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About Abyssalstudios1

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  1. Abyssalstudios1

    Where do you live?

    Loveland, Colorado reporting in.
  2. Abyssalstudios1

    TF2 Merchandise

    The sooner you realize that every single thread here is just to harvest funny, the better off you'll be. Laughter is good for your health.
  3. Abyssalstudios1

    How much can doomguy carry?

    Someone posted this over in Skulltag. It made me unreasonably happy. Am I the only one who fucking wants that BFG model? Also, welcome back Patrick!
  4. Abyssalstudios1

    TF2 Merchandise

    ...no. I'm playing it to have fun. You know, to shoot stuff, build stuff, and so on. I also happen to have found a top hat, which I have no interest in selling.
  5. Abyssalstudios1


    Oh, come now. Not just a new year. A new decade! Myself, I plan to straighten out my life a bit and focus more on what's important. Drive safely, everyone!
  6. Abyssalstudios1

    Stuff to read that will make you mad

    One military objective that was attacked absolutely does not justify the internment of Japanese-Americans, the firebombing of cities, the deployment of nuclear weaponry on test cities, and the slaughter of thousands of soldiers on miserable islands. Other things that irk me: This keyboard. It occasionally decides that I didn't, in fact, press that key. My beautiful new beeswax candle has a temperamental wick. I hate it when people not only aren't punctual, but way too late and never even try to explain themselves.
  7. Abyssalstudios1

    PM multiple recipients on DW?

    While we're on that subject, are there any plans afoot to upgrade?
  8. Abyssalstudios1

    Stuff to read that will make you mad

    I hate people who try to force their point of view on me. I hate it when Christians give my religion a bad name by being homophobic. I hate rapists. If I snap, I will truly go John Kramer on their asses. I hate it when people try to justify the wars in the Middle East. Or any war since the Civil War. I hate Neo Nazism. I hate how Obama managed to be both a Nazi and a Communist. The dude has a skill that I can never attain. I hate that little cut that I sometimes get on the side of my thumb. The one where trying to get the skin off only worsens the problem. I hate it when people generalize anything (movies, old/modern video games, religions, races, etc). I fucking hate being friendzone'd (even by my ex girlfriend, while we were dating. True story). I hate passive-aggressive people (except Glados.) I hate how my massive CRT monitor is too dull, so I have to dick with Skulltag's gamma settings, then end the process with task manager to achieve the desired brightness. I hate excessively negative people. I hate zDaemon.exe. I'll probably have more soon.
  9. Well, not just linux. Hard drives. My BIOS. The fact that my favorite word processor doesn't make its lovely typewriter sounds when I run it through WINE. The fact that Linux refuses to let me change the working directory to anything with a space in the path name.

    Lemme back up. I have two hard drives. C:/ is my secondary drive, with 18 gigs of space. E:/ is my main drive. 250 gigs of space with Windows Vista. Now, say what you want about Vista, but I don't mind it. It is a very obedient OS and does whatever I ask.

    However, I've read a lot about issues with Vista and Faceposer (the program used to animate NCPs in Source engine games). All of the recommendations tell me to use Windows XP for that.

    Hmmm, I thought. Perhaps I should install XP on my smaller drive. I'm not using it and I may as well get something useful done with it.

    So I dig up an old XP installation disc, but the serial is gone. I only discover this when the install program asks me to put it in. Never allow me to be accused of intelligence.

    Fine. I'll go find some crack or something online. Can't be too difficult... Um, what? No, boot to Vista. Stop booting to XP. No. Yes, boot to E:/ drive... no! Wait, what? VERIFY THE DMI POOL DATA FASTER!

    So it's impossible for me to load Vista or E:/ drive now. Gnashing my teeth, I pull out a Ubuntu 10 CD and use the demo version to get online. Most recommendations for DMI verification snags tell me to reset the CMOS. I do so by removing the battery for ten minutes; I use this time to dust my computer's innards.

    Nope. Didn't help. All it did was reset the BIOS clock. Raging hard now, I install Ubuntu on C:/ drive, leaving it to work on it while I go out with some friends. Upon returning, Ubuntu asks me to download a small package of system files. I do so, and crack my knuckles. Maybe I can get some stuff done after all.

    It is not to be. To run any of my programs, I must use the WINE emulator. For those of you unfamiliar with the workings of the gem of open source, this requires that I change the working directory. WINE has no drag and drop capacity. I have to use the Terminal (sort of the Linux DOS prompt) to order it around. I admit this is sort of fun at first. Then I realized that this isn't really optional. I must use a command line interface. If you have not been paying attention, we are almost in the year 2011 AD. And I must use a command line interface.

    Sure, there's a slight thrill involved at first. Typing madly with glee, I installed WINE and began to direct my attention to programs that I used on a regular basis before I decided to try and be useful. After rummaging around, I learned how to change the working directory to a different hard drive. Linux doesn't use the traditional lettering system that Windows users are familiar with. That's too simple. My flash drive isn't G:/ or L:/. It's /2157-00E4/. E:/ isn't E:/. It's /324CAAAC4CAA6A75/.

    I'm sure there is a good reason for this that lies just beyond my ability to grasp, much in the same way that people continue to listen to country music. Note that I cannot progress past E:/ (which is what that hard drive is, no matter how hard Linux tries to convince me otherwise). I can get into E:/UDK, but not E:/Users (and from there to /roger/desktop/doom). Note that this is through the terminal. I can click to it like a normal person, but I all I can really do is inspect the files. Since I am passionately informed that Linux != Windows, I can't run the files. I have to use the terminal to get anything done with them. But since the terminal has developed a distaste for the /users folder, I can't do anything with it. Over 50 gigs of data is rendered unusable.

