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About Zaratul

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  1. Zaratul

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    This is gonna be vague\cryptic: I remember megawad with 4 smaller episodes...? It was advertised as easy wad with smaller maps. First episode have blue sky and propably green trees in first map. Edit: found this screenshot: Sky and trees looked like that, maybe its this is the wad im looking for.
  2. Zaratul

    dsda-doom v0.28.0 [2024-08-10]

    I`m also getting wierd slowdown\low FPS like Spectre01. Previous versions have better framerate. I deleted everything in DSDA folder including cfg file and maked fresh DSDA catalogue. Same stuff, low FPS. Here is my cfg file: dsda-doom.rar
  3. Zaratul

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    This is really great news, thank You to all the people that were involved in making of this port. You are great! Small suggestion: add optional "you found a secret" message with sound.
  4. Ports: DSDA, Woof and Nugget Doom. I like my classic Doom feeling+1080P res and QoL fixes. Difficulty: HMP or lower, i dont like too hard wads. Gameplay\resource wads: only slight visual changes wads like widescreen huds and vanillasmooth.wad Wads: i like classic gameplay style\difficulty so D1 episodes replacements and not too hard D2 megawads like Nostalgia.wad. Also shorter maps are better for me! Play style: prefered pistol start but im ok with continous play.
  5. Zaratul

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    Oh, i used notebook for editing. :D Next time i use proper tools. And big thx for editing this.
  6. Zaratul

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    Wierd, its not working. After changing coords Your hud does not working. What am i doing wrong?
  7. Zaratul

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    @liPillON This is so freakin good! Big thx for this! One suggestion: maybe third alternative version of this with arms number above ammo instead in the middle? Or maybe option for turning this off?
  8. Zaratul

    Would anybody still enjoy a Doom 1 MEGAWAD?

    Playing Hells Bane megawad currently so hell yes im liking Doom 1 wads! I like my constant usage of low health enemies, killing ims and former humans\seargants with shotgun\chaingun is calming for me. Also i love Doom 1 episodes reimaginations.
  9. Zaratul

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Jesus Christ, ppl are offended by everything these days. These monsters are ofc caricatures because entire Pirate Doom is a caricature of pirates\carribean\tortuga stuff.
  10. Zaratul

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    Thx for answer. When i play Vanilla Edition as an iwad with Woof\Nugget i have OG Doom 1 episodes names instead of CQ episodes names. DSDA has correct episode names.
  11. Zaratul

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    So proper way to play is CQ3 1.4 as a iwad and vanilla edition as an pwad, right?
  12. Zaratul

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    This is really cool! Thx for making this! Now im playing Doom megawad but after that i definetly gonna teleport some slimes to another dimension!
  13. Zaratul

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    Same for me. Now that Woof and Nugget Doom supports native resolutions these are my source ports of choice. DSDA is great but i like QoL of Woof\Nugget and last but and not least: blockmap bug fix!
  14. Zaratul

    Mind blowing wads

    Abscission wad. Holy shit, that wad has so unfriendly, evil and ominous atmosphere.
  15. Zaratul

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    My native resolution is not really native. I have 1080p monitor with 1980x1020 res. Its a Nugget Doom or Woof bug? Or maybe its a feature and that how this engine works?