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30 Sectors: A Community Project for Boom (Limit Removing) (Closed)

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On 9/3/2023 at 6:50 PM, scientifikgenius said:

may i take map08?


23 minutes ago, stochastic said:

I'll take Map27! Probably won't be able to make much progress until late September due to IRL stuff. 


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On 8/29/2023 at 2:41 AM, alexsa2015sa said:

Finally, a map09 submission to get this party started:

The Lava Skull - cp_30sec_alexsa2015sa_map09.zip


It turned out surprisingly fun to see how many redundant sectors can be stapled together, and the effects they produce can be an (un)expected source of fun besides; I feel my map09 submission is sort of boring in that regar. I might add another submission later, but I really look forward to seeing other nice maps for this challenge.


It's not boring, it's fun. It's also very hard for map 09, i think. A little more health and an earlier placement of the green armor will balance that. I had to go through hell and back just to get that armor, and i feel that was a bit unfair with all the hitscanners along the way, when there was barely enough health pickups to recover the chaingunner damage that is almost impossible to avoid. It becomes a trial and error, you try again and again, until you get lucky and reach the armor with hopefully enough health to keep you going. Add my own player mistakes to the mix, and as a result i died dozens of times, before discovering the armor. I also wasn't able to reach the exit yet on UV, because i keep running out of ammo. I'm sure you've put enough, but most players on a blind run will miss a some of it, because the map doesn't let you take a breather, it keeps pushing you to move, and you have no chance to look around, so i'm sure i've probably missed some resources.


I have no problem with the texturing and the visuals, it's fine for what it is. Maybe only the UAC crates are out of place, but it's not a big deal. There are however many misaligned textures. All cliffs need to be auto aligned, and there are probably a bunch of linedefs that need to be unpegged. Overall, this is a great map, and i wouldn't have said anything about the difficulty if it was between slots 20 and 30. I'm sure a more experienced player will have a blast with the challenge, while i should probably give it another shot on HMP next.


Now that i think of it, it's not specified in the first post that the project needs to have difficulty progression, so i guess anything goes.

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On 9/2/2023 at 6:51 AM, DankMetal said:

Download: ABYSS.zip



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It's a cool map, i really like the visuals and the music, which really fits perfectly here. At first i thought i took the wrong turn at the start, because i ended up fighting 2 barons of hell and four cacodemons with just a chaingun and a single barrel, so that was a bit frustrating. Then i saw that there was an SSG hidden in one of the caco closets, but it was too late, i had already done the busy work, but that was my fault for not being more aggressive. Overall i have no complaints with the encounters. I had a terrible luck with the pain elemental, because he took damage from a cacodemon, and spawned like 20 lost souls all over the place while he was out of my range. The cyberdemon fight was fun, the little arena you fight him in was just big enough to not make the fight trivial, and the platforming was enjoyable. However, there's not much reason to go there, because you don't need that plasma gun to clear the rest of the monsters and beat the map. I'd say, if you put one of the keys there with the cyber, his presence will make more sense.


Now up to some weird stuff on three ports. I've played in LZDoom, and the bug i've encountered probably goes on GZ and Zdoom as well (i can check that for you if you want). I'm talking about this... when you go through most of the doorways in the map, this happens briefly, it's like flash, but it's very annoying.





That same thing doesn't happen in DSDA, but you should still fix this for every port, to have all players covered.


The next issue is with the metal bars here. You made the line behind them impassable, but not the bars themselves, so you go through them and hit the invisible wall behind. Also, the same bug from the doorways happens here too:








And finally the sky... i love what you choose here, very fitting. The problem is, i don't think it's transferred properly. In LZDoom it's fine, but in the DSDA you have a huge concrete square that covers almost everything and you only see parts of the sky at a distance. I don't have a screenshot of that, because i have no idea how to take them in DSDA or Crispy Doom. But speaking of Crispy, it's even worse there, you don't see no sky at all, only the gray box above, and at the distance you get the "house of mirrors''/missing texture effect all around, and it ruins the map entirely.

Edited by Tangra

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Thanks for testing my map, now, addressing some of the things you pointed:


1 hour ago, Tangra said:

The cyberdemon fight was fun, the little arena you fight him in was just big enough to not make the fight trivial, and the platforming was enjoyable. However, there's not much reason to go there, because you don't need that plasma gun to clear the rest of the monsters and beat the map. I'd say, if you put one of the keys there with the cyber, his presence will make more sense.

