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About Tobby

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    uhhhh yeah

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  1. Tobby

    Charcoal demos [-complevel 2]

    Map01 Tyson in 3:45 char01t345.zip Map02 Tyson in 3:46 char02t346.zip Map02 Stroller in 0:35 char02str035.zip Map04 Tyson in 2:34 char04t234.zip Map05 Tyson in 1:58 char05t158.zip Map05 Stroller in 0:14 char05str014.zip Map06 UV Speed in 0:14 char06-014.zip Map07 UV Speed in 0:18 char07-018.zip Map11 Pacifist in 0:08 char11p08.zip Map13 Tyson in 3:44 char13t344.zip Map13 Pacifist in 0:15 char13p015.zip Map13 Stroller in 0:34 char13str034.zip Map14 Tyson in 1:11 char14t111.zip
  2. E2M1 Stroller in 1:03 e2m1str103.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uz8nzVqnVw
  3. Tobby

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    inad Map01 UV Tyson in 2:23 inad01t223.zip iepiss E1M1 UV Tyson in 1:42 iepisse1m1t142.zip Impact Map01 UV Tyson in 1:09 impactt109.zip iraktrst Map 01 UV Pacifist in 0:11 irakp011.zip Map 01 Stroller in 0:28 irakstr028.zip
  4. E1M8 Stroller in 0:40 e1m8str4026.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrLVk1uYS9o
  5. E1M4 Stroller in 0:38.29 e1m4str3829.zip https://youtu.be/Mkqcx-9n2xk
  6. Tobby

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    DBP31: Santa's Outback Bender Map02 UV Pacifist in 0:18 dbp3102p018.zip Map02 Stroller in 0:36 dbp3102str036.zip Philmas Map01 UV Speed in 0:43 philmas01-043.zip Map01 NoMo in 0:24 philmas01o024.zip Stranded Map01 NoMo in 0:32 strdo32.zip
  7. Tobby

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    100 Line Christmas Map01 UV Pacifist in 0:16 100lx01p016.zip Map03 Stroller in 0:18 100lx03str018.zip
  8. Tobby

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    h2h-xmas Map32 Stroller in 0:21.63 xm32str021.zip
  9. Tobby

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    h2h-xmas Map01 Stroller in 0:38 xm01str038.zip Map18 Stroller in 0:15 xm18str015.zip Map32 Stroller in 0:22 xm32str022.zip
  10. E1M1 Stroller in 0:18.20 e1m1str1820.zip
  11. Some demos for another banger installment of this series. Map02 UV Pacifist in 0:14 d5da302p014.zip Map21 UV Pacifist in 0:28 d5da321p028.zip Map22 UV Pacifist in 0:21 d5da322p021.zip Map29 UV Speed in 0:17 d5da329-017.zip Map32 NoMo in 0:10 d5da332o010.zip Map47 UV Speed in 0:18 d5da347-018.zip Map60 Stroller in 0:47 d5da360str047.zip Map63 UV Pacifist in 0:03 d5da363p003.zip Map66 UV Pacifist in 0:06 d5da366p006.zip Map72 UV Max in 0:22 d5da372-022.zip Map74 UV Speed in 0:26 d5da374-026.zip Map76 UV Speed in 0:04 d5da376p004.zip Map76 Stroller in 0:10 d5da376str010.zip Map91 Stroller in 0:06 d5da391str006.zip
  12. E1M2 Stroller in 0:41.51 e1m2str041.zip I initially just wanted to get a 0:42 here, but after I got that fairly easily in a few hundred attempts, I decided to keep on going for a 0:41 exit.
  13. Tobby

    The Lost Magic demos [-complevel 9]

    Map07 UV Pacifist in 0:19 tlm07p019.zip Map11 UV Pacifist in 0:26 tlm11p026.zip Map13 UV Pacifist in 0:18 tlm13p018.zip Map19 NoMo in 0:19 tlm19o019.zip Map19 UV Pacifist in 0:21 tlm19p021.zip
  14. Tobby

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M1 Stroller in 0:09 s1m1str009.zip E2M1 UV Pacifist in 0:19 s2m1p019.zip E2M3 UV Pacifist in 0:55 s2m3p055.zip E2M9 UV Pacifist in 0:41 s2m9p041.zip E3M3 UV Pacifist in 0:21 s3m3p021.zip
  15. Tobby

    MBOS demos [-complevel 21]

    Map06 UV Pacifist in 0:17 mbos06p017.zip Map06 Stroller in 0:32 mbos06str032.zip Map30 Stroller in 0:28 mbos30str028.zip