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About BassSlapper89

  • Rank
    Texas Musician and Doom Nerd

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  1. BassSlapper89

    Ultramarine (WIP)

    For sure! I'll stay in touch. 😁
  2. BassSlapper89

    Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 4 (Out Now)

    I, personally, haven't tested the mod in Lzdoom for awhile. This is more GZDoom oriented, due to the features. GZDoom version 4.8.0 at minimum is recommended. I believe @QuakedoomNukem Czhas more details.
  3. BassSlapper89

    Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 4 (Out Now)

    Completely understandable. Pushing the envelope and brainstorming will be involved a lot more, for sure, once we get the ball rolling.
  4. BassSlapper89

    Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 4 (Out Now)

    Definitely up in the clouds. This is has been mentioned before and definitely like the idea.
  5. BassSlapper89

    Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 4 (Out Now)

    Love this feedback. This definitely made my day, including the rest of Team Hell Hare! 🙏 After releasing the first download, definitely made me want to redesign. @RichardDS90, not only a developer but also a friend to give credit to rework and adding on what you experience throughout the mod. I know the 13 year old version of me who came up with the idea would be proud, for sure. But yes, close to finishing with episode 5. More is underway. 😉
  6. BassSlapper89

    Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 4 (Out Now)

    All 5 episodes will be featured in one downloadable file.
  7. BassSlapper89

    Ultramarine (WIP)

    Never knew of that project. Thank you for the heads-up. I'll look into more titles.
  8. BassSlapper89

    Ultramarine (WIP)

    Thank you 🔥
  9. BassSlapper89

    Ultramarine (WIP)

    I had thought of this around February 2023, as my next upcoming Doom project, once Jazz Jackrabbit Doom is fully completed! My next project will be Ultramarine! Which was inspired by Marine Assault designed by @Xaser, back in the early 00's. I have worked on a few maps, here and there when I get the chance. Family, work and life... I don't have much to say a lot about the upcoming mod at the moment, but I will mention that there is gonna be: Puns New Weapons New Enemies OTEX Textures and others Explosions (Build Engine-ish Style) 20 well designed maps! When it comes to a demo, that is on the backburner. I'll keep everyone posted. I do apologize about my absence, work and life has held me up. Music is also keeping me busy, since the recognition has been slowly progressing. But it is awesome to get back to modding and map designing again. Definitely missed it! If you all have any feedback, feel free to comment below! Much Love! Video: Screenshots: map01 map02 There's still some editing that needs to be done...Minigun strap XD map03 KABOOM!
  10. My progress with Episode 5: Holiday Hell Hare Final Boss arena is complete! Currently close to completion with Bilsy, the final boss of the episode! Video: Bilsy Bilsy's Minions Arena: Burrowsville: Bilsy's Minion Entrance:
  11. Hey! Didn't we share the stage yesterday? :p

  12. Episode 4 of Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom out now! https://www.moddb.com/mods/jazz-jackrabbit-doom-tc/downloads/ultimate-jazz-jackrabbit-doom-episode-4 Enjoy the new features and goodies!
  13. ---Updated original file--- Updated file down below.
  14. BassSlapper89

    Post a picture of yourself!

    Nice shirt!
  15. BassSlapper89

    Post a picture of yourself!

    My band Agony and @leejacksonaudio made some magic yesterday for our upcoming single! Such an honor and a blast! Great guy! Learned some cool, fun facts about ROTT, Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D! The song we're working on "Stalker" from E1M1 from Duke Nukem 3D. (Left to right) Richard, Me, Lee, Eric, Joey and Joe