Yeah, i didn't know how to make the player feel the necessity to go to the cyberdemon arena in that moment, probably gonna add a keycard or a switch so that fight would be obligatory.


1 hour ago, Tangra said:

Now up to some weird stuff on three ports. I've played in LZDoom, and the bug i've encountered probably goes on GZ and Zdoom as well (i can check that for you if want). I'm talking about this... when you go through most of the doorways in the map, this happens briefly, it's like flash, but it's very annoying.

Oh, they found that error! In prboom+ (the port where i tested the map) there's a similar bug in the same doors where in a split second you could "see" HOM everywhere,that's because all the door sectors in the map doesn't have a sky transfer. If you put that action to doors, it would appear as closed, even if it's open. This bug was nearly imperceptible, so i said to myself "no one's gonna notice", i didn't know it looked this bad in other ports. If someone knows a solution to this, please let me know.


1 hour ago, Tangra said:

The next issue is with the metal bars here. You made the line behind them impassable, but not the bars themselves, so you go through them and hit the invisible wall behind. Also, the same bug from the doorways happens here too:

Oh, that's actually really easy to fix.


1 hour ago, Tangra said:

And finally the sky... i love what you choose here, very fitting. The problem is, i don't think it's transferred properly. In LZDoom it's fine, but in the DSDA you have a huge concrete square that covers almost everything and you only see parts of the sky at a distance. I don't have a screenshot of that, because i have no idea how to take them in DSDA or Crispy Doom. But speaking of Crispy, it's even worse there, you don't see no sky at all, only the gray box above, and at the distance you get the "house of mirrors''/missing texture effect all around, and it ruins the map entirely.


This one's also easy to fix

Regarding Crispy doom, however, i never made this level considering this port, i used generalized actions which (for what i know) are not supposed to work in Crispy, and the visuals are based on a boom exclusive feature. I don't know a way to make all of this work in that port, and i will search for solutions, but for now, i can't make my map compatible with crispy doom.

Overall, thanks again for testing my map, i was actually modifying it before reading your reply. I'll try to fix as many of this errors as i can.

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On 8/29/2023 at 12:41 AM, alexsa2015sa said:

Finally, a map09 submission to get this party started:

The Lava Skull - cp_30sec_alexsa2015sa_map09.zip


I gave this one a play. It's very tight ammo-wise as @Tangra pointed out and I also agree that it might be a bit too much challenge for MAP09. The texture choices reminded me of The Spirit World from Doom II (but with crates). The map starts out frantic and never gives up until the very end with arch-viles popping up to keep pressure on the player while hitscanners hide around every corner outside to force the player into cover. I didn't have any major problems getting the green armor near the start, but I did have some major health problems as the map went on. I had to save scum my way through this one a bit more than I'd like to admit.


I wasn't able to find any of the secrets on my playthrough until after I had finished off all the monsters. I found the hidden berserk (that would've been useful earlier!) and, unfortunately, a couple of softlocks. Both of these are caused by linedefs flipped the wrong way. I've pointed them out in this screenshot below (spoilered as it shows the map in the editor):





I enjoyed the map. It could use a bit of polish around some of the rougher edges, especially the difficulty given its map slot, but it was fun to play.

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28 minutes ago, Surreily said:

I didn't have any major problems getting the green armor near the start, but I did have some major health problems as the map went on.


If it wasn't for your post, i wouldn't have noticed that there was an armor just around the corner at the start. So now i take back my comments on the armor situation, i should've paid more attention. But then again when you have a hot start, sometimes it's easy to miss the obvious. I ended up running all the way to the second green armor, the one you find after you go through the cave with the mancubus and cacodemons. 

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36 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

Oh, they found that error! In prboom+ (the port where i tested the map) there's a similar bug in the same doors where in a split second you could "see" HOM everywhere,that's because all the door sectors in the map doesn't have a sky transfer. If you put that action to doors, it would appear as closed, even if it's open. This bug was nearly imperceptible, so i said to myself "no one's gonna notice", i didn't know it looked this bad in other ports. If someone knows a solution to this, please let me know.


Well, i think if you remove all the fancy foggy/color palette stuff (is that what the fake floor and ceiling action is for?), the map will be fine. Just remove all of it and use the line action 271 on dummy sectors to transfer the sky texture to all sectors that are not under roof. If you do it, the map doesn't lose that much visually, and it's better to have a stable map, rather than a buggy one with a slightly different palette.

