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About DemonCake

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    It's demonically delicious!

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  1. Same. Was there a texture of a half corpse chained up to a wall with it's blood and guts everywhere? Or did I misremember that?
  2. I remember being absolutely terrified of the wall with all of the screaming faces. And for some reason the front facing cacodemon sprite seemed off to me.
  3. DemonCake

    Worst official level?

    I feel like this is going to become infamous in the DOOM community
  4. DemonCake

    Worst official level?

    Yeah I always hated that level
  5. DemonCake

    Should DOOM 1 have achievements?

    Thanks for the feedback! I do agree that some achievements in games are pointless and are just "do this 50,000 times!!1!!!1"
  6. In other words, does it run well?
  7. On steam the original doom doesn't have achievements at that has confused me. Doom has achievements on playstation and xbox. Somehow doom 64 has achievements! What achievements should be in the game?
  8. DemonCake

    BEST Offical level?

    Hey, thats me! Anyway, thecrusher, e2m2, and e1m8 have to be my favorites
  9. DemonCake

    Doom 2 Sucks 2 - A Critical Analysis

    The fact that it took 24 years to get that one secret in map 27 "sux"
  10. DemonCake

    Worst official level?

    Oh god that map is torture
  11. DemonCake

    Worst official level?

    Worst as in bad level design, enemy placement, or anything else