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Bad movies that make you laugh

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7 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

@Wyrmwood I looked up the movie on Wikipedia and I read that the movie features a young Jackie Earle Haley! :o


Not sure who that is to be honest. Did notice George Peppard on the credits, that's Hannibal from the A-team as I remember.

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34 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:

Not sure who that is to be honest.

Rorschach from Zack Snyder's Watchmen!

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16 hours ago, magicsofa said:


  • Plan 9 From Outer Space! (Can't recommend enough)
  • Gamera vs Monster Zero
  • The Screaming Skull

Not as old:

  • The Room
  • Jingle All the Way
  • The Last Air Bender (required intoxication and a friend willing to riff hard on this, we sadly made it through)

Don't forget Manos The Hands of Fate, Fun fact The film only premiered in Mexico in the 1950's or 1960's The film almost faded into obscurity until Mystery Science Theatre 3000 found the film in the 90's.

also there's some 80's B Movies like

-Howard The Duck-


-Troll 2-

-The Garbage Pail Kids Movie-

-Mac and Me-

Edited by DeathWolf1982

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16 hours ago, TheFocus said:

Halloween Ends, past the first 20 minutes, had me laughing almost the entire time. it has everything: dogshit writing, actors who don't really care, editing is almost nonexistent, comically cliche characters, it's all here. from what i had heard going in, i thought it was just super mid. but this is actually terrible.


(if you actually like this, i really want to know why)

I liked it, also Friday the 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child are the movies i like and they're pretty funny and cheesy, it's also fun for the Halloween season if you like Bad horror movies, or doing a Monster/Slasher marathon. 

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On 10/27/2022 at 3:04 AM, DeathWolf1982 said:


also there's some 80's B Movies like

-Howard The Duck-


-Troll 2-

-The Garbage Pail Kids Movie-

-Mac and Me-


The worst thing is Howard The Duck wasn't really a B-movie, it just wasn't very good. It's based on a Marvel comic and directed by George Lucas, probably had a comparable budget to many hit movies of the time too. The rest of the movies you listed were made mainly for VHS release but Howard was meant to be a hit cinema movie, it just ended up shit. Hard to tell who it was aimed at too, seems like a kids film but has a lot of adult humor and wasn't marketed very well to either demographic.


He turns up as a playable character in the Lego Marvel Heroes game by the way.

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22 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:

It's based on a Marvel comic and directed by George Lucas

Common misconception: the movie was actually directed by Willard Hyuck, with George Lucas serving as one of the producers.

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

Common misconception: the movie was actually directed by Willard Hyuck, with George Lucas serving as one of the producers.


Well thats George only slighty off the hook for this then! Did wonder how the hell he messed it up so bad. Star Wars has some pretty iffy dialogue but his direction of a New Hope was great and I've always had a soft spot for Willow.

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5 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

The movie notoriously had to be saved in editing, which Lucas did with his then-wife Marcia Lou Griffin, because the first cut was reportedly... not great.


Hmmmm, occurs to me this happens on every film. The cut footage was interesting though, I'm not a Star Wars mega-fan but I loved those movies as a kid (enjoy the Mandolorian and Rogue One now, not so much the other stuff). Must have really sucked if you were in Star Wars but ended up on the cutting room floor like Luke's friends!

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Also, in Lucas' defense, Mark Hamill was still recovering from a serious car accident and as such he was not available for reshoots. It is in many ways a miracle that Star Wars became a smashing success and it makes it all the more sad how it seems to have broken George Lucas in the long run.

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I wanna watch Jason X for Halloween, because it's my favorite in the franchise.

"Guy's it's okay! He just wanted his machete back..." pretty fuckin funny. also when Jason is in the VR scene he starts beating up the two girls in sleeping bags.



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Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, you guys! The thing that can only be described as THINGS is current available for free on Tubi.tv!


If you cannot use Tubi.tv where you are or you do not feel like watching the whole thing (I cannot say that I blame you), here is a sample:



Alternatively, if you want to laugh at the movie without having to suffer through it, you can also listen to A Part Of Our Scare-itage's episode.

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@magicsofa It is not even the worst scene in the movie, if you can believe it. Frankly, that ought to be the worst Canadian movie I have ever seen.


Like, everything about it - except maybe a couple of half-decent tracks - is baffling. It is like watching someone else's weird dreams.


Even After Last Season is more competent and coherent than this.

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A Night at the Roxbury is the best worst movie ever. You can't touch it. You will laugh and love it every time, but it's a bad movie. One of my guilty favorite comedies.

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@SYS I saw that one. How is it bad, exactly? From what I remember, I would not say it is great or anything, just formulaic at worst.


It is definitely not The Master of Disguises, that is for sure...

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