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On 9/1/2023 at 11:51 PM, DankMetal said:

Finally, i ended this map.

For some reason i can't understand, i decided to limit myself by doing dummy sectors, "it would be simple" i said, completely clueless of my future.

This is Map 20 "A City Lost In Time", a foggy map ambiented in an abandoned city (redundant), taken over by demons. This levels was inspired by Doom 64, PSX Doom, and a little bit of silent hill.


I suggest to play this map with the -nomonsters parameter after you beat it in the normal way, it's certainly an... experience 

Shout out to @Herr Dethnout for giving me permission to use his wad as a base for this level, gracias manito, besos en el potito de parte mía.


Download: ABYSS.zip



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OK, first update i made to this wad so far:

  • The Cyberdemon fight it's no longer "optional", i removed the "secret" sector special in the arena. In exchange for that, there's a new secret... somewhere in the map.
  • Fixed the "door flash" bug (it was so simple, and somehow i didn't figure out how to fix it before)
  • Fixed the metal bars bug.

Here's the new file: ABYSS.zip

I forgot to mension that the song of this map is "Toxin Refinery" from PSX Doom.

And i have a question for @Raith138, can we implement deathmatch and coop compatibility to our maps? i think it could be interesting in a map like this.

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3 minutes ago, DankMetal said:


And I have a question for @Raith138, can we implement deathmatch and coop compatibility to our maps? I think it could be interesting in a map like this.

Yeah, there is no downside.

I will not make it a requirement but go ahead if you think it will be good for your map.

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3 hours ago, scientifikgenius said:

Map: 08
Name: The World Box
Author: scientifikgenius

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Monster Count: (29, 41, 55)

Desc: A room slowly unraveling. Can you survive?

download here:


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I like the idea but it could use some roughing up.

The barrier in front of the switch has the wrong floor so when it lowers it looks really weird.

I also think the map is a bit easy but I guess for the 8th slot it may be fine.

I would also say that the switches should be changed to a different texture because they are really out of place.

The first switch would look better if it was  in the wall rather then having a block over it.

I think there is a lot of potential for this!


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Hey, I'd like Map04. I've already started a small segment of the map, just to make sure I'm up to it before taking a slot. I know the project is limit removing, but I thought a vanilla compatible map fit the theme, so I'm testing with Chocolate Doom. Pics taken with Zdoom and monsters disabled.


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Had a silly idea lying around on the disk, so with a bit of polish here's an attempt at MAP31.


Download: 30sec_m31_v3.zip

Title: Hot Potato Tossing Contest

Music: 'Lion Heart' by AD_79, although you won't hear much of it I'm afraid

Sectors: exactly 30, although 4 are due to GZDoom-specific issue, see spoiler


GZDoom has different scrolling floor interaction that makes bouncy wall rockets WAY faster than demo-compatible boom, so I had to essentially make a GZDoom-specific version of the first room. Setup works via walkover generalized crusher being broken in -complevel 9 but working in GZDoom.

Difficulties: yes, from UV down

Coop: starts only

Tested with: dsda-doom -complevel 9, GZDoom + others, some details spoilered


Other than unique gzdoom fight version, map is not compatible with Eternity Engine due to it handling a certain hack/engine quirk used here differently from all major engines I tested on. I made a bug report to EE github, so not fixing this.


For GZDoom, infinitely tall actors are enforced via mapinfo as the 2nd fight is designed with that in mind and is completely toothless otherwise (tested). Feel free to remove it in compilation if you disagree, I won't insist.


Intended experience is dsda/woof/prboom.

Description: A pacifist dance floor followed by lite mosh pit zlotter. Secret exit included. Let me know if it's too far from what you have in mind for the project, since there isn't much in a way of design guidelines in OP.







v2 Changelog:

- fixed missing texture

v3 Changelog:

- fixed Cyberdemon crushing for gzdoom


Edited by Doomy__Doom : map update to v3

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23 hours ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Had a silly idea lying around on the disk, so with a bit of polish here's an attempt at MAP31.


Download: 30sec_m31_doomy__doom.zip

Title: Hot Potato Tossing Contest

Music: 'Lion Heart' by AD_79, although you won't hear much of it I'm afraid

Sectors: exactly 30, although 4 are due to GZDoom-specific issue, see spoiler

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GZDoom has different scrolling floor interaction that makes bouncy wall rockets WAY faster than demo-compatible boom, so I had to essentially make a GZDoom-specific version of the first room. Setup works via walkover generalized crusher being broken in -complevel 9 but working in GZDoom.

