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About Sotenga

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  1. Sotenga

    The worst movie you seen

    As a superhero film junkie, Batman v Superman is the absolute worst of the entire genre. Even Batman and Robin, I could laugh at. BvS is just such a thoroughly boring slog that ruins every character that isn't Wonder Woman. I'm glad I didn't pay to see it. Also, Sausage Party. I'm glad Seth Rogen isn't everywhere like he used to be, because this film made me hate him and his whole damn posse. Just absolutely crass.
  2. Sotenga

    Favorite Classic horror movie?

    I have a few hot takes here and there about horror films, but for the most part, I can agree that nearly every film mentioned in this thread is great. I'll have to think of one that hasn't been mentioned yet... ah, I've got three to share. Return of the Living Dead: I actually wasn't too captivated by this one the first time I saw it, but I'm glad I gave it a rewatch and I'm glad it sunk in. It just keeps getting more bonkers the more it goes on, and I'm not sure if it qualifies as a horror-comedy or not, but I'm amused by how ridiculous it all is. Re-Animator: The film that put Jeffrey Combs and Stuart Gordon on the map, the last ten minutes are some of the loudest I've ever heard in a horror film. It's a hilarious if not grim watch from start to finish, though one scene might prove too far into the bad taste zone for some. Still, loved it on the whole. The Wicker Man: Not many films accumulate upon the dread factor as much as this one. It just keeps feeling wrong all around until the revelation and infamous ending, but there's really not many other horror films that goes for the style of this one. And I'm not even big on musicals, but if this film counts as one, it's my favorite! ... I just realized all three films I've mentioned above have bad endings. Oh well, happens sometimes in horror, haha.
  3. Revenants, Revenants, Revenants. They're the easiest monster to potentially abuse due to their relatively light health compared to other mid-and-high level monsters but still double the amount of health over Demons and Spectres. Thus, they fill a unique niche that no other monster quite fills up where they're not damage sponges but they're not total wusses either. They thus become the standard monster to spam for slaughter hordes, neglecting the fact that their projectiles are extremely fucking obnoxious. Good Revenant usage respects their glass cannon status and knows how to mix them up with other monsters. Bad Revenant usage makes you swear they're the only fucking monster in the entire map. I admit I have biased salt against them, but I don't feel as ripped off when I lose to any other monster. Except maybe a Cyberdemon. Or a "Chain-Sniper."
  4. Sotenga

    Star Trek discussions

    Oh hey, a Trek thread. While the world was falling to shit in 2020, I buckled down and viewed all of the Trek that Netflix had to offer back then. That's TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and... Enterprise. I also managed to catch TAS elsewhere, and I agree with Rudolph, it's like season four of TOS and it is genuinely better than season three of TOS was. Season 3 was more like a POS, haha. But the first season is still some of the greatest television ever. Season 2 had less great episodes, but it's still a worthwhile watch. TNG is my favorite ST series. Boring answer, I'm sure, but it did a lot of great things like give depth to the Klingons and introduce the Borg. It wasn't perfect (Geordi frequently got the short end of the stick and Troi didn't become a good character until the last two seasons), but it had a lot more hits and misses, and the series finale is still the best final episode a Trek series has ever had. DS9 is also amazing, though its more serialized nature can work against it at times, and most of the episodes in the first three seasons tend to run together in my mind. But seasons 4 and 5 could argued to be the absolute height of entertainment Trek has ever given. A shame those last two seasons turned out more mixed, but when DS9 was on point, it was on fire. I set my expectations low for Voyager but was pleasantly surprised when I got around to it. Yes, it did settle into being a rehash of TNG, and yes, they kind of squandered the tension between Starfleet and the Maquis, but it still had a lot of good episodes and was an interesting overall journey. And no one's going to argue the EMH is one of the best characters ever. Enterprise... *sigh* I prefer not to talk about Enterprise unless anyone wants me to. =p
  5. Sotenga

    unpopular retro opinions

    Oh, Jeremy's Iron was great, don't get me wrong. But DH3 felt less... "Die Hardy" to me than the first two. I know that's a stupid complaint since it was lauded for being more original than the arguable rehash of DH2 was, but DH2 DID have Dennis Franz. Also, DH3's ending didn't sit right with me. They should have gone for the darker ending idea they had first. All this said, let me know if you come across anyone who thinks the last two DH films are better than any of the first three, haha. For now, more hot takes: I think the Rolling Stones is the most overrated band ever. Shenmue was more interesting as a concept than functional as a game. Mega Man 4 is my favorite of the NES games, even over 2. I miss the Blizzard who made The Lost Vikings and Blackthorne. DuckTales on the NES is just a smidge overrated. I'm actually more a fan of the Chip & Dale game. I think I still like the original Resident Evil 2 more than its remake. UmJammer Lammy > PaRappa the Rapper. Silent Hill 3 gets a bad rap, and I almost want to say I like it better than 2. Assassin's Creed was the game that ruined UbiSoft. I'm not the hugest fan of Shadow of the Colossus. Call of Duty never got better than 2, Modern Warfare irreparably ruined the direction of the franchise. Sonic CD > Sonic 2.
  6. Sotenga

