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Large or hi-res Korax face?

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I'm trying to find a high-resolution image of Korax's face, ideally of this image:

but I'll settle for anything that looks distinctly Korax-like and isn't too far off of Hexen's art style. I'm hoping for 256x256 minimum, ideally more like 1024x1024.

There's not a lot of hi-res Hexen stuff out there. I downloaded the Doomsday HRTP for Hexen but most of it is just the regular graphics upscaled, with an ugly texturing filter on them. Can't find anything else...

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WOW, thanks! That is definitely the right direction. I'm PMing you with info as to what I'm doing, if you're working on it some more. But even if you left it as is that's still quite good. Much appreciated!

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That does look very good. It has the makings of a cool desktop wallpaper. :D

Funny thing is, I know that texture is meant to be Korax, and it shares enough features with the sprite so that I can say yeah, it probably is Korax but, IMO, it's really not that close to the sprite (or perhaps the sprite isn't that close to the texture - depends whichever came first I guess).

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The Korax sprite and the texture do look fairly different, but I think the texture is more iconic - you see it at the start of each hub, when nothing else is going on and you get a good look. Whereas the sprite you only see at the end, and you're often too busy spamming fireballs to really even see it properly.

Also as much as I love Hexen I always thought the Korax sprite looked a little goofy, especially compared to the Heresiarch, who might have been intended to be the second Serpent Rider. Too bad the Heresiarch is such a lame fight!

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That texture might stay, the way it is.

The way i made this one, blocks me from working on it without another complete remake. But there is a small chance that i could update it somewhere in time.

if anybody wants to use this for anything, go ahead.

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I'll certainly use that as-is, I might do some touch-ups on it to sharpen some edges, but it's quite good for what I need it to do. If you do decide to work on it some more, let me know, but if not it's completely fine and still very appreciated.

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Not so much, sorry, I took a look at what I'd done and didn't like a lot of it. I still poke at it now and then. It's a gameplay mod BTW, no new levels

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