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About PurplDanial

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  1. PurplDanial

    doom but the water is actually piss

    The Man Of Piss And The Pissters would be proud of this
  2. PurplDanial

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    sausage, hot dog bread, mustard you never can go wrong with a hot dog
  3. PurplDanial

    doom text generator β€” last updated 2024-08-27

    Jokes aside, great tool! i uesd a different tool before that required some tweaking, but this one is quick and easy, so im switching to this
  4. Pretty fucking shit Then after 2 years of its release they would kidnap john romero and throw him in an volcano
  5. PurplDanial

    Doom 2: RAY TRACED

    Very, Fucking, Badazz Great work, that looks great, the doom community never fails to surprise and amuse me
  6. PurplDanial

    what is happening in your dreams?

    i had a dream a roach crawled onto my elbow, i bashed it to death, when i woke up i was confused and spooked the probable reason that i had a roach-dream is that i am seeing roaches in my house almost daily
  7. Reminder that Nintendo is an company the same age as the Eiffel tower

  8. PurplDanial

    Cursed Doom Images

  9. PurplDanial

    Cooking with Grungo

    *Reading Post* mhm, yeah, you were low on.... SeaBT?... What do you mean SeaBT, Oh... OH OH.. OH OH GOD
  10. PurplDanial

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    How do i make a floor texture, im dumb
  11. New Redesign!!!
    Bye bye patrick_plays_doom, hello purpldanial

    1. Grungo


      why he ourple??Β 

    2. PurplDanial


      ourple meΒ color favorite

  12. Totally Garnular

  13. kdot fucking murdered drake

  14. im guessing thats just another marine, who is soon to be dead, its not unlikely Also am i crazy or is your pfp car?
  15. PurplDanial

    Running Doom on a pleasure device.

    The future of doom sex mods lies in this one invention