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About whatup876

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  1. whatup876

    How To "Fix" The Spider Mastermind?

    But then she wouldn't be a spider. How about have her jump to the ceiling and/or drop spider webs (that can affect movement)?
  2. whatup876

    High-quality scan / PDF of the Doom manual?

    Wanted to post here that the D2 manual link no longer works, so hope somebody preserved/saved it. This link seems fine: https://www.retrogames.cz/manualy/DOS/Doom_2_-_Manual_-_PC.pdf And here's some that hopefully should still work: D64: https://www.retrogames.cz/manualy/N64/Doom_64_-_Nintendo_64_-_Manual.pdf FD: https://archive.org/details/Doom_Manual_Final_Doom/page/n3/mode/2up D1: https://www.retrogames.cz/manualy/DOS/Doom_-_Manual_-_PC.pdf
  3. whatup876

    What do you want to see in the next Doom game?

    Like a lot of stuff, whether it's another Slayer game or a different version of the series. (i even posted some ideas in certain threads) Because the 2016 SMM shoots plasma, i think they'd have to think really hard on making it a super heavy enemy alongside the Arachnotron.
  4. Hello, i apologize if i sound annyoing but how is this MetaDoom project?

    I assumed it'd be released in the anniversary.

    Either way, i was just curious and you obviously have good reasons to not release this any time soon.


    1. DrPyspy


      Howdy! I do still plan to complete and release this, but I'm currently preoccupied with other projects at this time. I'm glad to hear there's interest in it, though!

    2. whatup876



      Whatever it is that gets released, it's always worth looking into.

  5. whatup876

    Share Your Sprites!

    What project? I like this design.
  6. whatup876

    Share Your Sprites!

    Is this for a cutscene?
  7. I think what an Eternal re-release needs is to not only be "future proof" (offline bot stuff) but also maintain/carry most of its content like skins and all. Because Eternal being a modern game, means it's never "complete". Maybe even add in unreleased stuff like some Master Levels even if too good to be true. There's probably stuff that even if minor can't really be added again but at least i like the option to switch between main menu themes. As for expansions, i'd love to see stuff like new playable characters with their own guns, mobility abilities, power ups, enemies, level hazards, puzzles etc just to explore the formula more. Specially if they're like how Wolf the Old Blood felt more like a "small game" than an "expansion".
  8. whatup876

    What do you want id to do next after Eternal?

    I'd prefer if a remake of OG Doom was just 20 levels where each one was their own take on E1M1/Hangar. Like any possible interpretation or reimagining possible of the level because of how Doom's appeal is how it can be interpretated differently, specially if one version acknowledges the blue carpet floors but another doesn't etc.
  9. Do it like in MGS3 where you press something to view from Doomguy's POV. I can see someone think about 2016 getting a remake and i'm remembered of how its multiplayer may not have had an off-line mode for bots or something. Basically, making a game "future proof" could be a good idea and a priority.
  10. I still think there's a lot of ideas that can be done with this formula, even if through some expansions instead of a full game. But to revisit D3, it needs a seperate mindset from DE/2016. A way to respect the formula but also improve it, while making it a "seperate branch" from the Slayer games.
  11. The game itself is still too modern but even 7th gen games are getting remakes somehow. Even a D3 remake is questionable because the game could instead use a proper re-release that is essentially "what BFG edition and others should have been". And don't get me started on the classic games...
  12. whatup876

    What do you think of midnight

    Midnight might've made videos that instead came in that "SJW'S TRIGGERED BY DOOM ETERNAL" vibe like months after nobody cared about that "mortally challenged" bit anymore. But Gman literally went from reviewing edgy 4chan mods (in a time he could have reviewed more interesting mods, but i guess that's why some of us watch Icarus instead) to making that tweet over someone's GTA clip. I'm sure some of you heard by now about zoomers becoming the next Jack Thompson's and complaining about things nobody really did years ago but it's also weird seeing older nerds/old guard guys doing 180 on stuff that people would agree like "videogames don't make people violent". Is it really a "cool trend" to have moral panics now? Or is it because some people participate in groups that make them drop stances or something? Or is this because videogames being more popular means people have to be "less nerdy" and less likely to defend what they like, only for it to turn out that "outsiders" aren't the ones complaining? Is it an attempt at chasing a new type of audience that might as well be difficult to please? Because this kind of attitude isn't even coming from "outsiders" anymore, it's nerds that you know are into stuff that do this. I'm sure someone will bring up both the pandemic making everyone a little bit more online than they should, combined with subcultures from the internet including a certain website spreading its toxic elements after banning porn as a lazy attempt at taking care of bots. But it also can't really be a "it's this side, actually" thing when both sides get their own reasons to ban/erase something and only few actually want to save the things they like. Going back to Gman, you can also say his content stagnated because of what happens when Youtube reviewers replace game journos to the point they get even the bad parts.
  13. whatup876

    What do you think of midnight

    Jeff the Killer was always weird because the actual meme photo doesn't even look like it could've been portrayed as this twink people see him as. So when someone made a rumor that the photo was edited from a fat girl, i thought it should've been expected lol.
  14. whatup876

    bobby prince return for new doom game?

    I mean, he probably copied other music for the same reason why id copied a DnD design for the Caco. Game dev wasn't as "professional" as it is nowadays and that's probably why people look up to indie games. Perhaps another arguement for not bringing back Bobby is the limits of how many things with can bring back in an age of older media being rebooted or never leaving. I've seen the term "stuck culture" used to describe Jaleel White being brought back to play Urkel despite hating that role.