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Melodic Spaceship

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About Melodic Spaceship

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    FamiTracker Coverist

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  1. Melodic Spaceship

    Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 - Uploaded!

    I watched your playthrough of my map when it came out and enjoyed watching you rip my map a new one. Next time I'll try to be more careful with the usage of Barons. Also, I should note that my map was designed around HMP being the 'main' difficulty, which has some of the Barons get replaced with Hell Knights. Still though, it might be a good idea to create a better balance in UV.
  2. I also doubt General Mills would do that. Chex Quest 3 and Chex Quest HD both only exist because of the Chex Quest community, and Chex Quest 3 was also initially unofficial but it was made retroactively official by General Mills. They're a cereal company, not a gaming company, so they'd probably only care about threats to cereal sales, and Chex Quest fan projects would only help such sales given they're basically free advertising.
  3. Melodic Spaceship

    Doom (and Chex Quest) FamiTracker NES Covers

    I have now covered the exclusive tracks from my own Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition project! The OP has been updated with the YouTube upload and link to the new mod. And as for what I'm covering next, I'm going to have that decided by a community post poll on my YouTube channel. The possible options you can vote for are Heretic, SIGIL and the Plutonia MIDI Pack. I don't know yet when the deadline of the poll should be.
  4. Melodic Spaceship

    Doom (and Chex Quest) FamiTracker NES Covers

    It's something I was considering for the future. One difficulty is the fact that no Wolfenstein 3D source ports seem to support the NES music file format I usually use in my mods, although I could maybe just make it for Wolfenstein 3D TC instead.
  5. Melodic Spaceship

    Doom (and Chex Quest) FamiTracker NES Covers

    That's also planned, and it might possibly be the next set of covers after I do the Chex 3 Vanilla ones. I did play through Heretic fairly recently.
  6. Melodic Spaceship

    Doom (and Chex Quest) FamiTracker NES Covers

    I'm going to consider PlutMIDI at some point, but that has a unique track for every level unlike most of the "official" soundtracks, totaling to a whopping 35 tracks meaning it would take a good while to complete. One thing I might consider is to do a partial set of PlutMIDI covers at first containing only like 10 favorite tracks, and do the classic re-used Doom 1/2 tracks for other levels in the music mod. And then maybe do the full soundtrack later. Additionally, I can release a music mod for Plutonia with the classic soundtrack re-used from Doom 1 and 2 if anyone wants it.
  7. Melodic Spaceship

    Doom (and Chex Quest) FamiTracker NES Covers

    I completed the TNT: Evilution covers! The YouTube upload and music mod link have been added to the OP. Notably, the text screen cover is not a more straight cover like the others, but I decided to do an extended remix of it instead. Because the unspoken rule is that all covers of it must be extended remixes. I also made a MIDI version of it which is included as a bonus track in the YouTube upload. By the way, I actually made a script to automatically generate the percussion tracks from a MIDI for some of these covers, though in some cases it will have manual adjustments afterwards or be entirely manual instead. Next, I'm doing the exclusive tracks from Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition (which is incidentally also by me so this might be a shameless plug). I actually already did one of them (Spooky Chex) but I just need to do Intro Soundtrack and Outro Soundtrack.
  8. Melodic Spaceship

    FreeDM MAP09 crashes under DOOM2.EXE

    (GitHub shadowbanned me, so I'm reposting the bug report here instead.) When I load FreeDM as a PWAD in DOOM2.EXE under DOSBox 0.74-3, it crashes on MAP09 with the following error: Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block Oddly, Chocolate Doom does not seem to have the same crash which might be why this went unnoticed. By the way, I was testing this on the stable version 0.13.0. If this was somehow fixed in the dev version, then feel free to ignore this. Edit: It looks like I might be able to get my account un-banned, so maybe wait a few days before trying to open an issue on my behalf. Edit 2: I got my GitHub account un-banned, so the issue I submitted to the Freedoom repository should be visible again. Since nobody replied, this thread should be ignored and possibly locked since it's just redundant at this point.
  9. Melodic Spaceship

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    Did you know that Chex Quest was originally planned to be a part of Final Doom? Id Software hired Digital Cafe to produce 5 levels for what was originally titled Checks Quest, and it was based on Ultimate Doom so that Final Doom could have some variety. However, upon completion of the maps Id Software told Digital Cafe that the maps were "too good" for inclusion in Final Doom, so they were asked to redo them or dissolve the contract. Digital Cafe chose the latter, and then General Mills proceeded to buy the rights so it was redone as a kid-friendly TC. Id Software quickly forced the Casali Brothers to make Plutonia in the place of Checks Quest so they would have a second half of Final Doom. TeamTNT would also base MAP11 of Evilution on the early version of Storage Facility from Checks Quest, which is why E1M2 of Chex and MAP11 of TNT have the same name.
  10. I think I should also point out that the first Chex Quest being free is actually dubious. Sure, it is downloadable from most shareware DOS game sites that typically only have DOS games you can legally get for free, but on the other hand the ZDoom Wiki lists it as a commercial game rather than a free-to-play game. And there's also the fact that it contains a lot of leftover content from Ultimate Doom, further calling into question its legality. Plus I've seen one YouTuber joke that it was the game you were buying and you got the cereal for free. So therefore, in addition to this project being free-as-in-freedoom it would also be unambiguously free in general.
  11. I think they managed to make a handful of textures and sprites before it got abandoned. Some of these textures would later be used in Chex Pack. I wonder if some of what did get done with Breakfast Trek could be contributed to this new project. Also, in my opinion this won't be a proper Chex Quest replacement unless it has leftover levels from Freedoom: Phase 1 in the E1M6-E4M9 slots complete with messed-up textures.
  12. This isn't even the only attempt at a "FreeChex", as the Chex Quest community previously tried to make something similar called "Breakfast Trek", but it failed to get anywhere. I'd link to the relevant thread on the Chex Quest forums, but they closed it off from public viewing.
  13. Just finished my recreation of E2M8! I'm calling it "The Chaos of Portals". Download here: TheChaosOfPortals.zip
  14. Is it fine if I claim E2M8? I played through all of Heretic a week or so ago.
  15. Melodic Spaceship

    Crispy Doom 6.0 (Update: Mar 31, 2023)

    Hey, I would like to point out that the crispy-doom.org domain has expired, apparently. Do you intend to renew it?