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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Grazza

    HELP! Playing Custom DOOM II map

    To stop Doom95's launcher popping up, you can put "-nodm" in the command-line, and use other options as normal together with that.
  2. Grazza

    Where is Dr. Sleep?

    Judging from the info here, 51.
  3. I played all except E1M1 and E1M2 in Doom.exe (yeah, I played it backwards for whatever reason). The main thing I noticed glitch-wise was tutti-frutti in quite a lot of places. But nothing show-stopping (which is unusual for an "intended for vanilla but only tested in Zdoom" project).
  4. Grazza

    Requiem nightmare TAS demos

    I'll leave it as it is for now, in the hope that more will follow and the thread can be renamed "Requiem NM TAS demos". :)
  5. Grazza

    Automap addicts

    The automap is great. I refer to it a lot. I was a bit horrified when games started coming out that didn't have an automap. Sure, it was because they had true 3D or whatever, but it seemed like a big step backwards nonetheless, and a good reason to stick with Doom.
  6. Grazza

    Doom Version

    http://www.doomworld.com/vbmisc/faq.php#Where can I get 10 Don't ask for free downloads of Doom games. You would need to buy the PC game in order to play (on a PC) anything that was based on Playstation resources in any case. http://classicdoom.com/ is a good source of information on the differences between the various versions for different platforms.
  7. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    What complevel are you using? If it is 11 or above (including -1), do you have help_monsters in the cfg set to 1? If so, try setting it to 0. (To do so via the menus: Options - Setup - Enemies - Rescue Dying Friends - No. This is one of the MBF enhanced monster AI options.) See also this post by RjY on some issues and causes of slowdowns in DV. He's referring there to things in map04, but presumably they are also present in map05.
  8. Grazza

    Building the New Evolution

    I presume he's referring to the "design a new icon" bit.
  9. Grazza

    Doom Connector 4

    Just on a pre-emptive note: If CodeImp states that you are misrepresenting anything about his code or the use of it, etc., this goes bye-bye. And if anyone else starts weighing in (as happened before) with claims that you have acted improperly (e.g. by claiming ownership of code that isn't theirs to own), then they go bye-bye too, unless their claims are backed up 100% by CodeImp. More generally, no turning this into a shitfest. Otherwise, everyone please keep this thread about this actual resource. Thanks in advance.
  10. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    Well, you could rebuild the nodes. That will solve the texture problem immediately (assuming the cause of the problem is as postulated). It would screw up demo compatibility of course, but that doesn't really exist anyway as it stands.
  11. Grazza

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    The texture alignment issues are probably due to a well-known zdbsp bug that persisted until recently. That is, due to a zdbsp bug, the textures *are* in fact misaligned. However, Zdoom ignored the info from the nodes in this respect. I recall Belial pointing out some other "Zdoomisms" in dv map05.
  12. Map06 exceeds Boom's segs limit (by quite a lot: 40543 compared to the limit of 32768). So as it stands, this map needs to be described as for "a Boom-compatible port that further extends limits", or something like that. Assuming there aren't other issues too, that is.
  13. Grazza

    Easier way to watch demos

    Thanks. The patterns for Final Doom demos were among the earliest ones I did, and back then I wasn't making such an effort to incorporate ad hoc naming of supplementary demos such as this. Possibly a trawl through them would reveal a few others. Edit: I've added that and the following to the patterns (reuploaded): 044-p15n.lmp funky_a.lmp funky_b.lmp funny.lmp funny1.lmp funny2.lmp p31x340b.lmp shit.lmp Not added: archie.lmp, since it would clobber another demo of the same name.
  14. Probably due to compatibility settings. If you change "Use exactly Doom's linedef trigger model" to "No", does it work then? I haven't checked closely, but I'd guess it's the same issue as this (and so neither a map nor port bug). Map06 still crashes Boom. (That's as in Boom itself, not necessarily all ports derived from it.) Don't know the reason, and don't have time for detective work, I'm afraid. Edit: OK, I did a bit of checking to try to find the cause of the problem. The first prboom version where the map06 crash doesn't occur is 2.1.1. However, the changelog from 2.1.0-2.1.1 doesn't seem to reveal a smoking gun (e.g. an increase in some limit). The error messages from the various programs aren't much of a help either.
  15. Grazza

