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Dokta Whawee

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About Dokta Whawee

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  1. Yes, that's what I meant. Sorry, I wrote this at midnight lol. I was tired as fuck. Yes, I was hoping for some feedback on how to stop myself from making every map look good, but play boring. I don't know where I was going with this.
  2. Dokta Whawee

    Tarachillax 6 level WAD

    God damn, I always knew the Doom community would be the one to give me humble pie... I was starting to think I was hot shit until I played this, now I can't get like 30 seconds into it. Jesus christ, man... I salute anyone who can beat these incredibly tough levels.
  3. Like the title says, I have a bad habit with giving a lot of visual details to my maps, to the point where the gameplay is very much crippled. I haven't truly released a map pack yet, because I am a perfectionist, but I am really trying my best, and have always wanted to know some ways to help myself through that design process.
  4. Apologies for cutting in, but I would like some clarification on this statement. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're saying that we shouldn't provide feedback to things that we don't understand/things that aren't made specifically for us? If I read you correctly (Which to be fair, I may not be), then we shouldn't be able to give feedback on anything that isn't 100% tailor made for you.
  5. Dokta Whawee

    Doom II: List of all hard wads

    Here's my opinion. Keep in mind, i'm no Doom god, and yes, I am a GZDoom peasant. Doom 2: Yeah, I agree. TnT: I dunno... Maybe a little bit higher? Some of those maps, such as 27, are a total ballache. Dark Covenant: I haven't played this one, so I am unsure. Momento Mori 2: Eh... Kinda? I would've put Sigil here. Plutonia: Yeah, I agree. It's a great challenge. Valiant: I haven't played this. Plutonia 2: Yeah. This is where things get crazy... Alien Vendetta: Agreed. SOD: I would've put Scythe here. Scythe 2: Swap this with old Sunder and i'd agree. Old Sunder: Is it fair to judge the old version along with the new? If not, i'd reccomend Holy Hell. Sunlust: GOD DAMN. Absolutely agree. New Sunder: Holy hell, this one is very, VERY hard. Abandon: Uh... Never even touched this one. No Chance: I'd disagree. This one isn't as hard as Sunlust because there is only one level in NC. Albeit, NC is very hard on UV. Dimensions: I have absolutely no idea how a wad could be harder than this, and yet, there still are. Chillax: Yes. Without things like Respawning items, rocket jumping, and save scumming, I don't know how this would be possible.
  6. Dokta Whawee

    Doom II: List of all hard wads

    No Holy Hell/Revealed?
  7. Dokta Whawee

    I finally completed TNT Map28 UV+!

    Well, due to the fact that there are 4 whole Cyberdemons in damaging floor pits, I don't think anyone can ever do it. Prove me wrong, though. If there were any rad suits, then maybe it's possible, but I don't think that it's possible at all.
  8. Oh god, this level. Normally one of the easiest TNT levels, UV+ turns the difficulty up to a million, as many of you know. I know for a fact that nobody has beaten it with fast monsters, and without TAS, I think it's impossible (Although Zero Master can prove me wrong). I finally beat Map28 on UV+. I know this will trigger some of you, but I do need to say one thing: Yes, this was done in GZDoom. There, I said it. Cry about it. I don't think that doing so changes the difficulty tenfold, but feel free to send me angry letters that disprove such a bold claim. It wasn't pistol start, I came in with basically full health and ammo from the last level, and I save-scummed a LOT. I kept a tally; I died about 258 times. It took me a total of 4 and a half hours. I would consider UV+-Fast on this level to be the holy grail of Doom achivements. Since I sadly didn't get a screenshot, these were my stats: Monsters: 86% Items: 100% Secrets: 100% I know, this lacks proof. But if you really doubt me, perhaps I can do it again tomorrow and provide some more proof. I would even do it Pistol Start! In conclusion, I am very proud of myself! I know that, to many of you, this challenge is probably nothing, but I hope that some of you find it interesting.
  9. Dokta Whawee

    Which Doom map has the most enemies?

    I would consider that, but honestly, it just doesn't feel... Right. I don't know how to put it, but it feels like cheating. I am looking for real levels. Sounds intresting! I will have to look into it. Yeah, I knew that official was MT. Pain. But as for that map... I am certainly intregued. Nuts is nothing compared to Okuplok. Oku has like twice as much. Thanks for the idea, though!
  10. I have some potential candidates. It may either be Okuplok or Holy Hell Revealed. Any more to consider?
  11. Dokta Whawee

    Doom II: List of all hard wads

    Wait, Sunder is only 3? WHAT THE FUCK?
  12. Dokta Whawee

    Doom Alpha Maps port?

    Thank you so much! I love the work you did! Sadly, the old download links were lost to the sands of time, so I need to thank you so much for this!
  13. Dokta Whawee

    If Doom II monsters had people names what would they be?

    True, tho.
  14. Dokta Whawee

    If Doom II monsters had people names what would they be?

    The Cacodemon would be named David.
  15. Dokta Whawee

    Doom Alpha Maps port?

    Is there a way to port the maps from the IdGames Doom v0.2/4/5 Alpha builds? I know that they are just older versions of maps for the most part, but I have always taken an intrest in this kind of content, and would love to know if that is indeed possible to do, or if someone already has. I would love to see it!