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About Fishytza

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    Formerly FishyClockwork

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  1. Fishytza


    Ok, I've replayed this again and found almost everything except the... Also, I'm curious about one little detail.
  2. Fishytza


    I love the twist that happens half-way through, and the abstract section. Really awesome trip. Even after reaching the airport section I'm not sure I've seen everything, heh.
  3. I honestly thought my map would fall into obscurity by now heh. Thanks for the review and I hope you had fun!
  4. This is now on idgames. Thanks to everyone who gave their feedback/opinion!
  5. I was wondering if anyone was gonna find it. :P
  6. I might give this a try. More for the challenge of mapping in pure vanilla than anything else.
  7. A quick fix for GZDoom 3.4.0 The map used to compensate for a bug that's been fixed engine-side in 3.4.0 That compensation has been removed since leaving it in would result in certain sector sounds (mostly doors) being heard twice. (As a side note: I've also updated the ZScript version number, meaning you can't run this map on anything earlier than GZDoom 3.4.0)
  8. I suppose I should link the ZDoom thread for more context. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=60736 That is something I'm unwilling to do. Especially the SSG. There never was supposed to be a SSG in the first place but I added it as a early secret anyway after I got some feedback elsewhere. (Not here and not from ZDF.) I don't want to make the map easier than it already is.
  9. Sorry about that. :P I don't have the older version anymore. I could try to run the demo anyway and see what happens just for the lulz.
  10. I hope you recorded that demo with the updated version I just posted. :P
  11. Did a little update. The plasma gun you can get early now counts as a secret but only on UV and lower. (Because that same plasma gun is the only one on Nightmare.) Added a few more items here and there. Updated link in OP.
  12. Bauul, I really, really enjoyed your map. Nice concept! :D
  13. Nightmare is for when you're done with UV and want to give it another go, but with more frustration. Or if you're a masochist. :P (Though I'm sure even Nightmare may be too easy for some folks. Heh.) I'm glad you liked it, btw.