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Currently fell back into Deep Rock Galactic since season 2's underway. Digging the new weapons. Hating the Nemesis. I've also picked up Rogue Legacy 2, and it's so much more expansive than the original, which I already really liked. This is just too damn good.
  7. Sotenga

    unpopular retro opinions

    I can't remember if I've posted in here already, but here it goes: Chrono Trigger is a great game, but maybe just a tad bit overrated. Ocarina of Time isn't in my top five Zeldas, I liked Majora's Mask way more. Final Fantasy IX is my least favorite of the Final Fantasy games I have played, and I've played FFII. I find Super Mario Bros. 3 a bit overrated, I like SMB2 and SMWorld more. I prefer The Terminator over Judgment Day. I think I might like Predator 2 more than the original. Gears of War was a thoroughly mediocre game that only got popular due to good timing. Uncharted: See Gears. The Grand Theft Auto series never got better than Vice City. I couldn't get into Pokemon beyond the second generation. Robocop 2 isn't that terrible a sequel. I like Die Hard 2 more than DH With A Vengeance. The only Western/Computer RPGs I ever liked were the first two Fallouts. I was also going to add "I think Bioshock Infinite is my most hated game of all time currently," but I dunno if it's retro enough.
  8. Sotenga

    Elden Ring

    Loved it, loved it, loved it. I've been a Souls fan for several years now, so I knew I was going to like it, but I didn't expect that I would spend two full playthroughs and 250 hours on it over the past two months. This just might be my favorite game that FromSoft has ever made to now. It's so good. Soooooooooooo so good. Now mind, it's not perfect (I think they went overboard on Malenia, for example), but I just found a lot to love. This is probably going to be my game of the year unless God of War: Ragnarok doesn't get delayed, that's the only serious competition I can see!
  9. My personal pick for "ostensibly bad movie that's actually a hell of a ride" is Wes Craven's Shocker. It's not necessarily a hidden piece of art, and it's tonally inconsistent, but it's also more fun than it has any right to be and turns in solid performances from its lead actors. So if you ever wanted to see Walter Skinner as a body-hopping mass murderer, this is the movie for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMS2dbL2hMo
  10. Sotenga

    Happy 30th Birthday Wolf3D!

    Even if it's quite outdated by today's standards, I still just enjoy the feeling of Wolfenstein 3D. There may be several more eminently enjoyable ways to play a Wolfenstein game nowadays (and I will defend '09's Ravenstein to my grave), but they wouldn't be there without the original... and even the original wouldn't be there without the ORIGINAL originals by Silas Warner, but I digress. HBD, W3D!
  11. Sotenga

    Void Bastards

    I loved Void Bastards myself. I could see where it would be hit and miss for others, but I got so into it that I decided to tackle Ironman mode and somehow won. My only major complaint is that it feels like it just kind of ends, not having as much of a big conclusion or at least a final boss mission. Still, I'm a junkie for good roguelikes and this one cut the bill for me.
  12. Sotenga

    Member Appreciation Thread

    Well, I'm not a mapper or creator of any sort, just a fan of Doom, and I haven't integrated myself too far into the community before I decided to take about a year's hiatus. That said, thanks so much to LadyMistDragon for their kind words about me and plugging the Top 47k Games podcast that I'm occasionally on! I'll do my best to stick around longer and post where I can. And now a few other shout-outs as they come to me (though no pinging since that feature seems busted to me for some reason): Skillsaw - For very biasedly being my favorite mapper of all time. Heartland winning a Cacoward was the biggest un-surprise of the year. Doomkid - For being infinitely kind and a fellow fan of Frank Zappa and/or the Mothers of Invention. MtPain27 - For the Dean of Doom series being possibly my favorite channel on YouTube. I'll be sad but respect his decision to retire someday. Stewboy and Jimmy - For their infinitely amazing musical contributions making great maps even better. Cammy - For realizing my wish of TNT Evilution getting its own music pack and knocking it out of the park. leejacksonaudio - WE'RE NOT WORTHY! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!
  13. Hey all, long time no post! I have a question: Are there any other weapon mods that don't alter gameplay too drastically but still provide a new enough experience akin to Final Doomer? I don't know how to be more specific with that question, but the only starting example I can think of would be Weapons of Saturn, which I used to play Back to Saturn X Part 2 (I used the FD set for part 1). I'm basically looking for weapon mods that do like how Struggle or Heartland do it and provide different takes on most-to-all weapons, so as to offer a familiar-but-different experience that isn't too overpowered. It's like, on the one hand, I've been viewing too much Dean of Doom lately and it's got me convinced that playing Doom vanilla the way it's meant to be is the best way to properly gauge a map's worth. But on the other, I also crave variety and I like playing with good weapon mods... and on the third hand, I realize most weapon mods make the player TOO powerful and/or alter the gameplay a bit too drastically, so I want to find out more mods that do things like how FD or WoS do it. I hope this babbling request makes sense, but I'd be interested to hear what anyone thinks.
  14. Sotenga

    Quake Remastered

    Really fantastic work on the port! I just now beat Dimension of the Machine, and I really enjoyed 11 of the 12 levels. "Hell or Dark Water," however, can fuck itself into oblivion. Whoever designed the back half of that level needs to be beaten with a stick of some sort. I see Simpletonium said earlier in the thread that the level was pissing him off, so... all I can say for anyone about to play that level is to swallow your pride and save frequently. Sorry, had to vent about that. Otherwise, I have no complaints with this port or DotM. I await to see what else might get added as content!
  15. Sotenga

    Creepy Videogame music thread

    LISA - The Sireen's Call Earthbound - Heartless Hotel Radiant Silvergun - The Stone Like Streets of Rage 3 - Bad Ending Fester's Quest - First Person Area Pokemon Gold/Silver - Unown Radio Uninvited - The Maze Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Curse Zone Final Fantasy VIII - Lunatic Pandora Kirby Canvas Curse - World of Drawcia