Difficulties: yes, from UV down

Coop: starts only

Tested with: dsda-doom -complevel 9, GZDoom + others, some details spoilered

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Other than unique gzdoom fight version, map is not compatible with Eternity Engine due to it handling a certain hack/engine quirk used here differently from all major engines I tested on. I made a bug report to EE github, so not fixing this.


For GZDoom, infinitely tall actors are enforced via mapinfo as the 2nd fight is designed with that in mind and is completely toothless otherwise (tested). Feel free to remove it in compilation if you disagree, I won't insist.


Intended experience is dsda/woof/prboom.

Description: A pacifist dance floor followed by lite mosh pit zlotter. Secret exit included. Let me know if it's too far from what you have in mind for the project, since there isn't much in a way of design guidelines in OP.



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Hi, just played your map on UV and got the secret exit. Before I start giving feedback about the map, the file name you have given is invalid for dsda-doom, it gave an error message about a playpal error, due the wad having "doom" at the end of the name. With that out of the way, here is my feedback:


1. The first section of the level feels like luck, I feel like there is little consistency with where the cyberdemon rockets are going to go, I would consider this to be the hardest part of the level for this reason. Can you let me know about a strategy you used to beat this section?

2. The last part of the level is the best in my opinion, It feels fair and is a pretty challenging fight.


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7 minutes ago, HiRon said:

Hi, just played your map on UV and got the secret exit. Before I start giving feedback about the map, the file name you have given is invalid for dsda-doom, it gave an error message about a playpal error, due the wad having "doom" at the end of the name. With that out of the way, here is my feedback:

I'm not sure what you're talking about, I can run the wad from a .bat file just fine, command line in spoiler.


..\dsda-doom\dsda-doom.exe -iwad ..\wads\DOOM2.WAD -file ..\wads\dev\acceleration_nonsense\30sec_m31_doomy__doom.wad -complevel 9 -skill 4 -warp 31

Maybe there's some confict for "put iwads in the exe folder" use case and it gets mixed with doom.wad? I've long since stopped keeping iwads in exe folder, I have engines and wads in subfolders as you can see from paths. Could be bug report material worth investigation I suppose.


Either way, w.r.t. first section:


It is intended to be a "unpack your dodging skills and be ready to adapt" section and I wouldn't put it at the tail end of a 20+ minute map, but it's not pure rng for sure.

The most successful approach for me is to hang out in the center (on the level where "90" number is/initial teleport lands you, slowly shift towards the wall and look for openings in rocket volleys to reset and loop around to the opposite side. Grab a mega if chipped down by barons or a rocket.

For GZDoom version, 2 cybers ride on lifts up and down to create openings where player can hang out, as different rocket acceleration physics make projectiles much more bound to "lanes", so to speak.


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5 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

I'm not sure what you're talking about, I can run the wad from a .bat file just fine, command line in spoiler.

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..\dsda-doom\dsda-doom.exe -iwad ..\wads\DOOM2.WAD -file ..\wads\dev\acceleration_nonsense\30sec_m31_doomy__doom.wad -complevel 9 -skill 4 -warp 31

Maybe there's some confict for "put iwads in the exe folder" use case and it gets mixed with doom.wad? I've long since stopped keeping iwads in exe folder, I have engines and wads in subfolders as you can see from paths. Could be bug report material worth investigation I suppose.


Either way, w.r.t. first section:

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It is intended to be a "unpack your dodging skills and be ready to adapt" section and I wouldn't put it at the tail end of a 20+ minute map, but it's not pure rng for sure.

The most successful approach for me is to hang out in the center (on the level where "90" number is/initial teleport lands you, slowly shift towards the wall and look for openings in rocket volleys to reset and loop around to the opposite side. Grab a mega if chipped down by barons or a rocket.

For GZDoom version, 2 cybers ride on lifts up and down to create openings where player can hang out, as different rocket acceleration physics make projectiles much more bound to "lanes", so to speak.


