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Captain red pants

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About Captain red pants

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    Where the sanest place is behind a trigger

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  1. Captain red pants

    Soundscapes Of Cosmic Horror

    Sick as hell dude!
  2. Captain red pants

    I become adult next year

    Good for you! Personal Autonomy Legitimately rules and you're about to get fresh big bowl of it! Yummo! Speaking of Personal Autonomy, I'd feel I should tell you that your title/avatar combo gives me similar vibes to this famous tweet: Take this knowledge and act (or don't) as you see fit.
  3. Captain red pants

    Post Your (Other) Video Game Screenshots Here

    What's your strat for dealing with the drillers?
  4. Captain red pants

    Share Your Sprites!

    Posting my Hogg on doomworld Credit to Raven, id and Relm667
  5. Captain red pants

    hexen 1.1 crashing.

    Well, for one thing, Hexen needs to run on a hard drive for it's HUB system to work. I remember way back playing the demo on a CD back in the 90's and never being able to solve any of the puzzles because everything would reset anytime a changed maps lol Try running it on something other then an optical drive. Even a usb stick would do the job
  6. Captain red pants

    What makes 0/10 game? Examples?

    for something to be truly a 0/10 it'd have to be a cynical, artless mess that was made so incompetently it could damage the hardware it's meant to run on yet somehow so boring nobody could find anything interesting to say about it, it's developers or the circumstances of it's creation.
  7. Captain red pants

    Favorite shooter after 2000?

    If we're talking pure shooters: F.E.A.R.
  8. Captain red pants

    Pridebars: LGBTQ+ Pride Statusbars

    Works with the full screen HUD. Neat
  9. Captain red pants

    how would you rate your mental health?

    I've got my share of brain problems, but I'm pretty sure my current ailment is "Shit Life syndrome" after a string of life altering disasters between 2022 and the present. However, I am able to lift myself from "severely at risk" to a more manageable "i'd much rather be in a better place" thanks to my old friend spite.
  10. Captain red pants

    Night Dive Remastering The Greatest FPS Ever Made*

    I was hoping for both. The PC version is superior, but the 3DO is such a different experience it's worth exploring as side content.
  11. Captain red pants

    Having trouble enjoying Blood (the game)

    What skill are you playing it on?
  12. Captain red pants

    Movie Night

    What if the two coolest guys you knew became best friends? It only ramps UP from here.
  13. Captain red pants


    Guten tag!
  14. Captain red pants

    Grungo hit jackpot

    When you get to the second game you should really lean into role playing a tribal
  15. Captain red pants

    Post Your (Other) Video Game Screenshots Here

    @Murdoch Huh. I have no idea whould could be causing that, but if you're doing fine with modding the original Morrowind then you may as well stick with it. I mostly use OpenMW because I don't have to generate distant terrain every time I change a few things around