how would you rate your mental health?

    I cannot quantify my mental health in rational numbers
  5. Yesss, I loved this aspect of older maps. I love maps that *do* things. Its one of the biggest ideas from the 90s that still carry over to my mapping today. That and trying to recapture the sense of adventure you had playing them as a kid.
  6. Fletcher`


    Fp! Props to all logged in cows
  7. Fletcher`

    Why does "moo" mean "I've returned after a long time?"

    I post rarely enough I should be allowed to moo if I please. Moo.
  8. Fletcher`

    My Chemical Doom-mance [GZDOOM] | RC2

    The only way to kill the part of you that cringes is witH OVERWHELMING FIREPOWER
  9. Fletcher`

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    The Pallas Palace
  10. Fletcher`

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Hey weinerboy, where do you think yoooooure going?
  11. Fletcher`

    Mapping Etiquette (Flicker Lights)

    Just fuck up my eyes, fam
  12. Fletcher`

    Hocusdoom RELEASED (in /idgames)

    I'm glad you were able to fix the issue! Sorry I haven't replied to much lately. Life has a way of happening to you I guess. In other news, Bart, otherwise known as Dosgamert just streamed through a bunch of it today: I'll try to post an update on what I'm working on later tonight!
  13. Fletcher`

    What are your creative crutches?

    When in doubt, I always build sections that look like they've been destroyed or decayed or infested. Then I add a cave. Every goddamn time.