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  1. Fixed; i will fix the rest of the issues when i have the time.
  2. Updates RC v1.4.2 & 1.4.3 Changed the music format from Ogg Vorbis to Opus; this to make the mod file smaller. Thanks to the change above, now the file is 50 MB, so its now uploadable to idgames. Some gameplay changes: Lowered the speed of the scrollers at MAP05, added more health to the section addressed by S3M_XM. Various bug fixes (MAP04 boss shots counting as killable monsters; passable linedefs that should be impassable; the debug message at MAP07)
  3. I know that i should've posted them before, but there are Screenshots from my 1 Sector Community Project map (MAP17: Unholy Water Refinery S.A.)

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Screenshots from my 1 Sector Community Project map (MAP17: Unholy Water Refinery S.A.)

    1 Sector Community Project

    Hi guys! So, there is my release: Title: Unholy Water Refinery S.A. (RC1) Author: URROVA Map Slot: MAP17 MIDI: Astral Dreadnought by Jimmy aka James Paddock Custom Textures: A sky and some plain color textures for specific uses Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bEvNdunSUEMswzydNjK88CKFRvZOG30x?usp=sharing I might release another RC if i find something broken on my map. Edit 1: Reuploaded because i forget to join the sectors ._. Screenshots:

    Building decorates with AI

    Dont even use it, the AI is trained to use more general languages like java or python. DECORATE is too niche for the AI to learn it. Also ChatGPT doesnt program, it copies code it downloaded from stack overflow. I dont say its an wrong thing, but just take it into account when using GPTs.

    any resources for midi sequencing in Cakewalk?

    For making MIDIs in Cakewalk, i use BassMidiVST which is basically VirtualMIDISynth but in VST plugin format. Still a plugin but you can export the midi from the project normally.
  8. Update RC v1.4.1: Now the status bar translates to spanish if spanish is selected as the language. Some modifications on MAP02 (removed turrets at the end)
  9. Hahaha from bugisoft to bugthesda loooooooool If bethesda didnt ruined the last two releases why should them ruin the next?
  10. Doooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu new messages appears now

  11. URROVA

    How to have more fun in DooM??

    Just remove your f9 key from your keyboard
  12. URROVA

    1 Sector Community Project

    Can i take map17?
  13. How is this thread still alive
  14. URROVA

    Offering playtesting

    I want to submit my mod IMPSCAPE Its a GZDoom mod with heavy changes to the gameplay, so you should read the manual first, as it explains a lot of its mechanics. Map: MAP02 IWAD: DOOM2.WAD Format: UDMF Source: GZDoom 4.8.2 or newer Difficulty: uv Run type: blind but read the manual first @Astro X i forgot to mention that you should use hardware renderer, because portals and other GZDoom stuff
  15. URROVA

    How to delete linedef only??

    The shortcut for joining and deleting the joining lines is shift-j