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Rate my sprites!

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As title says, rate my sprites! I made these by doing what im best at, cutting and gluing sprites/textures together haha. Those on top are laser shotguns and pistol, those on bottom are plasma shotguns. Those are early designs tho and maybe i will upgrade those with time like those sights need a little work. But what do you think about these?


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Looks neat, particularly the top row, the bottom left one would look really cool with a more visible (lit) muzzle IMO.

The best place for these kinds of posts are either in the Share Your Sprites Thread, or if you really want a thread for just your own work to be shared, you can host it in the Creative Works Subforum!

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3 minutes ago, kwc said:

Looks neat, particularly the top row, the bottom left one would look really cool with a more visible (lit) muzzle IMO.

The best place for these kinds of posts are either in the Share Your Sprites Thread, or if you really want a thread for just your own work to be shared, you can host it in the Creative Works Subforum!

Noted. Thank you for pointing that out! Im very rare here so i still kinda count as newbie and sometimes i do get lost here on forums haha

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3 minutes ago, Patrick_Plays_Doom said:

Not bad!

THey look real good, love the plasma ssg

Thanks, plasma ssg took also least time of all of those guns. The most time went for laser ssg cause i had to figure out how to make it look good, and then i used it as a base for rest of the shotguns

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13 minutes ago, Naarok0fkor said:

They are good but I never enjoyed seeing Doomguy's hairy arms in the screen...

Yeah it does look weird a little, i mean bottom of the sprites will be probably hidden so there will be less hairy arms on screen. Tho they gonna still be there visible. I could do it without that hairy arm but i like doom alpha stuff a lot so i find fascinating those unused things like, the extended arm pistol sprites etc

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2 hours ago, AuroraFox said:

Yeah it does look weird a little, i mean bottom of the sprites will be probably hidden so there will be less hairy arms on screen. Tho they gonna still be there visible. I could do it without that hairy arm but i like doom alpha stuff a lot so i find fascinating those unused things like, the extended arm pistol sprites etc

It still got me wanting to replace my current gatling with a heavy cannon like Doom eternal...without the hairy arms...

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