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Everything posted by vdgg

  1. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP27 UV Max in 3:29 ic27-329.zip
  2. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP27 Tyson in 13:48 ic27t1348.zip
  3. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP25 Tyson ic25t2402.zip
  4. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP04 NM 100 in :35 MAP26 NM 100 in :33 Both maps have 1 secret each, so no big deal, though MAP26 also beats NM Speed record. MAP09 Tyson in 14:56 ic04s035.zip ic26s033.zip ic09t1456.zip
  5. @Dimon12321 You probably misread what was said, of course not killing LS is fine. That I kill them in my TAS runs is just a convention. @Andromeda Exactly, extensive demo history, >300 demos when the new version came out, plus 2002ad10 didn't even fix plenty of past bugs. Another example of a WAD in which we don't use the newer version is Classic Episode.
  6. My list with some subjective notes, so of course you are welcome to disagree. *** Part I - Maps without Max entries. *** 1994tu MAP22. The final version is screwed. 100% kills not possible and I don't even know what is the maximum. There are monster teleport closets at the northern part of the map and my experience says that some monsters teleport. Probably any first entry can be a record and then, if you are faster or you get more kills, you break the record. FCFF MAP02. "TAS only". That cyber. marsw301 MAP26. Max secrets: 4/5. Does not apply to marswar which is fine. NDCP2 MAP20. Max kills: 112/114 (I think). Two deaf unreachable monsters. They can be killed in a movie run by rocket splash damage, but in a pistol start max no, there is no rocket launcher on this map. o34s. Max kills is somewhere between 872 and 885. Really tricky to figure out. *** Part II - Maps that already have Max records. *** 1024 MAP10. Maximum kills: 49/57. 2002ADO E4M4. Maximum kills: 114/116. Also, for this WAD we don't use the newest version (2002ad10) unless we play the new maps. Bauhaus MAP04. Some problematic kills, current Max is not "proper" Max but my max movie kills all the monsters. Not sure. It would be nice to beat TimeofDeath and score all the kills, easier said than done. CChest MAP21. Max secrets: well, the doomwiki article is very good here. 8/9 is theoretically possible, but I would say, for sanity, it is best to agree that only 7/9 are required. Current record has 7/9. cod1-11 MAP02: Max secrets: 16/17, MAP03: Max secrets: 8/9, MAP09: Max kills: 144/152, MAP11: Max secrets: 9/10. darken MAP10. Max secrets: 0/1. darken2 MAP07. Max kills: 95/98. MAP08: Max secrets: 0/1. end2 E3M5. Max secrets: 7/8. Max kills: one problematic monster in the void, theoretically killable, I think it's better to skip it, so 208/209. My max has a bonus demo that kills that monster. hellrun2. Max secrets: 14/17. ic2004 Max kills: 466/473. ZDoom allows for real 100% kills, but I opted for not using it :) icarus MAP13 Max secrets: 0/1. MAP15 Max secrets: 3/4. lastep1 MAP01 Max kills: 143/144. MM MAP11. ATM I am not mentioning C-N WADs, but this map is the most screwed of them all. Max kills are now possible thanks to a patch which came 20 years too late, and Cyberdemon531 just ignored it, and I actually would ignore it too! pcurban Max kills: 1063/1065. pe1_phob E2M9: to get 100% kills you need Boom compatibility. Current max is complevel 9. pl2 MAP20. Max kills: 349/353. ruinbros. MAP04 Max secrets 4/5. MAP07 Max kills 196/200. serenity E3M7. Max secrets: 30/31 even though current record has 31/31. One secret is a similar case to Doom II MAP27., you need a linedef skip. In other words, all max entries (three) are valid. STRAIN MAP32. Max kills: 169/206. If you use Boom (one demo, 3:03 by Heretic), then Max kills: 204/206.
  7. vdgg

    Guess the Map (X edition, DONE)

    I didn't take a look at the hints yet, I will edit my post later if they help With hints
  8. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP21 Tyson 12:49, UV -fast 2:23. ic21t1249.zip ic21f223.zip
  9. vdgg

    More Memorable Maps

    I really played very little of new stuff but MAP03 from 4 Seasons of Doom is something I couldn't stop playing for at least one week. From FCFF I would pick MAP06 thanks to the floating area with yellow key and arch-viles, and from Lost Civilization the amazing rooftop cyberdemon placement in MAP15 and the whole MAP09 for being just perfect.
  10. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP24 UV Max in 4:45. MAP11 UV Speed in 4:19 (NoMo record is 1:18, but the map is mega crowded, besides, this WAD is 25 years old and nobody was preventing you from recording a UV Speed before in all these years :) ) MAP16,20,29 still don't have UV Speed entries if anyone is interested. ic24-445.zip ic11-419.zip
  11. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP22 UV Max in 2:57 ic22-257.zip
  12. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP26 UV Max in 1:54 ic26-154.zip
  13. vdgg

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP26 Tyson ic26t924.zip
  14. vdgg

    Fucking Hostile Psychoholic Slosh

    Excellent design for 1995. A bit more generic than MM, the author loves metal textures and double chaingunner traps, but nevertheless, it was a blast
  15. vdgg

    Whispers of Satan demos [-complevel 9]

    ^ 5:25 ws21-525.zip
  16. vdgg

    Guess the map [8th edition] (THY ANSWERS REVEALED)

    No hints With hints
  17. vdgg

    Plutonia 2 Demos [-complevel 4]

    MAP27 Tyson p227t2105.zip
  18. I don't think so, these spawned monsters don't interfere with the "originally placed" ones and very rarely are threatening. Actually I think I woke it later than Andy. I realized afterwards, from @galileo31dos01 casual max, than you can postpone it until the exit opening switch by using a tunnel I missed. It probably loses time, though. I also realized afterwards that I could save 10 seconds by rocket jumping to that switch (with green armor I need to be close to 100% health, and I had full health in my 6:13 run). I don't think I want to play it again, however :)
  19. vdgg

    A daily puzzle game I invented

    A little bump so maybe new people will join. I am still playing this quite frequently, >3 days per week, however I see very little competition lately.
  20. Wow, what a journey! Low health after 8 mins = unbelievable.
  21. vdgg

    Guess the map [7th edition] (New hints added)

    Featuring my map was quite unexpected. Also, @RjY actually guessed, wow. Old FDAs are welcome! If it were someone else's map, who knows, maybe I would be swearing at the stupid mapper and his plasma gun placement. As the author I will still claim it was brilliant. By the way, it is worth checking how @Bdubzzz dealt with that in his UV Max