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About Traysandor

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  1. My guess is that's there's probably some form of idiot proofing going on under the hood. Then again I'm not knowledgable enough about the inner workings of source ports and compatibility settings to be able to answer that question. I just casually play wads.
  2. Ah okay, I must have missed that one when I was looking into it. I could never get DSDAdoom to feel quite right when I use that source port, so I generally default to GZDoom for most things unless otherwise specified, I probably just missed that compatibility flag setting, which is my bad. Wouldn't be a bad idea to include a textfile for that in the download like most other wads have included, just in case someone plays on the wrong source port or settings.
  3. While you're working on RC3, something very important to know that there's a fatal flaw in Map30, thanks to vanilla Doom2 compatibility: DO NOT have a bunch of monsters teleporting into the final fight arena on Map30. Reminder that the telefrag check is NOT PRESENT IN THE MAP30 SLOT! Meaning if a whole bunch of stuff teleports into a few destinations, the monsters will just telefrag each other and actually becomes significantly easier. So if you want your final fight in Map30 to be the OMGSlaughter you want it to be, that final fight will need to be redesigned for more teleport destinations or at least spaced out better (Like have 2 or three waves) so that the enemies aren't just accidentally killing themselves.
  4. Traysandor

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    From a different article I saw whose source I already forgot, but I'll give you the tl;dr version: The main dev team behind the new game went back and played the original DOOM games. Where Eternal was a lot more focused on vertical acrobatic gameplay, this time around it seems at least on paper that they're sticking closer to the original source material where there's more focus on lateral movement and dodging projectiles. Also bigger battlefields and I'm guessing larger active monster counts - something neither 2016 nor Eternal game did very well (Mostly combat arenas with a few monsters at a time). I'm sure there's more than a few modern DOOM fans who would love to finally see a good old fashioned slaughermap, BFG mechanics be damned. Of course for now we're only going based off of one gameplay trailer so we'll see how things develop.
  5. Traysandor

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    Well if I wasn't considering a top of the line computer build before, I certainly will be now. Pretty safe to guess that if you're getting this for your PC, you're going to want a fairly beefy graphics card if you want to run it at 1440/4k with most of the settings cranked up. If you haven't upgraded your graphics card in a while, that's something you'll probably want to start looking into if you want your DOOM looking and playing as badass as possible. Of the currently available cards, you'd probably want to go straight for the 4070ti Super, 4080, 4080 Super, 4090 for Team nVidia. Or an RX 7900 GRE, XT, or XTX if you're Team AMD Radeon. Or whatever the next generation GPU equivalent will be when they come out. Though ironically I'm likely heading to Team Linux after an extended stay between Windows 7 and 10. I'm guessing that it'll be Steam Deck compatible so Linux shouldn't be an issue. Don't know if nVidia RTX vs. AMD Radeon RX matters in that high end gaming decision for Linux, but that's not suitable for this thread. (Please take that discussion to Everything Else or feel free to PM me your reasons why one is so much superior than the other) Will almost certainly be picking up this game when it launches, much like when I did the same for 2016 and Eternal.
  6. Traysandor

    Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread

    I mean SRB2 was finally recognized by the main Doomworld community in a special Cacoward despite having more or less split off on its own direction some years ago. Not from community drama AFAIK but mostly because the SRB2 team wanted to implement things that were not possible with the original engine the game was based on. Knowing that this exists now? Excuse me while I go download and play...
  7. Traysandor

