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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Memfis

    Dodging Cyberdemons at point blank range

    Looks like you moved so that he would be more in the center of your sight.
  2. Memfis

    UAC First World Facility

    ZDoomisms everywhere, don't try in classic ports. Contains a place where you get crushed if you press the wrong switch.
  3. Memfis

    How to make a texture like this one

    Also here you can get the font used on that pic I believe: http://kdizd.drdteam.org/history.php
  4. Memfis

    Pour one out for MS Paint

    In Windows 7 Paint can I make it so that rectangles are filled with the border color by default? I always have to change Color 2 first.
  5. +++ Moonblood gotta counter the trolls
  6. Memfis

    Looking for material to "Get good"

    I realized that I suck at deathmatch when in a judas23 duel some pro decided to make fun of me, stopped shooting and just started running around me without doing anything. It took forever to land a SSG shot. So when I read guides a feel a bit sad. They say stuff like "this position is highly advantageous: if the enemy enters the room they will be in your plain sight and you'll be able to immediately kill them". But all that tactical knowledge is pointless because most likely I'm simply going to miss.
  7. Memfis

    Always make a backup for your files

    Wow, I never had any problems using a vacuum cleaner. This discussion scares me.
  8. Memfis

    Looking for material to "Get good"

    This document is impressively detailed, I feel like it taught me some things: http://www.doom2.net/dev/DooMStrategy.pdf
  9. Memfis

    Pour one out for MS Paint

    So how should I call poor image edits now?
  10. Memfis

    Always make a backup for your files

    How bothersome it is to set up some sort of automatic backup that would be performed once in a while? Maybe like on a few selected folders or something. I can't imagine doing it by hand.
  11. I've noticed in some ports that if I have both MIDI and MOD music in a wad, the volume difference is usually really disturbing. Like, I have to increase the volume greatly to hear anything in a map with a MOD song, then I get to intermission and BOOM BOOM BOOM FUCK MY EARS. Is there anything that can be done about this? Either on my side or maybe on the port programmer's side?
  12. OMG. :D All I can say is that a warning would be nice next time. Some people are sensitive to such things...
  13. Not sure which one i am... I was born in 1993 and saw Doom first when I was like 4 years old maybe. But I know that at that time it didn't seem old and people were still talking about it a lot I believe. Although some were saying that Duke is better since "it has 3D", etc. More than anything I'm just happy that I was born in the age when computers and smartphones weren't dominating the world yet, so I kinda got to experience some of "normal life" in childhood, whereas nowadays most kids become children of the internet at a very very early age, which could have a negative effect.
  14. Memfis

    Is cereal a soup?

    fuck no
  15. If it's just a few areas I will usually play "fair", but if the whole map seems dark I might resort to gamma correction. It also depends on how atmospheric the level is. If it's all very moody I usually don't want to ruin anything.
  16. Memfis

    Plutonia 2 Map19 BFG

    Yeah, you can strafejump there, and it will probably take you a LOT of attempts. :)
  17. Memfis

    Is there anything in Doom you find truly archaic?

    Also not enough save slots. Even in some ports!
  18. Memfis

    What sky is the best?

    I like the last two! Nice view.
  19. Memfis

    Doom 2 maps without revenants?

    This sounds like something that should be answered by a simple program that goes through your wad folder. We even already have programs like WADWHAT.
  20. Memfis

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    But what's the use of a warning sign that you can barely notice? :P
  21. Memfis

    Here is my problem with making maps.

    Disappointment is possible only if you have expectations. When I was playing with legos as a kid, I don't remember ever being dissatisfied with whatever I created. That simply wasn't my concern. My goal was to have fun playing with the blocks, not to make something awesome or impress someone.
  22. Memfis

    What sky is the best?

    Most of these don't work at all in my eyes. If you already have a detailed backdrop made of sectors and objects, you don't need the sky to have elaborate mountains as well. That's just messy and hard on the eyes, plus tiny sector mountains look funny when you see huge realistic ones at the same time. A simple sky with some clouds and stuff would work much better than these visually busy ones I think, and it would create nice contrast.
  23. Memfis

    Creating the Perfect Game

    Is there a version of Tetris with no speed up? I still like to play it sometimes just to relax, but then stuff starts falling fast and I get the opposite effect.
  24. Memfis

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    umm, what the hell is that giant head :DDD