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About BeachThunder

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  1. BeachThunder

    How would you rank the Build Engine games?

    Of the ones I've played: 1. Ion Fury 2. Blood 3. Powerslave 4. Redneck Rampage 5. Shadow Warrior 6. Duke Nukem 3D 7. Witchaven (Ken's Labyrinth) 8. AWOL 9. World War II GI 10. NAM
  2. BeachThunder

    cacos are so strange

    Whaaaaat's the deeeaaal with Cacodemons????
  3. BeachThunder

    Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last

    Okay. Finally, I present a completed Room with a View! Map: MAP29: A Room with a View (256 x 256) Music: "Path of Destruction" by Mark Klem (from Requiem) Sky: DS2SKY13 (Mechadon's Box 'o Skies!) Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 & GZDoom 4.11.3 Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/emb29-v1.wad I'm calling this done now, but I'd still also love some feedback. I'm sure there's still plenty of issues I've overlooked. There's been a lot of changes since @Hydrus's original version, but the main stuff: First of all, it's completeable \o/ A lot of detailing/visual changes/fixes, as well as expanding upon the outdoors area. Rebalancing - particularly, removing pain elementals and reducing amount of cacos (could get very annoying and tedious with limited movability and ammo). Also, made it so arch-viles aren't around during the wall-raising phase - enemies could get resurrected and then stuck in the ceiling. Made the timing on things more granular, instead of mostly having things work on hard-coded 30-second doors. Plus a bunch of other 'scripting' changes/fixes. Added a secret... Known issues: enemies can block the walls from appearing. Under normal circumstances, people are unlikely to encounter this. I don't think this is much of a problem, unless people are using using cheats. I think it may be possible (but rare) to *die* die during the ending sequence as oppose to dying and then being taken to the next level. Once again, I think this might be an issue only when cheating? During normal play it seems to work properly, but if I've used the GZDoom "resurrect" command at any point, it seems to break the death exit. Anyway, big shoutout to Hydrus for creating the original version. I hope I've done this concept justice.
  4. BeachThunder

    What are you listening to?

    I've been listening to The Selecter recently. I think I'm going through a bit of a ska phase...
  5. BeachThunder

    What are the best lyrics you've ever heard?

    Been listening to a bunch of Operation Ivy recently:
  6. BeachThunder

    Favorite Album Cover?

    I love Roger Dean's stuff so much (Yes are great too).
  7. BeachThunder

    What makes 0/10 game? Examples?

    It's hard to think of something that is actually so terrible that it has nothing redeeming at all. Something that someone can't even enjoy in an unironic way. Thinking about it now, my idea for a game that would be so irredeemably bad that no one would ever, ever defend it: You are in a giant maze. It's pitch black and you can't see any of the walls at all, there's no sound effects, and it takes a minimum of 3 hours to reach the ending. Also, every time you go down the wrong path, money is deducted from your bank account.
  8. BeachThunder

    Somewhat easy wads?

    Jimmy's Deathless is a relatively breezy Ultimate Doom megawad: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/megawads/deathless. You can also find it in the Doom Unity port.
  9. BeachThunder

    What's your thoughts about Mascot Horror?

    My Friendly Neighborhood is very good.
  10. BeachThunder

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    What about every sector tagged with a random effect?? Although, I guess that would mainly just be a bunch of flashing lights, damaging floors...and the occasional sector that just permanently turns into a closed door...
  11. Okay, finished mine off. It started out just being a Vanilla Doom 1 map...but then I got mildly ambitious. Come find me at #157 :)
  12. Now's the right time to start getting ambitious, yeah???
  13. I like the part where it's hellish. Love me some tentacle textures and spinal columns. And, yeah, Mt. Erebus is great. I also love House of Pain. If I had to pick a specific standout part of the episode though, I might go with the cramped fleshy corridors in Pandemonium. That's something that sticks in my mind as being real unsettling, and the way it transitions to a completely metallic room is an inspired choice. It feels so...wrong (wrong in a good way, as in 'you're in hell and things are twisted'). It's like in 2001 where there's a pristine white bedroom.
  14. BeachThunder

    Community Project concepts that you would like to see?

    Oh, damn. I thought I checked, but I guess I didn't check hard enough. Maybe I should just forget it then. Although, that other community project seems to have completely link rotted... Maybe I should just go the plural route...or just add "the" :P