I didn't actually use a .bat file to lauch the wad, I just let dsda-doom launch it for me with Doom 2 automatically, it usually works with all the wads I have played. If you place your name at the beginning it should be good, it launches with zero issue. Also a reply to strategy with first section:


The strategy you had for the first section was the same thing I did, which makes me believe the problem is with reaction time... Maybe put the fireblu wall a little further back? I also found an HOM in that section as well, it is right side of the right pillar next to the fireblu wall. It can be seen from the start if you look closely.555161990_Dsda-doomScreenshot2023_09.07-16_05_57_10.png.3e9ef2c774defb205cbf943868724fd3.png


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30 minutes ago, HiRon said:

I also found an HOM in that section as well, it is right side of the right pillar next to the fireblu wall. It can be seen from the start if you look closely.

Oof, fixed that one, thanks. Just removed the name from attachment, should load fine now I hope.

30sec_m31_v2.zip (original submission updated as well)


Re: fight - I'll keep it as-is for now and wait for some more second opinions, at least from project lead. I've included a demo of it with the upload, a bit of a brain fart at the end as I mis-tracked which mega I took but still representative of how I expect this to work.

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On 9/6/2023 at 11:53 AM, The Kingslayer said:

Hey, I'd like Map04. I've already started a small segment of the map, just to make sure I'm up to it before taking a slot. I know the project is limit removing, but I thought a vanilla compatible map fit the theme, so I'm testing with Chocolate Doom. Pics taken with Zdoom and monsters disabled.


That is looking really good!

You got the slot.

2 hours ago, HiRon said:

I would like to claim Map 28! The map I am making for it is almost finished.


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Apologies if I have been rather inconsistent recently, I am having problems with wifi and also came down with a cold.

I should be more active in a few days.

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1 hour ago, Raith138 said:

Apologies if I have been rather inconsistent recently, I am having problems with wifi and also came down with a cold.

I should be more active in a few days.

dw man. take ur time and hopefully u feel better soon!! god bless take care my man :)

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An update to map09. I tried to make it easier, but I backtracked on that pretty quick after I managed to make the SSG section harder instead :P
    - added more stimpacks all over the place
    - added more ammo, but *not* much; probably need a new victim blind tester for authentic experience of "enough ammo"
    - got fed up with CRACKLE alignment (it doesn't work) and added texture inserts everywhere
    - added two more secrets and sectors, for total 30 Sectors and 5 secrets.


If it poorly suits MAP09 slot, maybe I should just claim a higher slot instead? Making maps easy enough is apparently hard and early slots are full anyways, while the upper two thirds of the set seem empty for now.

Question: are the HMP/HNTR for the map alright? Are they too easy? Still too hard? Can't change when I don't know what ot change


Also, can I claim MAP18 slot?

...because why would I stop at making one deathtrap anyways? Though apparently I suck at judging maps as easy so feel free to die to it. A lot.

MAP18: Redflower Computing
    - 78/93/123 monsters
    - 29 sectors and 3 secrets for now, but by offhand calcs I can add 2-3 more secrets to that
    - MIDI: D_OPENIN. Which suits this map just fine, unless someone can suggest an even better community-common track that I don't know about (which is practically all of them)


I will add my notes on other peoples' levels a bit later; there is only so many hours in a day I find.

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Alright, finished up Map 28!

Title: Crimson Monument
MIDI: "Knights of Zettazepto" by Cammy
Sectors: 30, about 8 of which were used on stairs
Difficulties: All difficulties are supported.
Co-op: starts have been implemented, but has not been tested.
Tested with: Dsda-doom v0.26.2 -complevel 9
Description: "This map was originally a 1-hour speedmap I made, however I didn't know what to do with it. Originally the ceiling of the map was a sky. I managed to condense the sectors down to 30 for this project. It is also pretty tough and should get players ready for the last 2 maps of the set." 




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11 hours ago, HiRon said:

Alright, finished up Map 28!

Title: Crimson Monument
MIDI: "Knights of Zettazepto" by Cammy
Sectors: 30, about 8 of which were used on stairs
Difficulties: All difficulties are supported.
Co-op: starts have been implemented, but has not been tested.
Tested with: Dsda-doom v0.26.2 -complevel 9
Description: "This map was originally a 1-hour speedmap I made, however I didn't know what to do with it. Originally the ceiling of the map was a sky. I managed to condense the sectors down to 30 for this project. It is also pretty tough and should get players ready for the last 2 maps of the set." 

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Great stuff, good old metal-wood-red combo keeping the map easy to read and navigate.



