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About Lorenzo

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    I only cheat sometimes!

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  1. Lorenzo

    Community Project Management Ideas

    Maybe a little OT, but I think this may be the right place where to put it: why not creating a tool (like a web page within doomworld) where to record and track the various Community Projects created within the Doom forum(s)? It would help mappers looking for projects to contribute, and as constant reminder of the work to be done. Just an idea... Lorenzo
  2. Lorenzo

    Botanic Biosphere

    I tried to use different tree sprites in order to have some variety. Tree textures are not so good-looking in Doom, maybe for the green scale color? UltimateLorenzo
  3. @SpiderDisease and Primeval: The whole Alkylation with all 3 episodes will be soon completed... @TheUnbeholden: Yes... you can just click on the thumbnails for the larger image.
  4. You can download and play my GZdoom level "Botanic Biosphere". This level was inspired by some ideas that came out during the production of DTWID about a biosphere setting. I worked on this idea using new tree sprites and 3d bridges. The level is designed for gzdoom but I think it may work correctly also with zdoom. Link for download: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bbv11.zip Screenshots:
  5. Hello! This is my last project: Alkylation Episode 3: Negenthropy 5 new levels for Zdoom, with new monsters and textures. It just needs some beta-testing. Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/?6st01d51ozzt303 SCREENSHOTS:
  6. Lorenzo

    Collection of Doom 20th news

    I wrote this for an Italian webmagazine: http://www.fantasymagazine.it/approfondimenti/20331/doom-venti-anni-di-incubi/ Lorenzo
  7. I wrote this: http://www.fantasymagazine.it/approfondimenti/20331/doom-venti-anni-di-incubi/ for an italian online magazine, with all the love i have for doom. I hoped id to release a new episode for the anniversary, but...
  8. Lorenzo

    A MIDI song for you

    I love it!
  9. I hope to find somewhere, someday, a statue of a cacodemon. I love cacodemons. L.
  10. Thank you both! @grouchbag: betatester can be from all nationalities! @blob1024: I chose gzdoom because it offers the best regarding design choices. You can eventually build the map in vanilla doom 2 and than convert it into gzdoom format. It is not mandatory to use all gzdoom characterstics. Spero proprio che tu partecipi! Lorenzo
  11. Italian Doom Episode 2 (IDE2) will be a new megawad for Doom 2 realized by Italian doomers, and spiritual successor of the first Episode (which you can download here: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=13846) IDE2 will be for GZDoom, UDMF format. Maps will be free style: sci-fi, tech base, medieval, hellish... whatever the author prefers. I will take care of the quality level of the maps: if a map is true crap it will be rejected, but I always hope that authors will be open to improvements. We need: level designers, textures and sprite designers, beta-testers. If you are Italian and interested, send me a PM for further info. Lorenzo
  12. Lorenzo

    The /newstuff Chronicles #407

    I didn't implement difficult settings so I'll add soul spheres for all! I think I'll use new monsters only for stronger enemies as "little bosses" and use imps demons and normal doom zombies for all other enemies.
  13. Lorenzo

    The /newstuff Chronicles #407

    A lot of people told me it is too difficult... Now I'm working on the new episodes of Alkylation: I'm not so sure anymore to add new monsters. They are difficult to manage. What do you suggest, to use less powerful enemies or stronger weapons? UltimateLorenzo
  14. Lorenzo

    Quake vs Quake 2: The Poll

    I really liked the base maps in Quake... but there are only 4 of them. So i think that Quake 1 base map = average Quake 2 map and voted for Quake 2.
  15. Lorenzo

    Enterprise animation

    do I need doomsday to play it?