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About roadworx

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  1. Mod Edit: Directed at a post that was deleted and not Plerb's post.
  2. nah, dw, people are just being assholes. you're fine, people are just so depressed these days that it's hard for anyone to just look at something stupid like this and go "oh yeah that stupid thing is stupid"
  3. genocide in uganda? are you confusing uganda with sudan, or did i miss more horrific atrocities to the south of them?
  4. i only played a few minutes of this before having to go to bed (how fitting), but holy shit, i can already tell that this is something that's gonna stick with me for a while. i can't wait to wake up so i can play more of this!
  5. roadworx

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    oh, there's plenty. obviously there's both btsx episodes which are extremely creative with their usage of textures, and are able to make a lot of crazy effects with them, similar to what you seen in kdikdizd (albeit somewhat less impressive imo). as gothic said, there's also batman doom, which uses some of the craziest effects that you'll ever see in a 90s wad. like, seriously, it's amazing given its age. another one would also be the all-ghosts forest by danlex, which not only manages to port over the infamous ghoul's forest series to vanilla, but actually improve upon it. honestly, you could probably list several danlex wads here, the guy is a wiz when it comes to pushing what vanilla can do. however, i also wanna mention three wads that, while not always technically impressive, are excellent showcases of what can actually be done within the confines of the vanilla engine - those would be cyberdreams, three is a crowd, and abscission. i suppose you could deem them technically impressive not from a visual or dehacked standpoint, but from a mechanical one. they take the tiniest of mechanics and manage to get a gargantuan amount of mileage using them.
  6. roadworx

    AI Voiceovers for Mods Totally Viable Today

    wasn't there some tool that lets you overlay an ai voice over a recording of your own voice in order to capture emotion and emphasis? i thought that was how they did the hl ai voices where they were swearing and stuff. that'd be a much better way to do things than using a plain ai voice.
  7. roadworx

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    while that may sound good in theory, would something like that really have much of an audience? a lot of people into oldschool vanilla wads would likely consider the lack of anything umapinfo-related to be part of the charm; seeing a stock doom map come after all the custom maps or having the same beats that the original doom does with its intermission screens could be part of the experience for a lot of them. that'd leave the people who map for vanilla specifically as a challenge, which isn't exactly a very large group of people. most important, however, is the question of who exactly would be willing to make something like that when it'd be such a niche tool?
  8. roadworx

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    yeah, i would absolutely still keep a cap on the number of submissions. i think that a good way to do it is to allow unlimited submissions, but if it goes over the cap then you should probably reject some of the lesser ones in order to make it fit. it's a bit harsh, but itd avoid the pitfalls of both unlimited slots and limited ones. not to mention, quality control needs to be more common in community projects anyways. also, gigawads are terrible outside of the iconic ones like ramp and dwmp or the speedmapping ones. like, seriously. they should be avoided at all costs. oftentimes it feels like they're a great indication to stay away more than anything else.
  9. roadworx

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    i have to echo pretty much everything said here - at this point, with the advent of umapinfo and a long history of 32 map wad after 32 map wad, i feel like the tradition has run its course and at this point we just gotta move on. making a full 32 maps is a massive chore and is how you get completely burnt out, not to mention that they can be absolutely miserable to play through at times if you don't have the correct pacing. i think that in terms of non-cps, it's also been naturally shifting towards this as well; it feels like you see a lot more episodes these days than full-blown 32 map megawads, and a lot of the time they're just as well-received as the best megawads. actually, something that i don't think anyone has mentioned yet is that, if you really wanna do a lot with the theme you have, or have an idea that you think could be an entire megawad...why not split it up into shorter standalone episodic releases? imo it's the best option: you can take breaks in between making the episodes to go work on other things while still getting feedback, your work will be in the public conscious for a longer period of time because you're releasing multiple episodes (see: btsx), and players who desperately feel the end to complete what they start won't get burnt out so easily. it's a win-win for everyone involved.
  10. i suggest playing the final 10 or so maps on hntr, as even on hmp some of them will probably kick your ass. they can be very nasty at times, especially seeing as how some of them are slaughtery
  11. no, and i have no idea why people are recommending shit like sunlust, plutonia 2, and fucking scythe 2. jesus, you people. i'd get if it were as a joke, but it's not. bmo had the courtesy to state that it's for a challenge and a gateway to a genre of wads, so he gets a pass. the rest of you are deranged.
  12. oh, shit. that's an awesome feature, and one that feels pretty huge as well. that'll make harder mapsets far more accessible. out of curiosity, though: does this affect demos in any way?
  13. roadworx

    Terry gigawad concept

    gigawads are already bad enough, we don't need one exclusively populated by a dead meme that was never that funny to begin with
  14. people have much lower standards for what entails a flamewar on a forum nowadays. a few people got a bit snappy, but it's nothing too bad.
  15. hey, op, are you also a fan of drake?