Got through 1st fight in ~4 attempts blind, bfg-spamming the side where you teleport to make room sort of works. The stairs being on the Vile side make the second half with cleaned up HKs pretty rough, I imagine the HMP/HNTR invuln would best go to that fight. Between cybers chilling by the stairs and viles, it's pretty hard to leave once you drop down.

So I decided to go with "why not just let HKs tank cybers and shield me from lost souls while I pick off Viles with splash from outer rim" and it worked (22 attempts because I'm bad lol). Demo: 30sm28.zip


The only slight issue I can think of - some of the ambush Cacos ended up not waking up for a very long time in my initial attempts where I wallran+stayed on same side. Not really a problem, I was just surprised to peek over the pit and hear cacos waking up, oblivios to the carnage that was going around for minutes.

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18 hours ago, alexsa2015sa said:

An update to map09. I tried to make it easier, but I backtracked on that pretty quick after I managed to make the SSG section harder instead :P
    - added more stimpacks all over the place
    - added more ammo, but *not* much; probably need a new victim blind tester for authentic experience of "enough ammo"
    - got fed up with CRACKLE alignment (it doesn't work) and added texture inserts everywhere
    - added two more secrets and sectors, for total 30 Sectors and 5 secrets.


If it poorly suits MAP09 slot, maybe I should just claim a higher slot instead? Making maps easy enough is apparently hard and early slots are full anyways, while the upper two thirds of the set seem empty for now.

Question: are the HMP/HNTR for the map alright? Are they too easy? Still too hard? Can't change when I don't know what ot change 

Authentic experience victim here. Haven't played v1. Overall, I would describe my experience as "this is an oppressive map that you initially learn/route". Presumably, that's by design. Sector usage is art (and even more so in the other map) and arachnos just outside autoaim if you want any safety are exquisitely mean.


1) SSG/north path is much harder than PR/south one. It is more ammo-starved and there's no armor forever on UV if the player gets lured by armor bonuses right away. Cacos in unmanageable numbers force player forward into the area where they are constantly under threat from multiple directions, heavily punished by any and all forms of stray damage to the back. Whereas PR area is mostly easy to control corridor shooting, armor that is unlikely to be missed and an early chaingun on top of PR.

I suggest removing the jump blocking obstacles near blue lift in SSG path (SR50 can still get over btw) and put PR there to give player a better fighting chance. Otherwise, it's a very "evil mapper luring player into hardship" route.


2) 2 shootable switches soulsphere secret feels way more obscure than the reward is worth. Also, the switch by SSG route/blue lift is higher than pistol's aim line, it can only be shot with expensive shells via SSG spread if playing without vertical aiming.


3) I have no clue how to lower tag 7 crates leading to blue armor secret TP. Looking in UDB, I only see a switch action to lower them from inside the secret.


4) I played HNTR after UV using ssg route without secrets, and I'd say some ammo is over-removed there. I was completely dry entering PR area from YSK side.


I definitely recommend a higher slot, if you plan on keeping current level of challenge.


18 hours ago, alexsa2015sa said:


...because why would I stop at making one deathtrap anyways? Though apparently I suck at judging maps as easy so feel free to die to it. A lot.

MAP18: Redflower Computing
    - 78/93/123 monsters
    - 29 sectors and 3 secrets for now, but by offhand calcs I can add 2-3 more secrets to that
    - MIDI: D_OPENIN. Which suits this map just fine, unless someone can suggest an even better community-common track that I don't know about (which is practically all of them)


I will add my notes on other peoples' levels a bit later; there is only so many hours in a day I find.

I played this one first prior to 09, and this one was pretty alright. A couple rough patches where you can wander into death, but this was a level I could "just play" rather than soulslike'em'up.


1) I don't see a good reason to withhold chaingun from UV or HMP. To wit, I grabbed one through blue bars from the initial chaingunner, and it didn't ruin the map in any way. Being able to kill pinkies/specters with bullets with sane TTK is hardly a problem.


2) The first vile encounter was kind of mean (was hanging out around chainsaw pentagram thing, not sure how it got there), what with not having any guns up for the job. I wouldn't say it's extremely oppressive, but certainly resulted in cheese being the primary option.


3) I did run out of ALL ammo at the tail end. I didn't use zerk for anything at all prior, as the map didn't really make an impression that I had to. Maybe a small safety net for the finale is due, or maybe I should've controlled the viles better. Hard to say.

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