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    I like most of what I see so far, blazing through about half the wad with only an occasional death, mostly to hitscan. UV seems a bit on the tame side - at least compared to most of the other wads released lately where UV would either rip you a new one or turn into slaughter combat puzzles. I guess I'll see what the second half has to offer soon enough... but it is refreshing to see a wad I can mostly handle on UV without having my butt kicked ad nauseam. It does feel a bit odd having to rely on normal guns for so long though. Might not be the worst idea to throw a Slot 5 and slot 6 weapon (or it's ammo) in a secret somewhere in the first half. A few minor things: The hit collision for the barrel replacement is extremely jank. The slot 5 weapon when you do acquire it, the firing sprite blocks too much of the screen, making it difficult to aim properly when a situation arises where you need to use a lot to deal with a horde of enemies. The secret exit for Map 15 - should probably be marked as a secret once you find where it is and more tagged secrets when you figure out what you need to do to unlock it. Though once you're done with the main wad you could also work on a version that steps up the difficulty for those up to the challenge (Like what the creator of another wad did and had a new game + version of the levels that was much more slaughter/difficult). But that's up to you.
  8. Technically speaking the answer is yes. Would it be recommended? Not at all The primary limiting factor is the Vanilla Doom engine and source code itself, or in some cases limited by what the source port is capable of doing. If you play most of the other modern mega slaughter maps with thousands of monsters or more, you'll notice that in most cases fights generally don't have more than 1,000 monsters active at a time. That's because vanilla and most source ports will slow to an absolute crawl if too many things are active on screen at one time (monsters, projectiles, etc). -SOMETHING- has to use all the computing and processing power to keep track of everything that's going on. Even when all enemies are inactive or dead, too many of those on screen at once will cause a lot of chugging. If you want to see what I mean by that, nuts.wad is a good example of why you can't "just cram 5k+ monsters in a huge room" and expect most source ports to even be able to handle it. Having a mod that can remove dead demons from the map after X amount of time can help manage the load as suggested above. Also, huge fights get very old very fast, even when you know how to design slaughter-style fights that are actually good and fun to play and not "Just get out your Rocket Launcher/BFG9000 and hold down the fire button nonstop for an hour while circlestrafing to win".
  9. ...Why does Dropbox require a login to download stuff now?
  10. Traysandor

    Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread

    Besides the obvious ones so far... +1 NERF Episode 3
  11. Traysandor

    What do you think is Doomguy's favorite wad is?

    wow.wad Okay, serious answer the sake of the argument - we'll go with something that would have him enjoy killing lots and lots of Hellspawn... Classic Answer: Plutonia, HR2 or Scythe Early-Modern Answer: Ultimate Torment and Torture, Epic, Plutonia 2, Speed of Doom Semi-Modern Answer: Back to Saturn X (E1/E2), Valiant Modern Answer: Eviternity, Ancient Aliens, Overboard, Ozonia Mascochist Answer: UAC Ultra, Deus Vult, Sunlust, Antarasean Reliquary, Space Cats E1/E2, Chillax
  12. Traysandor

    I C H I N I C H I (32-map megawad)

    I generally liked how all of these maps could be completed in relatively short order. And that none of these romps had the insane difficulty slaughter that most projects seem to treat their UV experiences with these days. Feels like a breath of fresh air really, I haven't had to resort to cheats or savescumming (except when I died at the end of a map once and didn't want to replay it). Well done.
  13. +1 to RAMP 2023. If only because this time around there is almost 300(!) completed maps and there's sure to be at least a few gems worth playing. https://ramp2023.teamouse.net/
  14. Traysandor

    DOOM Unity port WAD Suggestion thread

    Once upon a time when I first started my foray into Doom Custom .wad levels, it felt like ZDoom was the gold standard by which everything else was measured against. It wasn't until the triple team of Odamex (For old school classic feel/multiplayer), Skulltag/Zandronum (For ZDoom-compatible + multiplayer), and GZDoom (For advanced stuff) that it was dethroned and ultimately discontinued.
  15. Traysandor

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Not so much a .wad file of level sets, but looking for mods that makes Doomguy have a little more health / armor / firepower (weapons/ammo) for harder mapsets: - Prefer to be mostly vanilla-ish compatible, but Zandronum/GZDoom compatible is fine too. - NOT Russian Overkill, that makes wads too easy - NOT looking to increase monster difficulty or change behaviors through mods. Enemies must stay vanilla to whatever map set I run. -- If the monster stuff can be turned off in the options, maybe.