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Can anyone give me a few quick pointers at how to play better multiplayer sessions? I'm using Zdaemon, and even if I do get a few frags, i'm getting killed a lot, sometimes even less than a second after i respawn. The gameplay is so frantic, for example, i'm having a lot of trouble aiming and timing. any tips?

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Demos say things a lot better than people can type on a forum, sometimes.

Download demos of great players like Ocelot, Devastation, Dominus, and the like.

Note -- most of these (well -- pretty much ALL) are recorded on doom2.exe. To watch them in Windows XP/2000, you can run them in prboom.

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mje: Thanks for that compliment :)

I see Fodders already posted the Deathmatch Training Facility, which is a really great documentation, reading through that will definately help, but seeing as how demos were mentioned but no links posted I thought I'd post some links.


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Thanks a lot, im gonna check those lmp's.

P.s: Shit! i had to format my pc, and after installing doom again, i realized it was v1.666, now i can't play dm until i upgrade... damn

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mje said:

EDIT - For some reason, those links aren't working for me. If all else fails, go to ftp.idsoftware.com and click on id stuff, then doom2 and find those patches there.

They work for me.

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ALWAYS keep moving. A target that moves is harder to hit.
Look multiple times behind you when you walk in long halls.
Don't use rocket launchers in large rooms. The rockets can be dodged easily be dodged.
Don't ignore the potions, small medkits and armor helmets. They can help more than you think.
When you open a door, stand back or step aside. Campers could be waiting with a rocket launcher behind the door.

I can't really think of more things at the moment but I hope these are useful.

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