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About tonytheparrot

  • Rank
    Professional Monster Spammer

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  1. For the secret fight, get the invuln and rush behind the enemies from one closet, then do the same with the other For the final fight, I recommend getting rid of the mancubi quick as just taking em off provides a lot of space and takes off a lot of the pressure
  2. What fight exactly is giving you trouble?
  3. tonytheparrot

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    For those who might want a playthrough of map 5, here is a max demo (with saves) of the map, not the best in some places (archvile pillar room, that one is cooked as shit lol) but I think it's ok. Along that you will find the map (slot 1) and 32-in 24 15.tex to get the textures. Load it with DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 with the boom complevel (cl-9) Ramp05 max.zip
  4. Amazing to see this released!
  5. tonytheparrot

    Doomworld Maximum Project 2024

    Author : tonytheparrot Map Title : Shoebox Mayhem Build Time : around 2-3 hours? Midi : Slipper by Mark Klem Complevel : 9 Notes : This map is completely out of my comfort zone but I think it turned out ok. Lower difficulties exist, use them if needed tony DMAXP2024.zip
  6. I will give up my slot as well, GL for the rest and to the person who will take mine!
  7. tonytheparrot

    Junkfood 3 [MBF21, Slaughter] (idgames)

    Mapping for this turned me into a discord mod 0/10 needs more junk
  8. tonytheparrot

    Most interesting enemy encounters in Doom 1 WADs?

    Even if it's not a Doom2 wad, you can make dimensions map03's finale in Doom 1 if you enjoy that sort of thing ;)
  9. tonytheparrot

    ***Wad Reviews***

    I just found this review months after and honestly, you are right, this map is TRASH, my worst release by more than a mile.
  10. I would like to take map 27 please
  11. I am so honored to be the 5th person to comment on this legendary thread
  12. It's on idgames! Thanks to everyone who showed interest in this wad and happy slaughtering! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/tsmt
  13. RC3 is live! unless I get some more feedback, it should be the last version before I send the wad to idgames. Changelog:
  14. I am sorry, but I will drop out. Apologies for doing it so late (and after changing slots many times) but I completely lost the inspiration and motivation to work on this project. Good luck to everyone involved!