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Status Updates posted by Biz!

  1. Turns out master race is a Nazi related term, I never knew this, but it's fair that I got a warning point for it, thanks for telling me mods

  2. the man who reviews

  3. If I ever learn to mod for Strife: VE I'm totally gonna make a half life remake for it

    1. Biz!


      Yeah I'm totally gonna make half life for Strife: VE.

    2. Biz!


      Nah, I'm better off making it for doom retro when doom retro releases MBF21 compatiblity, around possibly 4.1.4

  4. Doomguy Pissing got taken down.

    1. URROVA


      I would have loved to capture it, but I think at that time I was not even awake xD

  5. I just looked at all my old posts and don't know what happened, anyways expect me to not get much work done because I got 1 level, and 2 total conversions to work on and I have management issues.

  6. Remember Doom side B?

  7. doom retro is more powerful than gzdoom

  8. I will be less active until I put out my secret project

  9. I am slowly becoming a unwanted pest in this community, I think.

    1. Chip


      Not at all. you're new here and this is a small community. members like Doomkid have been here forever. if you want to reach that status, help others, start or participate in community projects, and don't have rude or aggressive responses. 

    2. TheNoob_Gamer


      Echoing what others said above, not at all. You just have to learn mannerisms in posting a thread and/or answering other people. Forums are not quite similar to social media, in that you can do basically anything you wanted to. 

  10. Welcome!

    1. Biz!


      Happy birthday!

    2. CrusadeDracula


      Muches gracias. Question: how do you download a player for these great .Wads?

    3. Biz!


      Use a sourceport and have a iwad at hand

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