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Everything posted by Ichor

  1. Ichor

    Share Your Sprites!

    Sorry, I just had to do it...
  2. Even TF2 can run Doom.



    1. DoomPlayer00


      "Our whole team is sitting in spawn playing Doom instead of defending the point!"

  3. Most of the HHE stuff is different text for the maps and a few slight changes in health and damage. The biggest change is the fire gargoyles are ghostly for some silly reason that I forgot, and the iron lich flies like a cacodemon and has 1,000 health. I think I also made the maulotaur not charge off of edges. Just about all of it can be done easily in ZDoom, which didn't exist when I made this. Actually, I thought I updated this a while back, and I stored it somewhere. Now I've come across it. https://mega.nz/file/YDASjSTQ#2M2DoUfH7vPcUY4Kak2JSbQbL43bmtZsxXnrh7v5Foc
  4. Ichor

    Share Your Sprites!

  5. Ichor

    Why are water levels in games so bad?

    On the one hand, we have the notorious TMNT dam level. On the other hand, we have most Megaman water levels, which are all fun. A lot of people don't really like the slower movement or different controls, making it harder to navigate the area or dodge enemies or fireballs. Same reason why a lot of people don't like ice levels. Megaman did their water levels quite well since you can jump a lot higher, even to the top of the screen in many cases. But spikes. However, that adds to the fun factor. Megaman's ice levels...not so much. Not just because of the low friction, but throw in the disappearing blocks (also slippery), and you have a headache and a chore rather than something enjoyable.
  6. The second imp at the start of E2M3. He still owes me some money from a few years ago.
  7. Ichor

    opinions on pineapple on pizza?

    I like pineapple on pizza. The citrus-like flavor goes well with the tomato and cheese, much like lime goes with mexican and lemon goes with seafood.
  8. Everything was like a silent movie and we all had top hats and handlebar mustaches and we were having our tea and crumpets while playing sepia colored Doom with our pinkies up.
  9. IDUUDDLRLRBA - 29 Doomguys show up right around you, moving as you move and shooting as you shoot. Only down side is that because there are now 30 of you standing around in a small group, you can't see in front of you very well.
  10. The third hub of the GZDoom version is finished, and it plays a whole lot better than that mess.
  11. Funny that you mention Carnage Galore 1 and 2, but not 3.
  12. Ichor

    What is doom guy's real name?

    Mr. Guy, first name Doom.
  13. Might be a bit tough to beat in a smiling contest. 5/10
  14. What you see:



    What I see:



    So much spam, all hidden away...

    1. BluePineapple72



      Your hands look like this                                            So ours can look like this

  15. heh



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ichor


      It has been happening nonstop for the past couple of days.

    3. RonLivingston
    4. Ichor


      Massive influx of spambots. People are reporting on them and after a few reports, it gets automatically hidden and a notification and email get sent out. Out of those 173, only 5 or so weren't from Doomworld.

  16. We're all stationary, but the entire universe moves in the opposite direction as we walk around.
  17. The Icon of Sin's mother. 1/10, but increasing with every few monsters spawned.
  18. 1/10 might poke your own eye out with that hair
  19. Looks like Starbucks got an upgrade. 8/10 for my wallet.
  20. 2/10 might poke someone's eye out with that hair
  21. *sends him into space to watch bad movies* - 2/10. 6/10 if he ever comes back, because he will be insane by that point.
  22. Looks like you're eating that now. 4/10 until it wears off.
  23. Ichor

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    And the final boss (Icon of Sin) could be the Noid.
  24. 1. There are Carnage Galore 1 and 2 (carnage.wad and ichor.wad for Heretic). Carnage.wad was one of my first attempts at map making, and while it plays alright, it pales in comparison to ichor.wad. And even that one is nothing compared to CG3. 2. As of now, I believe there are 19 maps. 3. There are new textures and sprites. The textures came from various games like Heretic 1 and 2, Hexen 2, maybe a couple from Blood and Shadow Warrior, and some other places that I forgot at the moment. Any new monsters came from Heretic or Realm667 (but not many of these). The weapons are all the same as in normal Hexen, but there are additional weapons, and the original (and new) weapons also have extra fire modes. Also tome of power. As for the maps, I made them all myself, one at a time. Since this is eventually going to be a megawad sized thing with two more hubs sometime in the future, it has taken a long time. Quite long.