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About GuyMcBrofist

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  1. GuyMcBrofist

    Doom 3 - Rare Weapons Guide DVD

    Didn't know about this. Would love to see it.
  2. I went with my dad to a Circuit City to get Doom 3.
  3. GuyMcBrofist

    marscity_civilian2 has no head

    You need to add two properties to the entity. The first one should be called "head_joint" with the value "Shoulders" The next one should be called "def_head" and says which head to put on the character. There is a list of these in def\heads.def in pak000.pk4. A few examples of values you can use are "head_young", "head_stump", and "head_zombie6".
  4. GuyMcBrofist

    Doom 3's 20th anniversary.

    Today, Doom 3 came out 20 years ago. Happy birthday, Doom 3!
  5. GuyMcBrofist

    DooM 3 gog version CD-key problems ... ?

    Your CD keys are stored under 'base\doomkey' and 'base\xpkey' in the doom 3 folder. Check their contents and try keeping an eye on them when launching the game and entering the keys. I recall something wonky happening to those files under some circumstances, you might be able to prevent it by making sure they each contain the key and then Right Click -> Properties and check "Read-only" on them.
  6. GuyMcBrofist

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Congrats on the release! I finished episode 1 a while ago and enjoyed the combat a lot. I didn't get to episode 2, this is a good reminder to play it, and I look forward to checking out episode 3.
  7. GuyMcBrofist

    Doom 3 Frag Video

    I find your style of editing zany, silly, and dramatic. Great stuff!
  8. GuyMcBrofist

    Porting Doom 3 mod to Dhewm 3

    Looks like I wont be able to compile on mac until I have a mac. One more excuse to get one, but no plans for it any time soon. Have you tried running the windows version with WINE?
  9. Was there a special Thanksgiving episode that you may have missed?
  10. GuyMcBrofist

    Porting Doom 3 mod to Dhewm 3

    Ok, I see your problem. You're on an M1 mac. That's a different architecture than x64, which is what the linux release of Dhewm3 is and what I built the library for, so I assumed you were using that and were on an intel mac. I might be able to compile the library for M1, I'll need to investigate.
  11. GuyMcBrofist

    Porting Doom 3 mod to Dhewm 3

    Can you share the contents of dhewm3log.txt here?
  12. GuyMcBrofist

    Porting Doom 3 mod to Dhewm 3

    I got in touch with the mod author. The Dhewm 3 port of overthinked is now available on moddb! https://www.moddb.com/mods/overthinked-doom3/downloads/overthinked-for-dhewm-3 @Ray1Claw You put the dll in the right place, but you're going to need the .so file for the mac/linux version. It's in the linked download. Please let me know if it works for you, because I don't have a linux/mac system to test it on right now.
  13. GuyMcBrofist

    things in doom that weirdly scared you back then

    Lost Souls scared me the most as a kid. They fly straight at your face and felt meaner than the other monsters. I remember one instance where I was wandering around in a map, lost, I turned a corner to see a Lost Soul go into a teleporter. I immediately noped out of the game because I didn't know where it went.
  14. GuyMcBrofist

    I don't get SnapHak

    I haven't looked into it much but maybe you can find some popular maps that were made with snaphak to see what it's capable of.
  15. GuyMcBrofist

    Porting Doom 3 mod to Dhewm 3

    The mediafire link simply died because it went unused for long enough. Here it is again https://www.mediafire.com/file/gsvpos1ix6a95d4/overthinked.zip/file Not sure about playing it on a mac though. Are you on a specific source port or is there a mac version of doom 3?