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About gruntkiller4000

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. gruntkiller4000

    Aeons of death help

    Thank you so much I really wanted to play this mod and it looked great. So anyway thank you!
  2. gruntkiller4000

    Aeons of death help

    Hi im just wondering has anyone got a download link for Aeons of Death doom mod? I've been looking all over google but with no luck. I downloaded the main game package from sendspace, though the coding package doesn't work. Has anybody got a copy of it or is a copy available online? Tried search on these forums with no luck. Thanks
  3. gruntkiller4000

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Does anybody know where I can get 'genetic disaster for Risen3D??" The game with exploding imps and stuff. All download links are down. It came with Hell on Egypt lost city, etc... THIS is what I am talking about (first post) Here is the post: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=35679 Has anyone still got this??
  4. gruntkiller4000

    Ladders in Zdoom

    I actually haven't tried going down so i don't think it's a good method...
  5. gruntkiller4000

    Ladders in Zdoom

    Ladders can be done quite easily. First you'll need a straight linedef with a ladder texture. Open linedef editor and select type 128 "thing thrust Z" and activates on player bump. Set force to 25 and leave others at zero. There, done. But.. I think it can work for Zdoom. This works on GZDoom though.
  6. gruntkiller4000

    Doom 4 should have...

    Ahhh. Doom 4 should have: - More IMP types not just the standard fireball throwing imp something.. like more unique. - A grenade launcher - perhaps - A sniper rifle - Swimmable water - Maybe doom 4 could feature lovely outdoor areas with beautiful terrain and trees - Some Hell levels. - Similar marines you met back at Mars City. And thats all I have to say. Edit: Some moderator please delete my previous message (double post).
  7. gruntkiller4000

    Doom 4 should have...

    Ahhh. Doom 4 should have: ~Monsters~ - More IMP types not just the standard fireball throwing imp - something.. like more unique.
  8. gruntkiller4000

    Custom Weapons

    You'll need a file called "SBARINFO". For the base code look here: http://zdoom.org/wiki/SBARINFO http://zdoom.org/wiki/Default_status_bars (For an example status bar) And after you done that look for this part: drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammo Clip, 288, 173; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammo Shell, 288, 179; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammo RocketAmmo, 288, 185; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammo Cell, 288, 191; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammocapacity Clip, 314, 173; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammocapacity Shell, 314, 179; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammocapacity RocketAmmo, 314, 185; drawnumber 3, INDEXFONT, gold, ammocapacity Cell, 314, 191; That's dooms. Mine goes like this: drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Bullets, 224, 170; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Shell, 224, 177; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Grenades, 224, 184; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo RocketAmmo, 224, 191; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Napalm, 256, 170; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Cell, 256, 177; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Core, 256, 184; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo ARCBullets, 256, 191; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Rounds, 287, 170; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Slug, 287, 177; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Slug2, 287, 184; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo LaserCell, 287, 191; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Ice, 316, 170; drawnumber 4, HUDFONT_INDEX, gold, ammo Cell2, 316, 177; That's basically what my HUD looks like. Here's the image if you need to know: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/13644602.jpg/
  9. gruntkiller4000

    3d floor and deep water in one sector

    3d floors underwater? So that means you can ONLY have 3d floors ABOVE deep water (it will work fine), not under water. I see. So if the WATER is a 3d floor, then having a 3d floor inside a 3d floor probably doesn't look to good.
  10. gruntkiller4000

    gzdoom monsters limit?

    Anyways, this is also strange. When I try to test the first level I made on doom builder (by pressing "TEST" button, it crashes. But it runs in-game fine. No log whatsoever so I don't know the source of the error. Any ideas?
  11. gruntkiller4000

    gzdoom monsters limit?

    thanks, i am so dumb. Easy and Normal were unchecked! Thanks anyway!
  12. gruntkiller4000

    3d floor and deep water in one sector

    3D floors should work (On doom builder it's a special called Set 3D floor). Transfer heights will not work. I've worked with multiple 3D floors within Deep water before.
  13. gruntkiller4000

    Custom Weapons

    All you need to do is: -decrease the size of the font -(increase the game's resolution??) -decrease the spacing of the font I have about 12 different ammo types squished into the right of the status bar..
  14. gruntkiller4000

    How to add hq textures?

    Well, the way I know of is to make a PK3 file. Then add folders like /PATCHES, /FLATS, /GRAPHICS and insert your high quality texture there. Make sure you include your high quality texture in the file (if your using GZDoom).
  15. gruntkiller4000

    gzdoom monsters limit?

    I am building a WAD using GZDoom. I'm using Doom Builder 1 (And I'd love to use Doom Builder 2 but it won't work). I'm using GZDoom config. The problem is, I am working on this big level. I have currently placed lots of monsters. However, I placed some more monsters, saved and tested and they won't appear. I checked the monsters count and it was 249 and i'm assuming that is the limit (hope not). I also have heaps of items in the level. Another problem. On level 8 no monsters appear - just for that level - even if they are there on the editor. They just won't appear when I play the game. That level is the same GZ doom config. Can someone figure out what on earth is going on? Maybe I reached the "entities" limit or something? And I also added health packs and other things and they are not appearing. If it is the thing limit can I increase it?