    Again, I'm sure there is a good reason for this. Maybe I'm too stupid to add some argument in the terminal. But there is something fundamentally depressing about an OS that forces me to use a CLI for such basic procedures like installing software. And since it hasn't grasped the fact that a folder may have a space in the name, my old /program files directory is out of service as well. There goes another 100 gigs of data.

    True, DOS does not support the space character as well (at least, to the extent of my limited knowledge). But I don't have to rely on the DOS prompt to accomplish everyday tasks. I've heard second-hand that there is an effort to let the everyday PC user know of the merits of Linux. This is a bad idea. The interface is clunky at best if you don't know what you're doing. And that's the problem: I clearly don't know what I'm doing. How could my mother (for example, and who I just recently managed to teach the concept of multi-tabbed browsing to) possibly understand how to work it?

    Morose, I poked around a little more. There are a few nice features. For example, if you hover your cursor over a music file, it plays for as long as your cursor stays there. That would be pretty handy if a pixie renamed all of my music to gibberish overnight and I had no idea what anything was. But if you open the volume control, your scroll wheel can't change the volume. I must slide it, and the slider bar is temperamental at best.

    I'm also told that I can download pretty spiffy desktop themes, like a rotating cube. But knowing my luck and judging from my experiences so far, that will probably involve three hours of prodding the Terminal before I can get anything done. The MIDI playback is off. To most people, this wouldn't be an issue. But as I'm a sound-color synesthiac, this is a big deal to me. But perhaps that's taking my judgment a little too far. Maybe Windows MIDI playback is off and I've just been hearing it wrong for years.

    I am also disconnected whenever I put the computer into hibernation. I must manually reconnect. This is the sort of thing that's only annoying when you have to do it. And I haven't tried to use my microphone yet. Something tells me that this will require another download of drivers.


    And then it hit me. Linux isn't about a superior OS. There is no way a sane human would buy this if it cost money. Very few people desire to construct their own operating system, even if the groundwork is there. Me, I just want to write; as well as play and design video games. No. Linux is an ideology. This is a way to stick it to the Big Bad Goons of the computing world. Micro$oft and Apple and Google and all the rest of the companies that make money can suck it.

    The problem is, the aforementioned companies offer superior products. Sure, Linux may be good for programmers and running servers. But that is not the primary target market for these *gasp* companies. They are targeting people like me. Easily frustrated individuals with a short attention span should avoid Linux. I do not get some kind of joy from not using "Winblows". Windows works. And it works very well, with very little intervention needed.

    In the meantime, I will continue to search for a way to return to E:/ drive.

    tl;dr- no.

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    2. Edward850


      Maes said:

      As for the 1 GB video card, is the problem related to the 32-bit address space limit or something else entirely?

      Must be something else. I have seen 1GB cards run on 32bit systems no problem.

    3. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Maes said:

      Even 32-bit versions of Vista, XP and Linux would have an issue with more than 4 GB of RAM on Pee-Cees. As for the 1 GB video card, is the problem related to the 32-bit address space limit or something else entirely?

      Yep 1gb of your 3gb "allowance" goes poof just like that. It astounds me that people still playgames on XP. I guess it doesn't matter because most games are 32bit anyway.

    4. Maes


      Mr. T said:

      Yep 1gb of your 3gb "allowance" goes poof just like that

      Some sources on how this can actually happen?
      Unless it's like those misguided guys that mistake the >3 GB memory mapped IO used on IBM PCs & compatibles with the video card "sucking up the RAM". In a sense it does, but only beyond the 3 GB. It can't take away even more -I think-.

      Surely doesn't happen for me even with shared video RAM on a 8 GB system, the shared portion is actually taken from beyond the 3 GB barrier, and I see the usual 3.25 GB under 32-bit XP no matter if I set the shared RAM to 128, 256 or 512 MB (as much as the BIOS will allow me, ATI shared 4200 ).

      Even with a pure 3 GB system and a 512 MB videocard plugged in, I see maybe a few KBs of decrease. Is there anything actually mapping that 1 GB back to the main memory (AGP had "memory aperture", but that was total bullshit anyway). Is there anything special about the 1 GB figure that behaves totally differently?

  10. Abyssalstudios1

    Lunar Eclipse

    I was watching it, gleefully ignoring my friend who insisted that Genesis 1:14 meant that the eclipse meant some sort of disaster.
  11. Abyssalstudios1

    Exeunt DRD Team

    Aaack, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you pulled through this!
  12. Abyssalstudios1

    Wolf3D source ports?

    ...are you seriously complaining that zDoom bug reports are accepted at the zDoom forums?
  13. Abyssalstudios1

    Firefox 4 beta

    I've been using Chrome for a while, but I've decided that I want to use some plugins for my browsing. So I switched back to Firefox. But not the current version; I decided to give Firefox 4 a run. It looks like most of the updates are under the hood. Most of the options are gone. They have been replaced with a single orange "Firefox" button that houses all of the "New Tab", "Start Private Browsing", "History" etc options. There is no dedicated refresh or cancel button any more. One button to the immediate right of the address bar performs those functions depending on if a page is loading or not. One thing that is currently irritating me: typing a search term into the URL bar does perform a web search a la Chrome (I dunno if this was in 3), but it searches with Bing instead. I haven't looked very hard into changing this, though. And the old web search bar is still there. The removal of an entire row of buttons frees up more room for viewing space, which is of course the whole point of web browsing. A quick look at the Firefox 4 beta page tells me that most of the changes include updated standards and improved security. So, Firefox 4 seems to keep everything that we knew and enjoyed from Firefox 3, with a slight visual makeover.
  14. Abyssalstudios1

    Skype Conference Calls

    Yes. Yes you should.
  15. Abyssalstudios1

    Exceptional UFO Footage

    It seems like the people creating this stuff are having a good laugh.