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EGA Matsu Alpha

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About EGA Matsu Alpha

  • Rank
    The nerd

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  1. EGA Matsu Alpha

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Pissed off cat.
  2. EGA Matsu Alpha

    Post your Doom textures!

  3. EGA Matsu Alpha

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Weird mouth anime
  4. it can import but not export
  5. EGA Matsu Alpha

    Custom Mugshot and HUD for class?

    I tried Player.Face but it does not seem to work, what do i do?
  6. Has anyone made a exporter to the Doom 0.5 texture/sprite/image format? I want to try something.
  7. EGA Matsu Alpha

    DOOM 3 Player Replacement Help

    How can I replace the players model? I am having a hard time finding the models used for them (In Cutscenes), anyone know what model file they are?
  8. EGA Matsu Alpha

    Dark Forces TC

    Has anyone at all archived this mods files? Like, is it in /idgames
  9. DOOM v1.2j1.0 is the NEC PC-98 version of doom, loading DOOM.WAD from it into GZDoom does not load any of the translated strings, just the English ones. Should I try making some loader or something? EDIT: It seems that all the Japanese strings are loaded into DOOM.EXE, same with the Japanese font, huh.
  10. changed post


    1. Wadmodder Shalton

      Wadmodder Shalton

      I've always wanted to have the Changed Puro & Tiger Shark plushies, but I'm unable to do any online shopping on my own for the time being.

    2. EGA Matsu Alpha
  11. EGA Matsu Alpha

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Aint that the ending where you give in and let Dr. K Transfurs you to save you or smth