    Favorite Maps in Final Doom-TNT and Plutonia

    Not really, as the patch also fixes an error in the nodes.
  16. That's only because it fails to trigger, not because he didn't enter the "secret" sector. Not really a basis for having a separate category. :)
  17. Grazza


    That comment sent me looking for information on which countries have the least regulated economies. Not easy to get an unequivocal assessment of that, but here's a nice interactive map, based on info from the World Bank: http://rru.worldbank.org/businessplanet/ Singapore certainly appears to be prospering under its regime of extreme economic freedom, but limited personal freedoms. I'll be visiting Singapore less than a month from now, so will be able to judge for myself. It looks like I made a good choice to buy property in New Zealand... And I can easily believe that the UK is the easiest place to get credit in the world, given how much crap offering loans we're constantly bombarded with. Probably one of the best-known little-known facts, actually.
  18. Grazza

    Hated music tracks?

    The only one I can't listen to at all is Doom2 map01. Shame they had to put the worst one in the slot most often used for pwads.
  19. Well wow, that's one I thought we'd never see. I recall back then you saying you thought it wouldn't be feasible unassisted.
  20. Grazza

    Merlin's Castle, New Wad Project

    There are some tag errors, i.e. tags missing where they are needed, or else you can change the actions to equivalent ones that don't require a tag (e.g. make them local doors rather than remote doors). Read this... http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Tags ...and the documentation for the editor which you are using (which is no doubt Doombuilder, given that it allows these errors without much complaint).
  21. Grazza

    Favorite Weapon on Doom/Doom2 ??

    Binary Cake: welcome to Doomworld. Please note that generally it is a bad idea to post in a thread that has been "dead" for a few weeks unless you have something of vital importance to say that might, e.g., solve a problem someone had mentioned, or something of that nature. Please read the FAQ. Thanks.
  22. Witnessed last summer:
    <img src=http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/448/sh102984je7.th.jpg>

    The scene of the crime was this establishment in Escalante, Utah:
    <img src=http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/8984/sh102985db4.th.jpg>

    1. deathbringer


      I think a metal-loving ex-ish-friend* of mine learned to write from it. She's always promising "update's soon"

      *-metalheads eh?

    2. Jim Rainer

      Jim Rainer

      Ugh, I found this in the paper this morning(and now I can't find it to verify that it actually said it). It was an advertisement for a liquidation sale that read:"Mandatory liquidation sale! All warranties is still in effect!"

    3. Bucket


      Can you blow me where the Pampers is?

    4. Show next comments  492 more
  23. Read the first post in this thread.
  24. This effect is pretty well-known. It's just rare to find a map where it is both possible and useful. You might like to take a look at these: http://competn.doom2.net/pub/sda/i-o/omgpp112.zip http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/608656/#post608656 http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-speed-demos/23599-weird-zombie-max-noclipping-demo/ http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/470439/#post470439 BTW, with the current version of the autoloading patterns, it only needs to start with "dvii" to play back with this wad.
  25. Grazza

    Ambitions to Travel?

    Well, let's see... not including places I have been to or have already made firm plans to go to, the following spring to mind:Northwest Australia (meaning pretty much the whole coast between Perth and Darwin) Andes (several locations, including Machu Picchu and the Chilean glaciers and fjords, plus the Punta Arenas area) South Greenland (especially the fjords around Aappilattoq) Kamchatka Wrangel Island and Chukotka Franz Josef Land Namibia Ellesmere Island and the Qaanaaq region of North Greenland Galapagos Islands Tibet/Nepal