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About Rudolph

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  1. Rudolph

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Have you played the Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space remakes?
  2. Rudolph

    What are you listening to?

    KMFDM's latest album Let Go, which got its full release today! LET'S GO!
  3. Rudolph

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Have you played the original as well? I was wondering which version is superior.
  4. Rudolph

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Which version? The original or the Gearbox re-release?
  5. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    Eh. I have been there too. ;) Nevertheless, I appreciate it. Wait, are you saying you have a good time watching the Star Wars Holiday Special? Again, I will defend the quirky cartoon segment with Boba Fett, which is kind of cool actually, but the rest? The segments with the Wookie characters groaning at each other alone made me appreciate the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi even more... :x
  6. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    Thank you. As I told Xcalibur, I do not think Disney is that much worse at managing the IP than LucasFilms, all things considered. But yeah, I have not actually seen a Star Wars movie in its entirety since Revenge of the Sith and the last Star Wars product I have actually enjoyed is Andor, in part due to how unique it felt. I guess I am at a point in my life where I do not resent people for enjoying art that I do not. I am fine with the Prequels, the Sequels and the other spin-offs existing, even though I do not care about them; plenty of people do, and also it provides Auralnauts with plenty of material to remix. I do think that Star Wars is ultimately better than Marvel at the end of the day, as the former is fundamentally about fighting fascists - which probably explains how something like Andor was allowed to be made - whereas the latter is about continuously preserving the statu quo as we know it. Even though I find the Prequels to be rather boring in their execution, I do appreciate what they are trying to say about the empty promises of liberal democracy and the ways fascists worm their way into power; for instance, I recently learned that Nute Gunray was very much inspired by American politician Newt Gingrich. I admit I am a bit embarrassed to have not picked up on such obvious pun before, but then again, Newt Gingrinch is not a figure I am familiar with and he does not appear to be very relevant these days anyway... :P
  7. MAP16 is genuinely unsettling; AI-generated art is so good at creating nightmarish visuals. I also like that MAP32 was not just a remake of Doom II's "Grosse".
  8. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    "Give the man his due"... The guy is rich beyond belief and now happily retired. Give me a break. I mean, do you even realize just how silly you are being right now? You might have more in common with the "butthurt fans" you claim to despise than you are willing to admit. Suffice it to say, I invite you to take a step back and rethink your attitude here, because it is not conducive to dialogue...
  9. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    I do not know, man: if you cannot help but lash out at people over Star Wars, then it sounds like it is you who is "hopeless" here. And if you keep pushing the whole "Great Man Theory" about George Lucas, do not act all outraged whenever you get a reality check. I actually never said that the Prequels "raping my childhood" or anything so gross and petty, I just think that they are fairly boring movies (especially Revenge of the Sith), so I would appreciate it if you could refrain from putting words in my mouth all for the sake of using me as your punching bag.
  10. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    Indeed, before Star Wars was made. XD By the time the Prequels came out, however, he had become more of a greedy businessman. It is also well-documented that Marcia Lucas had a hand in making the Original Trilogy the smash hit that it became, and his ex-husband has been heavily downplaying her contribution ever since their divorce. As for Dave Filoni, he has been highly successful so far and is a well-liked figure among Star Wars fans. He is also a staunch defender of the Prequels like you, so I do not know why you even hate his guts so much.
  11. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    Eh, I really do not think so. Less is more, as they say... I mean, the whole trend of making lightsaber duels overly long and obviously rehearsed pretty much began with Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, yet this is how the character goes down in an episode directed by Dave Filoni of all people, the man who is considered to be George Lucas' protégé:
  12. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    I do not even like JJ Abrams as a director, yet I cannot deny that he is better at filming action and crafting interesting visuals than George Lucas. To quote Red Letter Media, "JJ Abrams should've directed the Star Wars Prequels and George Lucas should've directed audiences to their seats."
  13. Rudolph

    Star Wars Ahsoka series discusion thread

    No. I mean, the Special Edition revisions, maybe, but with the exception of the stylized cartoon segment, The Star Wars Holiday Special is just a string of deeply unfunny skits and as such is tantamount to psychological torture. And while there are some unintentionally funny bits in Revenge of the Sith (e.g. Darth Vader's infamous "NOOOO!"), the movie as a whole is incredibly boring because of all the flat cinematography and the inconsequential action scenes that go on for way too long. I do not care for The Rise of Skywalker one bit, but even that movie looks better overall.
  14. I strongly doubt it. We had Encarta 95, but the software I am looking for looked nothing like it.
  15. Rudolph

    Anyone Else Remembers Twisted Metal?

    I have not played it myself either, but I have seen the cutscenes of most games because I was told that they revolved around a character similar to the movie Wishmaster's titular villain, an odd but interesting choice for what looks like a gritty take on Mario Kart's Battle Mode.