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Everything posted by Darkrai

  1. Darkrai

    GZdoom 4.3.1 Mouselook issues

  2. Darkrai

    GZdoom 4.3.1 Mouselook issues

    So I downloaded the most recent version of GZdoom and I've been having issues with the Mouselook (below). Any Idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance
  3. Darkrai

    GZdoom 4.3.1 Mouselook issues

    How can I change the renderer? On the Startup thing where it asks you to pick your IWAD and such it says i'm already on openGL
  4. Try The Void of Hell by Zrrion the insect. It's really hard but also very fun.
  5. Darkrai

    What was your first ever video game?

    Probably Super Mario World or Mario Advance 4 (Mario 3). I'm still bad at both of them.
  6. Darkrai

    Doomworld & The End of Net Neutrality

    I agree, doom isn't a political issue. (I hope it stays that way)
  7. I seem to not be able to find wads that can be compared to sunlust or valiant, any suggestions?
  8. Darkrai

    Any Good slaughtermap Megawads?

    Thanks! will be sure to check all these out
  9. Darkrai

    TNT: Revilution

    A midi version of Parabola by tool was playing on the first level. PARABOLA. I applaud the creator for having an absolutely amazing taste in music
  10. Darkrai


    absolutely amazing to play, i especially loved Map 13 because it is amazingly designed and for some reason i just really like hell themed levels. A must play