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About Obsidian

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    *Shrugs violently*

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  1. Obsidian

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    Oh, I know that people have played my work. They've gotta say my name if they wanna curse it. =)
  2. Obsidian

    "Project: DOOM" Looking For a Team

    It's worth pointing out that being a project leader requires a lot of aspects beyond the initial idea or vision: there's various things like your ability to communicate and organize, but the most pressing for you at this point in time is the ability to "walk the walk". What you have accomplished within the community (maps, mods, prior community projects and so on) will oftentimes be what people refer to when they consider joining your new project and a blank body of work in this regard gives people no impressions to work with, which will make assembling a team kinda difficult. If you wanna make this idea of yours a reality further down the road – either by yourself or as a community project – then I would very much encourage you to try your hand at some mapping. Play some projects that impress or inspire you, get to grips with the tools available and give yourself time to improve and learn what you need to realize this project in the future. 👍
  3. Obsidian


    Yeah, you've got a fair amount of IWAD material in there. I've removed your download link for now, just remove the IWAD stuff and you should be fine to re-upload.
  4. Obsidian

    why pain elementals suck

    Well that's just, like, your opinion man.
  5. Obsidian

    Doom lost

    "Closing time...every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ♬
  6. Obsidian

    Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

    You want me to be better at my job? Okay then.
  7. Obsidian

    how would you rate your mental health?

    All I'll say in regards to this is that religion ain't really a broadly applicable catch-all remedy for mental health and shouldn't be considered as such: I ain't saying that it can't do good things, but there's no way to know the preexisting relationships that people have with religion or the limitations of its actual effectiveness when applied to unique individual situations. Just bear that in mind. Alright, back on topic folks.
  8. Obsidian


    It's a fairly simple file, it just sets the initial frame of the SSG to the same one as the shotgun via the Things menu. Like so:
  9. Obsidian

    New .wad is released, Try it ,)

    Moved this over to Map Releases and Development for you. 👍
  10. Obsidian


    Hey, don't be too hard on yourself: you're new here and you're figuring out what you can do and what works, it's all good. Don't be afraid to ask around if there's stuff you wanna know. 👍
  11. Found a bug while I was updating Maskim Xul. I have a series of sliding door effects in MAP01 and they've somehow had their offsets removed and their scrolling borked: they scrolled down instead of to the sides when the door was activated. They work as intended in PrBoom+ and DSDA-Doom, so I can confirm that the issue isn't to do with the map itself.
  12. And it's live! Massive thanks to everyone who contributed towards getting this bad boy done, couldn't have done all this without you.
  13. Obsidian

    Smooth Doom wad File!

    Interesting stuff! Say, this wouldn't be in any way related to Fraggle's Smooth Weapons mod, would it?
  14. Obsidian


    Welcome to the forums! We generally try to avoid sharing IWAD material on here so I will have to nix your download link, but to compensate I made a very quick mod using DeHackEd that replaces the SSG pickup with the regular shotgun: just load it up alongside your wad of choice and you're off to the proverbial races.
  15. I suspect that it has to do with the sliding doors: at the time I wasn't too familiar with making them in Boom and I overcompensated by placing a large amount of two-sided linedefs in them to maintain the impression of solidity. These days I fudge it with black textures and flats, which should work to fix them: I'll post in here again once I've updated the wad and with any luck the problem should be remedied.