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Guff dotD

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About Guff dotD

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    Dismembered Member

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  1. Anyone else notice how they changed the description of the Everything Else subforum?

    it used to be "Welcome to Ultra-Progressive world, enjoy your stay" and now it reads, "For general chit-chat"

  2. Guff dotD

    Post your Doom textures!

    I noticed a cool penguin-silhouette design on a cardboard box for the temperature section, so I cut it out, scanned it, and made it transparent. I don't know what practical purpose this texture would serve, but I thought it looked cool.
  3. The pink ranges pop out so well (especially on the caco & pinkies), that I thought I had night light turned off (I have the orange tint thing turned on in my computer settings at all times).
  4. Guff dotD

    Would DOOM be in the same genre as Garten of BanBan?

    Ahoy uses this fact to connect Doom and Wolf3D (and co.) to other action RPGs that came before it. What does this mean? Probably nothing, as you can make any argument and provide equally valid evidence in either direction. What genre Doom belongs to doesn't even matter as much (to me), since it contains influences from sources as varied as Action-horror like Evil Dead movies to bits of the Alien trilogy to its contemporaries, etcetera etcetera. What irks me is the people ignoring notable first-person perspective games before Doom or Wolf3D or Cata3D, as there are plenty.
  5. Guff dotD

    Would DOOM be in the same genre as Garten of BanBan?

    Battlezone is a game with a first person perspective, where you can shoot. All this 'Daddy' nomenclature seems like a daddy issue people have with these games. Really, it's arbitrary, considering similar games coming before the quoted examples (Maze War, for instance).
  6. It's always helpful when Pinkies take out nuisance enemies (i.e. Chaingunner, imps if they're hard to reach) because the monster left over can be reliably one-shotted with the SSG.
  7. Guff dotD

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    The NBV21 revised Dutch Bible translation was made as a companion piece to the MBF21 complevel specification, and as such are meant to be enjoyed together.
  8. Guff dotD

    Why are water levels in games so bad?

    I just started playing Sonic Triple Trouble 16 bit the other day, and Tidal Plant for me was an enjoyable experience, just as much as the other zones. The two-act structure is utilized really well here, with a switch to submarine gameplay for Sonic & Tails' story. Plus, the music is great.
  9. Guff dotD

    Why are water levels in games so bad?

    Hydrocity Zone from Sonic 3 is an example of a good water level -- there is a good mix of water and non-water segments, and if you're skilled enough, you can mostly avoid the water sections by taking the top path at the start of Act 1.
  10. Cyberdemon for that Gluteus Maximus.
  11. Guff dotD

    How do you all play wads?

    I right click on the wad file, then click 'open'.
  12. Guff dotD

    How do you say idgames?

    Idi Amin.
  13. Guff dotD


    "At the moment". (or, in specific circumstances, "Automated Telling (or Transaction) Machine", as @Clippy said.)
  14. Guff dotD


    What the mods are up to atm: