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About costadevale

  • Rank
    Embracing abstractness

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  1. costadevale

    A better poll about WAD preferences.

    As long as it's fun, I'll probably try it out. I can go from playing '94 wads to beasts like Hurt.
  2. costadevale

    PhobosDeimos Anomaly

    It may not have that "id essence" the original DTWID has, but it has a level of abstractness that I really like. Kind of like a 1994 wad, but miles more polished. This is not "below amateurish". RIP phobosdeimos1.
  3. costadevale

    [Bethesda.net] Masterpack for Doom II

    Got to say, these MIDIs are phenomenal, thanks for sharing! As for Vortex, since the map is way more "deathmatchy" It'd make more sense to move it to the first map slot for the future Lost Levels episode.
  4. costadevale

    This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)

    Speaking of that, when can we expect the new version to release? No rush, just asking :)
  5. costadevale

    What method do you use to launch your pwads?

    Perfect opportunity to share my doom-launching methods, hope you don't mind :) I use Doom Runner, mainly because it's pretty customizable if you know what you're doing. For example, you can organize your saves/demos in individual folders inside of a dedicated folder. It's a bit complicated, but it's really worth it. I also love the fact that it supports Linux, since I plan to move to that OS someday. A bit barebones compared to Doom Launcher which I also like, but it's been really helpful for me since I started recording demos for this channel.
  6. costadevale

    How did you find your mapping style?

    Knowing me, it's likely... I haven't thought of that, actually. I tend to make a really cool structure but end up making too much. I'll keep that in mind next time. Thanks! Eh... I haven't used custom textures in a long while. I might give a shot someday, though. Had no idea that was a thing! Thanks for sharing. As for the break part... It's hard. Sometimes I get really cool ideas and try my hardest to translate that into a map... but then I get burnt out. That plus I don't normally take breaks... it's probably unhealthy. Thanks for the advice. Not a bad idea at all. I've been thinking of making speedmaps to focus my attention on the map instead of making everything look good. Might be fun!
  7. Rant below. I apologize in advance, I'm a bit moody today. I'm feel kind of lost when it comes to mapping. Maybe it's a mixture of lack of motivation - since I tend to delete lots of drafts that could've become levels - and the fact that I feel discouraged when I see amazing mapsets by other people, believing that I'll never be as good as them. But I think the problem lies in one simple thing: I don't know what my mapping style is. I don't like making techbases. Hell-themed stuff is okay, I suppose, but it's not my thing either. I used to love making city maps as a kid, but nowadays... not so much. I enjoy playing them, of course, but when I force myself to make a map... it's either a '94 wad or one of the aforementioned themes. The latter feels like a chore. People enjoy making them however, and that brings me to the main question of this topic: Mappers, how did you find your mapping style? I figured reading the stories of other mappers might push me in the right direction.
  8. Sorry, I just can't get a map done... it never looks good enough for me. I drop my slot because of it. Good luck to everyone else!
  9. costadevale

    Discord Servers

    A friend of mine has created a server dedicated to the Doom + Doom 2 remaster. It's still a bit barebones, so keep that in mind. Feel free to hop in! https://discord.com/invite/NWDGTnqm8R
  10. costadevale

    Quality of Life Patches for various WADs

    Hello, big fan of your patches. I found out that both the Slaughter Until Death and The Evil Unleashed patches lack the usual "Episode = Clear" in their UMAPINFO lumps. It essentially duplicates the episode and crashes after the first level. Thought I'd let you know.
  11. Every port is unique in it's own way. They have at least one quirk that sets them apart from the others, which for me is more than enough of a reason to try them. Crispy Doom (and Inter-Doom) may be "outdated", sure, not supporting the newest standards that most modern ports have. But these two ports bring possibly the best and most faithful Heretic and Hexen experience. Plus, there's a lot of people that don't really care about the new stuff. But for those that do care, they also have Woof. Pretty much all the features on Crispy are here, except that it can't emulate 1.2 or 1.666. Anyway Woof may not have as much stuff as DSDA-Doom, but for me it's miles more polished. A clean menu that doesn't overwhelm while having all the important stuff. The aforementioned Crispy features. The resolution slider that corrects the aspect ratio at any resolution. Plus it's the recommended port for multiplayer demos... pretty sure you can use it for any demos, honestly. Nugget Doom is all that, but with a fancy custom HUD that you can customize to your liking. Just check out what people have managed to create! Doom Retro may not have demo compatibility, and that alone is probably big deal breaker for some. But it doesn't have the "Retro" in its name for no reason; it's the most polished and good looking port out there. Insanely customizable if you know how to use its console and lots of unique features that no other port has... like dithering. Edge-classic and Eternity got the short end of the stick compared to GZDoom, sadly. They're both perfectly good ports with a lot of potential for astounding maps, not to mention you can record demos with Eternity, and that's always a plus for me. They might not have a lot of custom content, but that will improve over time. Sadly they don't have the hype ZDoom had back when it was released in the late '90s. Hope this enormous wall of text helps in some way!
  12. costadevale

    [Bethesda.net] Masterpack for Doom II

    Awesome, but I found one issue: Geryon has no music. Everything else works fine on my end.
  13. costadevale

    Legacy of Rust - MBF21 vs ID24

    Things like the status bar and skies I believe. I saw it in the doom wiki, might be wrong: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Legacy_of_Rust#Notes
  14. costadevale

    Legacy of Rust - MBF21 vs ID24

    Only minor cosmetic differences as far as I know, but nothing game-breaking fortunately.
  15. costadevale

    This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)

    The only solutions I see are either moving the umapinfo lumps to the docs folder and make them optional or just delete them altogether.