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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Is that a communist symbol in the last pic? Having been here a few days ago, it inevitably reminded me of this:
  2. Grazza

    Zombie Wad Still has a Beating Heart

    How to solve the puzzle and avoid zombification is explained in a separate text-file within the zip (ZomSol.txt).
  3. Not soon. Most likely cause would be catastrophic climate change causing famine and mass migrations, and the resentment that accompanies them. Maybe a few decades.
  4. Grazza

    Why do you Speedrun Doom?

    For the simple joy of creating something that lasts beyond the immediate experience.
  5. Grazza

    what would you not want to see in DOOM4?

    You don't need a reason to be an atheist. A lack of belief is a natural state. You need a reason only if you believe something.
  6. I'm sure dew is well aware of the effect you are referring to. His suggestion was that Boom may have made some change (compared to vanilla) in the bounding boxes, or the way they interact, which is a totally different question. I'm not aware of anything like that. You could test (to some degree) by recording vanilla demos that feature the alleged different behaviour and seeing if they play back in (Pr)Boom 2.02. If there is anything, it could be due to changes in the friction code.
  7. Grazza

    32 Wide ditches and finesine calculations

    Is this the issue referred to in the first entry in this list, meaning that Boom corrected the imprecision for the specific case of conveyor belts?
  8. A couple of points: DEH maxhealth in vanilla applies only to potions (the reverse of what is stated above), limiting the value to which potions can increase health (default = 200). Potions will also decrease your health to this value if you are above it (so you can become a zombie if it is set to zero). In Boom, it is just screwed up, as the Boom team appeared to misunderstand what it did. Their default value is 100, and in Boom maxhealth defines the max value that stimpacks, medikits and berserks can increase health (this can't be changed from 100 in vanilla). As an unintended artefact (presumably), the limit for potions is twice the maxhealth value. Thus:maxhealth value vanilla Boom medikits potions medikits potions 0 100 0 0 0 50 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 200 150 100 150 150 300 200 100 200 200 400Note that this means that any choice of maxhealth value will have totally different effects in Boom vs vanilla. The only way to achieve the default behaviour in both vanilla and Boom with the same deh patch is not to include this value at all. On the sliding through things point: the key difference is that in vanilla, you can only slide through gaps of at least a certain height (due to height reduction on death). The vanilla corpse cannot slide through things. The live player can pass through dead things, of course, provided they are not solid. With Boom behaviour, the dead player can pass through live things, and this has nothing to do with the height reduction. Obviously, you'd need to go through the code to come up with a complete list - for instance everything covered under the "... exactly like Doom" comp options. There's a surprising amount of differences of many types covered there. (This, this and this may also be useful.) It might also be worth drawing a distinction between deliberate Boom changes that are optional (i.e. those specific to complevel 9) and non-optional changes in behaviour (those present in complevel 7 too). complevel 7 emulates Boom's attempt to emulate vanilla behaviour, and is what Boom 2.02 and Prboom 2.02 will use if asked to play back a vanilla demo. In that vein, I'll mention that Boom follows Ultimate Doom in terms of lost soul behaviour (which will desync a lot of Doom2.exe demos) and does not feature Final Doom's teleporter bug (which will desync a lot of Final Doom demos).
  9. Grazza

    32 Wide ditches and finesine calculations

    Yeah, this is essentially exactly the same as gliding dynamics. I demonstrated the possible 32-unit-fall-through trick in this post. This is also the reason why some glides are piss simple in Zdoom, but very hard in vanilla. Example: STRAIN map07: just move directly backwards from the starting position. So eliminating the slight rounding error in the movement code makes quite a difference in a range of situations.
  10. Grazza

    Hexen and Heretic, what are they like?

    ^ No shit, Sherlock. Definitely try Heretic. You may find the weapons a touch less satisfying than those in Doom, but the level design is great, and the action is pretty good. To spice things up, try the top skill level (there's no respawning, so it's not quite like Doom's Nightmare!) and try out each of the powered-up weapons - they do some surprising things, particularly the gauntlets. Then maybe move on to Hexen if you enjoy puzzles and don't mind levels taking a long time, and having a fairly limited arsenal (play as the Mage if you don't want to spend all your time physically beating Ettins to death). It's a good game, but further removed from Doom-style gameplay. If you like Zdoom levels that make very extensive use of polyobjects and hubs, etc., then it may also appeal. (And moved to Classic Doom General, as threads about Doom-engine games belong there too.)
  11. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    The "[-]" indicates that this is a bug that has been fixed. That is, the descriptive text refers to a problem that had existed and has now been removed.
  12. Grazza

    Mitchell "engineer" Keesee passes away

    Maybe it's just that we care enough to notice.
  13. I liked the "trickaholic" approach to the yellow key. (And the rest of the demo, of course.)
  14. To get a live monster counter in Prboom-plus, you need to turn off smart totals.
  15. Grazza

    Anyone recall what map this is?

    I'll take a random stab, and suggest that this might have been the original Doom 1 release of the map that became map03 in Jim Flynn's Enigma episode.
  16. Grazza

    RAGE is apparently a very solid game!

    Ah, so I'm not the only one who detests this shitty device?
  17. Grazza

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I recorded using -complevel 0, which tells Prboom-plus to emulate Doom version 1.2. In this mode, recent versions of Prboom-plus emulate the 1.2 version of the Demon's attack (a short-range hitscan, I think), which can be misdirected, and therefore provoke infighting. Well how about three imps killing a cyberdemon? See this demo on this wad. I recall Eugene Kapustin arranged something similar with a few demons eating a cyberdemon.
  18. Grazza

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Nor does this one (NSFW).
  19. If you find the longer of the standard E1M4 jumps impossible and you're lined up correctly (at exactly 45 degrees), it's possible that you're using normal straferunning (strafe-40) instead of the faster strafe-50. The E1M4 jump is pretty much at the upper limit of the size of gap that can be crossed with strafe-50 (and no additional speed boost). strafe-40 and strafe-50
  20. Grazza

    Nomonster speedrunning

    Wonderful demo. Congratulations!
  21. A few "WTF" pictures taken at the Lofoten 2nd World War Museum last night that I thought might be of some interest:

    (Sorry the third image is on its side - blame imageshack.)

    1. deathbringer


      Hitler was in World War 2? I just thought he was a gay painter who faked a few moon landings.

    2. darknation


      *dn flies to thread

    3. Technician


      I'd actually wouldn't mind a Hitler ornament for the pure audacity of it.

    4. Show next comments  327 more
  22. Grazza

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    Wow, NMs on ic17 and ic23. Not ones I thought I was ever likely to see. Donce made some serious NM efforts on ic16. I think he uploaded his best attempt recently. I looked hard at ic20 for a way to use a void glide, but couldn't find a route between the breakout and breakin points. In ic29, there might be a void glide possibility, but I haven't verified it myself (someone else claimed that was so). Still a messy map for NM though. I guess ic01 and ic11 would just be damned tough fights that someone with great NM skills might take on. If Icarus had been chosen as a Compet-n pwad (I never understood why it wasn't), we might already have seen them.
  23. I agree - the demo format/compat is far more important than the precise details about which version of the port was used, yet that is the information that is mentioned in the table. Andy inherited this information from Opulent's site, and of course it would be a vast amount of work to change it now.
  24. I think recording with -complevel 2 and intercepts overflow emulation turned off by default makes perfect sense. It doesn't make it any easier to record a vanilla-compatible demo, since if the overflow would have occurred (and destroyed the demo), then you haven't recorded a vanilla-compatible demo at all. But you have at least recorded a demo, which might be of value or interest to others, but which can't be compared directly with a vanilla demo. Of precisely what value that demos is, can be debated, but it is clearly greater than zero. Regarding comments about demos from years ago, with differint choices of ports, etc., remember that in the early 2000s, there weren't many good options. Modern operating systems were becoming DOS-hostile, Dosbox didn't exist or wasn't very usable, and no ports emulated vanilla with any degree of accuracy before Prboom-plus (and even that took a period of trial and error before to iron out the last few significant glitches). So people understood that other players might use a port not to exploit port bugs/features and thereby "beat" vanilla demos, but because they simply wanted to record demos and were searching for the best way to do so. Generally speaking, the demos community is and has been a friendly one, where we are most interested in seeing the achievements and ideas of others. Encouragement and sharing of ideas are the norm. Competition, if it exists, is normally of a rather friendly variety - at most we are rivals, rather than enemies. Correct. If you choose a vanilla complevel then you can choose whether to have each type of overflow emulation enabled. I have spechits and reject overflow on, and the rest off.